Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Episode 152 Kind of being dug out of the spirit root (4)

Shen Wan turned his head and saw the man who stepped on the flying sword from mid-air and fell.

He was dressed in white clothes like an immortal, slender and handsome, he walked with his own wind, and it looked like that.

There were monks around Yin Jue greeted each other, and Sect Master Yin was very polite, with a little flattery and fear.

Yin Jue's sweetheart, Lan Wanling, naturally did not come. Since she took away Shen Wan's spiritual roots, although she could practice, each time she practiced the exercises was very painful, so her cultivation level did not improve much.Over the years, Yin Jue has thought of many ways, and has hired countless alchemists, but they have not completely solved this problem. This time he heard that the secret realm had been opened, and he came to try his luck.

After seeing Yin Jue, Shen Wan naturally did not intend to go in first.

Yin Jue is the hero, and luck is definitely the best. Following him, you will surely find many treasures.

[188: "Wanwan, have you forgotten me? I scan, the treasure hidden in the secret world can't escape my eyelids. If you want everything, I will scan a map for you immediately."]

"Brother 8, thank you, but what you found out is not as cool as Yin Jue's hands."

"I want to snatch him, snatch what he wants most from him."

188: Xingba, he knows.

"Thank you girl, I plan to grab something from him, I think this makes my heart more refreshed."

Xie Yunfu glanced at Yin Jue, and nodded with a smile, "I think it's cooler too."

Snatching the treasure in the secret realm from the front of the decent monk, she also felt very happy to see how they wanted to kill her but couldn't kill her.

She has been doing this all the time, and this little girl suits her very well.

Yin Jue always felt that a gaze was looking at him, but when he went to look for it, he didn't know where it was.In the end, he could only step into the secret realm. The moment he stepped in, Shen Wan asked 188 to capture Yin Jue's figure, and she directly followed Yin Jue's position.

Xie Yunfu had no plans to go anywhere else. Bullying Yin Jue, a decent monk, was her favorite thing to do.Moreover, this Yin Jue seemed to be more annoying than other decent monks, and he still wanted to kill her.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Ms. Xie, there is a box on the left and right of Yin Jue's. They are all treasures. When he opens it, we will grab one."

Xie Yunfu was a little surprised, because Yin Jue had just walked to that position and had not had time to touch anything, how did Shen Wan know?Could it be that the other party's consciousness has become so powerful?

She didn't think so much, because Shen Wan had already rushed out, and she didn't fall behind, rushing to Yin Jue's right and Shen Wan on the left.

At this moment, Shen Wan shouted, "Yin Jue, look at the move."

Yin Jue felt an attack behind him and jumped subconsciously, without time to put the baby in the box away.When he saw clearly that it was only a stone that attacked him, he quickly looked back, and sure enough the two boxes were gone.

In the original position, two beautiful women were standing.

A blue shirt, he knew, the magic repair Xie Yunfu.

There is also a green shirt, he doesn't know, and his face is very strange.

"The two are too much." Yin Jue was a decent monk and stood with his hands in front of the two. "The two treasures, I saw first below."

"The things in the secret realm belong to everyone, and those who can live there, I want to say that I saw the land under your feet first, and you are not allowed to step on it."

"I saw you too, so do you belong to the animal in my captivity?"

Yin Jue's face sank, this green dress must also be a demon nun.Only the Demon Sister and the Demon Girl can be so unreasonable and vulgar.

"What are you staring at? My eyes are about to fall."

Yin Jue frowned, his eyes flashing unhappy, if it weren't for the strength of the two, he would have done it long ago.

No matter, he just came to look for the treasure to help Hanling, although those two things are precious, they are not rare things.

Yin Jue turned around, thinking that the matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, every time he just discovered something, he would stretch out a little hand in vain next to him and snatch it away.

He wants to grab it back, but the other party has already put the things in the ring.

Later, he learned to be smart, and planned to see things, no matter what, directly into the ring.

Unexpectedly, the other party always took a step ahead of him, scouring all the treasures in the position he passed, leaving him no grass.

In the end, Yin Jue used a method, the Phantom Body Method, to create a picture of him traveling many roads, and chose another road by himself.

He thinks that he will never meet those two savage women this time, right?

It's just that he didn't know that under the scan of 188, he had nowhere to hide, and Shen Wan had been following his true body.When he walked for a long time and didn't meet any baby, he realized something was wrong.

In the end, Yin Jue came to the end of the secret realm with a stinky face, that is, in each secret realm, the rarest magic weapon exists.

This is mentioned in the original plot. At that time, the original owner was also in this place and recognized Yin Jue.

Yin Jue and the others snatched the baby and almost failed. In the end, the original owner made the move, which made Yin Jue not lose the baby.

This baby should be a key, which can open a secret room in the main hall.In this secret room is the ultimate treasure of the secret realm.

Inside there is a superb magic sword, as well as a practice technique, and two bottles of pills.Although this pill could not completely solve Lan Wanling's situation, after taking it, it would not be so painful when it was able to make her cultivate.

In the original plot, Yin Jue gave the sword and exercises to the original owner, and took away two bottles of medicine.The words are still very nice, it means that something is owed to her, this sword is a treasure, and giving her it is to make up for her.

Maybe he was a little tangled in his heart, but at that time, Lan Wanling was more important in his heart.

It was because of Yin Jue's procrastination that made the original owner sad and reluctant.After all, he picked her back and taught her to practice.Basically, in her world, he is the only one for her, so he hesitates and keeps giving up.

This time Yin Jue fought those people, but Shen Wan didn't mean to help.Seeing that Yin Jue was about to lose, he didn't expect that he would still have a trick, and eventually severely injured the opponent.

Shen Wan took a look, he was happy.

It turns out that this guy is deep-minded and has been hiding behind the scenes.

Seeing Yin Jue heaved a sigh of relief, holding the key to open the secret room, and going to fetch the sword and the pill inside, a small hand appeared in front of him, and suddenly pinched the two bottles of pill in his hand.

When Yin Jue wanted to say something, the pill disappeared and was put into Najie by Shen Wan.

"Hand over the pill!"

At this time, Xie Yunfu had already got the sword, walked to Shen Wan's side, and handed the sword to her, there is a lot of it, here, the sword is for you, hurry up and cut him.

"No matter who you are, hand over those two bottles of pills."

Yin Jue was indeed angry. The two people have been doing bad things for him today, and now they have to snatch away the medicine he found for Hun Ling, and Hun Ling relies on this to solve his pain.

He would never let these two men take away.

"What do you want, I can exchange things for you." Yin Jue exhaled, obviously also knowing that these two people are not easy to mess with, and if they can negotiate, they can negotiate.

But Shen Wan didn’t appreciate it, “It’s not yours if the things are here. If I take them, it’s mine, Sect Master Yin, you’re a bit unreasonable. This big sect is different. You can bully us like this. Little Luo Luo."

"Let me ask again, will you pay or not?"


Yin Jue's eyes turned cold, looking at Shen Wan as if looking at a dead person.In an instant, his body exploded with a powerful spiritual force, and when he was about to rush to shoot Shen Ben, he suddenly stopped moving.

His face changed, and he fell directly to the ground under incredible gaze.

Xie Yunfu was also a little surprised. "Why is he..." Before she could finish her questioning, she saw Shen Wan waved the medicine bottle in her hand, "I'm taking the medicine." This medicine was made by herself. In the jade slip of the cheap master, in addition to the exercises and the cultivation process, there are some weird medicines, she is equipped to try it, it seems to be useful.

Yin Jue was also a little flustered in his heart. He was all in good condition, and he was in his physique. It was really unbelievable that he was fascinated by the medicine.

Holding the sword, Shen Wan walked to Yin Jue and squatted down, slapped the sword on his face, "It was very fierce just now, quite capable? You looked like you were going to kill me, now you seem to be unable to move. Sect Master Yin, the treasure in this secret realm, it depends on your ability to get it. You can't become angry because you are not good at it. This seems a bit inconsistent with your decent and large sect style."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Shen Wan really didn't intend to kill Yin Jue. It would be too uncomfortable to kill like this.

She gave the sword to Xie Yunfu, and then reached out and grabbed Yin Jue's ankle.Under Yin Jue's angry eyes, she grabbed his ankle and dragged it out.

When I crossed the threshold, I didn't stand it up.

It made Yin Jue's head hit the threshold directly, and after Shen Wan dragged it over, his head hit the ground again with a bang.Although this pain is nothing to him, this kind of humiliation is something he hasn't encountered until now.

Under Xie Yunfu's surprised gaze, Shen Wan was just like that, clutching Yin Jue's ankle, dragging him, taking a leisurely pace, and walking outside step by step.

People passing by saw it, and they all looked terrified.

Shen Wan said to everyone, "Sect Master Yin is being overcast, but he is too heavy. I am a weak woman who really can’t carry him. Besides, I’m still a big girl. It’s not good to have close contact with men. I won’t find a target. But it’s too dangerous to put him inside, so I can’t bear it, so I have to take him out. As the saying goes, drawing a knife and helping others is my basic principle."

In this way, Shen Wan dragged Yin Jue out of the secret realm abruptly, and she shouted to those outside, "Are there people from the Void Sect here?"

Of course not, this time Yin Jue came alone.

"Isn't there?" Shen Wan glanced, Yin Jue's broken nose and swollen face, sighed, "Sect Master Yin, why don't you bring two people when you go out?"

Xie Yunfu pursed his lips and smiled, "Send the Buddha to the west, I think we will send Sect Master Yin back to the Void Sect together."

"Ms. Xie's kind suggestion, I'm really worried about the danger outside."

Yin Jue: If this hatred is not reported, he will not be called Yin Jue.

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