It was more than one o'clock in the morning when Lu Haoting came back from the company. His car was stopped as soon as it reached the door of the security room. The new security guard poked his head out of the door in a hurry.

"Sir, a girl was looking for you just now. It seems that she is very anxious. He said he knew you, but we didn't dare to let him in."

After hearing these words, Lu Haoting couldn't help wondering. Who will come to him in the middle of the night? But even if there is doubt in his heart. The driver was assigned to get out of the car and have a look.

Actually walk to the bench over there. After that, the people on the bench fell asleep.

"It's Miss Su, sir!"

Lu Haoting's eyebrows jumped because of this sentence. Isn't that woman disdaining to come to him? Why are you here today?

He got out of the car and saw the woman's sleeping face on the bench. The heart is fast again, the place gradually becomes soft. He touched Su twilight's face, but it was this simple action. Or wake up the sleeping people.

Su Twilight herself does not know when to start. Sleep becomes more and more shallow, a little sound can wake him from a deep sleep.

She opened her eyes and saw Lu Haoting's enlarged side face. I can't help being confused.

"Why are you here?" He couldn't help asking. After asking, he remembered that he had no place to live before he came here to look for him. Su muying was scared to turn over from the bench.

"I'm locked out. When I came back, the dormitory light had been turned off. I didn't take my mobile phone with me, so I wanted to stay here for one night. But the security guard won't let me in. I'll wait for you here. " He said he was embarrassed to scratch his head while playing the game.

Lu Haoting looked at his movement. He had stretched out his hand to help him and slowly took it back. It's in the pocket. If you want to come to me again in the future, you can ask the security guard to call me. Don't bother.

Su Twilight shadow nodded. At this time, Lu Haoting had a chance to look at the woman in front of him. Just now he lay and couldn't see clearly. Now standing up, Lu Haoting found out about him. It's all blue and purple.

He grabbed Su's hand, frowned and asked, "what's going on?"

As the month pursed her lips and feet, I was embarrassed to say, "I was shut up in the bathroom this morning. When I fell down, I didn't have the strength to eat. "

His words are plain, but Lu Haoting doesn't know what he experienced at that time. If it's as simple as he said. Then you won't come to him in the middle of the night.

His eyes gradually became deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Lu Haoting didn't expect that it was just a photo of the gossip. It hurt her so much.

This is when he saw it, it has been so miserable, then he did not say those things to him. I don't know how terrible it is.

when Su muying looks at him, she can't help asking

"can I sleep here tonight?" When she asked this sentence, her heart was also a little rough. After all, the childe of the rich family is generally a bit clean. Now he's going in so dirty. Will Lu Haoting be bored?

Lu Haoting returns to his senses because of Su twilight's words. He looked at her for a moment and then looked away.

"Go in." He answers too fast, birth Su evening shadow some did not respond. The people in front of me have already gone out for a long time. Su Twilight reaction. In a hurry to catch up.

"There are no women's clothes at home. Put on my bathrobe first, and I'll ask Julie to send some clothes tomorrow." He threw a silk long-distance running in front of Su muying.

The greasy touch on his hands made him feel a little unreal. Imported leather sofa and expensive furniture. It's all the life before Su twilight that can't be compared.

"Don't bother." It is estimated that I will stay for one night and go back tomorrow. At this time is Su Twilight shadow, do not want to owe him too much, do not want to trouble her so much.

If not forced, he estimated that he would never come to Lu Haoting's place all his life.

Lu Haoting heard what he said. The eyebrows were raised unconsciously.

"So you want to go back in this dress tomorrow?" His suspicious eyes fell on Su twilight. Su Twilight looks down. Although this dress is not too dirty. But because I stayed in the bathroom for a long time. There was inevitably some dust on it. What's more, she's sweating today. It's estimated that it will smell sour after a night. Su Twilight certainly dare not wear such clothes.

She lowered her head and picked up the dress that Lu Haoting had thrown at her.

"That will trouble you."

His tone was polite and alienated. Lu Haoting sometimes hated such Su twilight. Every time he wanted to get close to him, Su muying always regarded it as a monster. It's like eating her when you see her.

Lu Haoting of course did not know that Su Twilight had a natural awe for him. Because I've lived at the bottom of society for a long time. I never thought that I would come into contact with such a person as Lu Haoting one day.When Su twilight was with him. Tube is their own temperament, as well as clothing and wear. They are not compatible with Lu Haoting's life. If Lu Haoting can understand this, he will know why Su muying refuses to approach her.

When Su twilight comes out after taking a bath. Lu Haoting is still watching TV in the living room. She asked as she wiped her hair. "Don't you go to bed so late?"

Lu Haoting looked up at him. No words. Su Twilight shadow at this time realized that his eyes were full of red blood. I guess I've been busy for a long time.

"I'll go to bed soon. Go to bed first."

Su Twilight shadow doesn't know what Lu Haoting is worrying about. The biggest possibility is the company's business, but these are su Twilight shadow do not understand and have not contacted. Nature can't help. Seeing that Lu Haoting didn't want to say more, she didn't ask any more and went back to her room.

The sleepiness came very quickly. In addition, Lu Haoting's bed was too big and comfortable. Su Twilight shadow soon fell asleep. That's what she's like from below. One of the favorite things of the day is sleeping, when he doesn't have to. Focus on the right and wrong during the day, so you don't have to continue the pain of the day. You can only have a good sleep, as if everything has started over again.

When Lu Haoting comes out of the bath. Su Twilight shadow is already asleep. He opens the door and takes a look. Then he stopped smoking and went back to his room.

Both of them had no dreams all night.

Su Twilight shadow seldom sleeps so well these days. When I woke up, it was already over ten o'clock in the morning. She sat on the bed, looking at the strange environment. I didn't know where I was in the end? When he remembered what he had done last night, he vaguely remembered that this was Lu Haoting's home. He got out of bed quickly. After a simple wash, I went downstairs.

When I went downstairs, there were maids waiting downstairs. The servant saw him get up. He quickly came over and said.

"Miss Su is up. Sir has been waiting for you there for a long time

"Wait for me?" Su Twilight shadow did not react for a while. What did the maid mean.

"Yes. Mr. a got up early in the morning, but to wait for Miss Su to have dinner together. Have we been deliberately delayed? "

Su Twilight looks up to the living room, where Lu Haoting is reading the newspaper. Waiting for her to eat? Will Lu Haoting be so kind?

When the housekeeper saw her coming down, he immediately told the kitchen people to prepare the food. Su Twilight shadow comes to Lu Haoting's side. After hearing what the maid had just said, he felt a little sad.

"I heard you were waiting for me?" Su Twilight shadow can't help but ask, still have a little joy in the heart.

The man in front of him hasn't looked away from the newspaper. In the face of Su twilight's cheerful mood, he just replied coldly.

"Don't think about it. I'm just dealing with the work. "

Su Twilight shadow just rose so a little bit of good feeling, the moment disappeared.

What else does he want to say. But the food on the table was already set. The housekeeper called for them to come and eat. The more I decided to look at breakfast. I don't care about this man.

Lu's cuisine is very rich, even breakfast has made a big table. Su WANYING ate a lot and was quick. It looks like I'm really hungry. Lu Haoting is sowing an egg.

Compared with Su twilight's eagerness, he appears very leisurely.

An egg can be peeled for more than a few minutes. Su evening shadow looks at his gentle eating.

A little sarcastic. "Well, you are so particular about eating a meal." As soon as the words were finished, Su evening shadow felt something was wrong.

How does he feel that he is speaking more and more like Xi Meijuan? Have been together for too long and been assimilated by him?

"That. I don't mean that... " Su Twilight shadow wants to explain, but the words have not finished. Lu Haoting put the egg he had just peeled in front of him.

Su Twilight shadow this really is, looking at the egg do not know how to next mouth, "this? Is it for me? "

She asked incredulously. After all, she had just laughed at him. There's no poison in this egg.

"Not even an egg? Lu Haoting is aware of his eyes. I couldn't help but reply. This sentence makes Su Twilight more sure. This man is really a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Because you never know what he will do in the next second. Su muying is starving to death while eating Lu Haoting's eggs, and fiercely faces the scene of her being torn apart in her own hands. But Lu Haoting has not spoken since he gave Su muying eggs. I've been eating my own breakfast.

Su muying is ready to go back after breakfast. Lu Haoting sat on the edge of the sofa early to watch TV. Su Twilight did not attract his attention when he passed. He sat down beside Lu Haoting. Men are still focused on watching their own TV, did not pay attention to him.

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