After sitting for a while, Su Twilight herself felt bored. When she stood up and was ready to say goodbye, Lu Haoting suddenly spoke.

"The clothes are in the bathroom. Change them when you leave."

Su evening shadow reaction, he said is to send him clothes. He just wanted to say something, but Lu Haoting has turned his head. Don't speak.

Su muying goes to the bathroom to change her clothes. This time, she doesn't say hello to Lu Haoting again and goes out directly.

I didn't come here last night. Environmental Science. Now it looks really big.

And there are very precious flowers and trees planted everywhere in the community.

Su Twilight film while enjoying the environment here, while going out.

When I got to the door, I was stopped by the security guard yesterday. Su Twilight recognized him as the security guard who didn't let him in yesterday. Suddenly it was a little strange.

"What do you want?" She gave him a cold look. But I didn't expect that the security guard's face suddenly turned red. She scratched her head in the back of her head.

"Nothing. I didn't recognize you last night and didn't let you in." Su muying thinks that he may think he has a good relationship with Lu Haoting, and is afraid that he will speak ill of him in front of Lu Haoting. When Lu Haoting is not good and he is not full of work, he explains to himself that his anger at him gradually disappears. As a person who has suffered since childhood. Su Twilight shadow of course knows how difficult it is to keep a job now. And what did the security guard do wrong. I did my duty here. If he lost his job because of his own selfish desire, it is really too wrong.

"It's OK. You're just doing your job." Su muying smiles. The security guard probably didn't expect him to be so talkative. All of a sudden, I was at a loss.

"When you and Mr. Lu went in last night. A man came to ask me. I don't think he's familiar, so he didn't say anything. Let him go, but he kept squatting across the road. I heard from others that some people like to spy on girls like this now, and when they go out alone, they will catch them in the mountains and sell them. You must be careful, Miss Su. "

Su Twilight doesn't look like a lie. He also left a heart immediately. She looked up and saw a man across the road looking at it from time to time.

Su twilight is not as much as the security guard thinks. It's hard to talk about kidnapping, but it's probably the legendary paparazzi. Su muying still remembers that he was photographed in a car with Lu Haoting a few days ago, and how much influence it had on him to report to the website.

I didn't dare to be careless. I turned around and went back to look for Lu Haoting. He really didn't want to experience the same thing as the last time.

Now, the best way is to find Lu Haoting. He is a separate villa in this community. It didn't take much time for the month to arrive. Don't mention that the people in it are a little surprised at his return. Su Twilight shadow ignored them and went directly to Lu Haoting.

"You haven't gone yet?" Lu Haoting was equally surprised at his return. But it didn't come to that kind of special surprise. Su Twilight shadow can't help but come out with a question mark. What does this sentence mean? Do you really want him to go?

She sighed and said all the things she had seen outside.

"You mean we're being watched?" His face suddenly darkened. I didn't expect so many people around him that no one found that someone was following him all the time.

It's useless!

"Sir! You see. " The housekeeper called out to him in a hurry. Lu Haoting and elder brother looked back impatiently, but saw a few big words floating on the TV screen.

"President Lu is suspected to be a female college student. They have already lived together."

The picture is still that one is very misleading. The picture of Lu Haoting leading him into the community last night.

The man's face became more and more gloomy. Su Twilight shadow felt the lower and lower air pressure around her and couldn't help but shiver.

Although they are now together, but with Su twilight's present identity, in the eyes of outsiders, it is not worthy of Lu's president Lu Haoting.

So Su may also understand why Lu Haoting is angry.

After all, if a person like her is forced to be together with a person who is not worthy of her own. So many rumors spread out that Su Twilight herself would not like it.

"Don't be angry. We'll go out and clarify our relationship. There's nothing there. It's the media that wrote about it. " Su Twilight shadow is curling her head. Look at Lu Haoting.

Lu Haoting turns his head and looks at her for a moment, then suddenly laughs. Su twilight is startled by his sudden laughter.

"Nothing, is it?" He said this sentence almost gnashing his teeth. Su Twilight shadow was frightened by his expression, she looked at him in some panic, some speechless.

"Didn't you have nothing at all?"

Su evening shadow very bumpy answer a, he is really afraid of this man now. In front of him, Su muying feels that everything he says is wrong. Lu Haoting is very close to her, warm breathing on her face, from Su Twilight here. You can smell the light lemon smell on him. Su Twilight shadow all of a sudden dare not move, for fear that where they do not do the wrong, there will be angry with this Tyrannosaurus Rex.Lu Haoting squinted at her for a while, then turned to look at the TV that had not been played out.

"Su twilight, you are really good."

Lu Haoting's face returned to normal again, as if the person who had lost his temper just now was not him.

"It's not safe outside these days. Now stay out of the limelight. Let the housekeeper take the medicine for you

He tuned the TV channel in silence. But none of them went well. Can only put down the remote control to read magazines.

Lu Haoting said that he fell out of the bathroom yesterday. There is no broken skin, just some blue and purple marks. Generally, it doesn't hurt if you don't touch it. But most girls love to be beautiful. No one wants to have those marks on her body. Su twilight is a little moved. She didn't expect that Lu Haoting could still remember something that he didn't remember.

"But my school curriculum..." She hesitated. If she was absent from class this time, she might be dissatisfied with her semester credits.

"If you want to go out and let people take photos at will, you can go out. Anyway, I don't care, and they can't move me. But you don't have to. "

Lu Haoting turns to look at her. Her eyes rested on the bare skin on her arm.

Su muying knows that he is laughing at himself being locked in the toilet yesterday. And there's no place to stay in the middle of the night to look for him. Although I have some dislike to him. But still nothing can be done.

Lu Haoting is right. No matter what's going on out there. None of these rumors hurt him, but it was different. He hasn't graduated from college, so he can go back to his life with a rumor.

What's more, what's more, the media outside who eat people and don't spit out bones can boast as long as they have explosive points and selling points.

Su muying thought for a moment and agreed to Lu Haoting's proposal.

Because of Su twilight, Lu Haoting did not go to the company. He moved all the documents to his home and dealt with his work at home.

Su Twilight shadow looks at a large number of documents that he puts, can't help but ask.

"Why don't you just go to the company and have to take the trouble to move it here."

Lu Haoting just raised his eyes. He asked.

"Do you think I can get out now?" Su Twilight shadow by him, she said a stem, can't speak any more.

In fact, Lu Haoting will encounter such a situation, part of which is also her credit, if Su Twilight did not come to him that night. If you find a place to spend a night, you won't be photographed by paparazzi, and you won't have such a big impact on Lu Haoting.

Well, it's hard to look back. Su muying also wants to regret, but there is no regret medicine to take in the world. However, Su muying thinks that if time can be repeated again, he may come to Lu Haoting and ask him to take him in. After all, there was no one else except Lu Haoting who could take her in at that time. He was penniless, his mobile phone was not brought out, and there was no place to go.

If you don't come to him, you'll have to starve to death on the street.

Su evening shadow thinks like this, in the heart just became a little better. After all, she was only staying at his house for one night. I didn't expect so much.

Some people deliberately want to target her, Su Twilight herself has no way. After all, she is in the light, others are in the dark, want to catch also can not catch.

It's much more comfortable at home than at school. No one's targeting him here. No one would shut her up in the bathroom and live a life of clothes and mouth opening every day. Su Twilight shadow feels that he is a rice worm cultivated thoroughly.

In addition to some of the school credit is not enough, her life is no different from before, even more comfortable than before.

The premise is that if Miao Linlin didn't call.

The phone call to Lu Haoting's mobile phone, her mobile phone has been unable to find. Miao Linlin didn't answer the phone in the past. She saw the news of their cohabitation on her mobile phone, and only then did she know that Su muying was here with Lu Haoting.

"What's the matter, Miao Linlin?"

When Miao Linlin called, Su muying was eating a mango. The housekeeper just bought it from the supermarket. His skin is thin and his flesh is juicy. His hands are full of juice.

It's sour and sweet. Su WANYING always likes to eat it.

"Twilight. Where are you now? The headmaster told me to look for you in the school yesterday

Miao Linlin's tone is very urgent! It's like something important happened.

"What's the matter?" Su Twilight shadow heard her very anxious tone, immediately did not dare to be careless, she held the mobile phone in one hand, the other hand wiped her just soiled hand on the towel.

"Don't worry. Speak slowly." The sound of electric current comes from the microphone. Miao Linlin hears Su twilight's calm tone, and she doesn't have the kind of anxiety before.

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