Su muying and Miao Linlin leave the place quickly. Although they are calm, only Su muying knows how nervous she is at that time.

She wanted to know what they were doing there and why they made such ambiguous moves, but how could she ask? It has nothing to do with myself.

But as soon as she thought about it, Lu Haoting didn't look at her directly. She was very sad, but she didn't know why.

Even though Mu Lin has been looking at her, she is not so strange.

"Is there something wrong with you? Do you want us to have a look together?"

"No, no, I'm really fine. I'm not hungry now. Why don't you eat it yourself? I want to go back and have a rest Su Twilight shadow where there will be appetite, just want to find a place to calm down a good mood, otherwise in their own thoughts.

In order not to think of some messy things, but how can Miao Linlin agree, Su Twilight shadow is not in good condition. Now let him go back alone, there will be problems.

"No, I still think you are in a bad condition. There must be something wrong with your health. Please go to the clinic and have a look

Miao Linlin is so enthusiastic that Su Twilight can't laugh or cry. She knows that she has no problem with her body, but she has something pressing in her heart.

"I really don't need it. I'll just have a rest."

Although Su twilight has insisted that she is OK, Miao Linlin has made up her mind that only going to the clinic can make her feel at ease.

Su Twilight had no choice but to agree. Followed her to the infirmary.

Although the heart is very reluctant, but in order to let Miao Linlin rest assured, Su Twilight shadow has been cooperating with the examination of the teacher in the infirmary.

But the teacher's temper is not good, they love to answer, so that Su Twilight mood is very irritable.

"Teacher, if I'm ok, I'll go back first. I still have homework to do. "

Miao Linlin is very surprised, whispered in Su evening shadow's ear: "where do you have homework, since all have come here, you should cooperate well with the teacher, don't think about anything else."

The teacher's attitude was even worse. She was already very tired when she faced so many students every day. Now Su muying is not satisfied with this attitude.

"If you have any questions, I have to check them carefully. Now I can't answer you."

"Teacher, we are not in a hurry. Please check it slowly." Miao Linlin looked at the doctor's some angry, hastily explained, for fear that the doctor would anger Su Twilight shadow.

By such a make, Su Twilight shadow also don't say what, since all have come, that's a good check, lest Miao Linlin don't worry.

Teacher Wen did a series of checks on Su muying, but did not find out the problem. She told them truthfully. Miao Linlin didn't believe it. Su muying was abnormal on this day and her face was still so ugly.

There must be something wrong, but Mr. Wen's words can't be wrong.

"Mr. Wen, Su twilight's face is too ugly. Would you take the medicine for her?"

Teacher Wen shook her head, where is the medicine to eat casually, in said that her examination can not be wrong, there is no fever, no other symptoms, Su twilight has nothing to do. It's just a little dizzy.

"If you're not sure, let her rest here. Maybe she's too tired. Plus blood sickness. To make her look pale. "

Teacher Wen also has some understanding of dizziness, comforting Miao Linlin and letting her not worry.

Finally, they listened to teacher Wen, let Su Twilight stay here to rest.

"Miao Linlin, you have been here for a long time. Go back and have a rest. I can take care of myself." Su Twilight film is very sorry to let Miao Linlin accompany her all day, thinking that she must have her own things to deal with.

There is no need to waste time here, but Miao Linlin is also entrusted by Lu Haoting to take good care of Su muying. Now that she is so weak, how can she possibly go back first.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have anything to do when I go back. Being here with you can make me less boring."

Su Twilight shadow where can't hear it is Miao Linlin comforting herself, so she quickly explained: "no, you are here, I can't sleep, you'd better go back first, if I really have anything, I'll tell you."

She said this in order to let Miao Linlin rest assured. After all, it has already delayed her for a long time. Nothing will happen if there is a doctor in the infirmary.

Miao Linlin felt that what she said was also reasonable, so she didn't insist on it. After a few words, she left.

Here, Fang Dayu and Lu Haoting have finished fighting, and both of them are lying on the ground. Fang Dayu looks at Lu Haoting now, and his heart suddenly balances a lot.

After thinking about it, I did go too far. Knowing that he cared so much about Su twilight, he joked.

"Come on, to the infirmary." Fang Dayu suddenly stood up and took Lu Haoting to the infirmary.However, Lu Haoting is not willing to be obedient. Although there are signs of being beaten on his face, he doesn't care and doesn't want to go to the clinic with Fang Dayu.

So he broke away and went home. However, Fang Dayu was not willing to give up, which directly blocked his way.

"If you look like this now, where can you see people? You'd better go and have a look with me, so as not to frighten Su twilight."

He said so much that Lu Haoting was still unwilling to compromise. In the end, Fang Dayu had no way out. Had to take Lu Haoting to the infirmary by force.

Struggling, Lu Haoting still gave up. Thinking that he could not go back like this, he still had to dress up and went with Fang Dayu.

As soon as she saw Lu Haoting, the medical room teacher was crazy about Lu Haoting. She seldom saw such a handsome person. Although he had scars on his face, he did not weaken his handsome at all.

So Mr. Wen was very kind to Lu Haoting. The inspection was very careful.

"What's the matter with you? Fight? That man was too hard. How can I beat you like this Mr. Wen is very distressed.

Lu Haoting looked at Fang Dayu coldly. Fang Dayu didn't speak because he knew he was in trouble. However, he was also very aggrieved. Obviously, he was hurt more seriously, but Mr. Wen only saw Lu Haoting and didn't care about him.

"There may be some pain in your wound. You have to bear it. I will be lighter." Mr. Wen's coquettish appearance made Fang Dayu couldn't help it.

"You are too kind to him. Look at my injuries. Why don't you ask me?" Fang Dayu protested against being left out.

Let Mr. Wen show it to him first. However, where does Mr. Wen listen to him, he still keeps circling around Lu Haoting, looking around for a while and seeing where he is, for fear that what she does is not good.

"Mr. Wen, you've bandaged him. It's time to bandage me. I've been waiting for a long time. Don't forget the patient's life and death when you see a handsome man. "

He was so embarrassed that the teacher coughed and turned to bandage Fang Dayu.

"It's here. What are you worried about? I can't come one by one." Mr. Wen said, but he didn't forget to look at Lu Haoting. His expression was as if he wanted to eat him.

How can Fang Dayu not know what they are thinking or continue to say? This kind of thing is good. Who makes Lu Haoting so handsome.

However, Lu Haoting has always been expressionless. He answers whatever teacher Wen asks and doesn't say a word more, which embarrasses him, but he can't help looking at him all the time.

The sound of their several people awakened Su Twilight shadow, who had a hard time sleeping. She was very angry.

She wants to close her eyes and continue to sleep, but the sound from the next door is so loud that she can't sleep, especially the shy smile that teacher Wen often makes, which makes her feel very harsh.

Can't help it, she complained aloud: "you can't be quiet for a while, there are people to rest inside." Su Twilight complains.

Lu Haoting was surprised that it was Mr. Shen Wen's voice. He quickly stood up and went to the next door. He saw that Mr. Shen Wen was lying in bed. The face is very irritable.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Wen is puzzled to see Lu Haoting leave. He wants to hold him back, but he has gone far away.

Su Twilight shadow heard there was still movement, just wanted to talk, opened his eyes to see Lu Haoting. That's how they know they're next door. I'm very upset. What did she just do. It's a shame.

it's like getting angry. I don't know if Lu Haoting misunderstood me. She doesn't think so much. She just shut up and is ready to leave first. Don't get involved with him here.

Lu Haoting looks at Su Twilight shadow and looks at his expression of disdain.

"Why are you here? Not feeling well? " Lu Haoting's heart is very worried, especially since she has just been discharged from hospital, her health is definitely not recovered well.

Her face was also bloodless. At first glance, she was very weak. It's really worrying. Why don't you take good care of yourself? Although Lu Haoting was worried, he didn't show it.

Especially his expression, let Su Twilight think he began to dislike himself.

"I'm just a little uncomfortable. Just take a rest. Go and do your work."

Her original intention to let Lu Haoting continue to dress up, she did not disturb, get up ready to leave.

This can make Lu Haoting very angry, just said two words with him, so impatient to leave, so unwilling to stay with him?

"Well, where are you going?"

"I'm rested, and I'm going back." Mr. Shen Wen didn't want to talk to him in his heart. He would leave after he got up in bed.

Lu Haoting quickly pulled me: "you go home with me."

His tone is very firm, do not give the opportunity to refute, but let Su Twilight feel baffled, she does not take a good look at his own wound, whatever she does.

But instead of saying it directly, she explained, "it doesn't matter. I can go back by myself. You should be busy with you first."Without giving Lu Haoting time to react, he took his hand and threatened to leave.

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