Lu Haoting refused to follow him.

He directly held his hand and refused to let her leave. This made Mr. Shen very angry. Why does this person always decide his own ideas.

She didn't want to compromise, so she kept struggling, but the more she resisted, the more Lu Haoting wanted to conquer.

"Lu Haoting, what are you doing there? Mr. Wen hasn't bandaged you yet. Come here. " Fang Dayu urged with dissatisfaction.

Only since Lu Haoting went to the next room, the Wen teacher has been eager to see through. He even didn't bandage him seriously and hurt his wound.

He really couldn't stand it, so he had to urge Lu Haoting to come back as soon as possible, lest the teacher in the clinic was not serious.

Hearing Fang Dayu's voice, Lu Haoting remembered that Fang Dayu was still there. He turned his head and said to Su muying in a threatening tone: "be honest here. Don't walk around. I'll be back in a minute. If you let me come back and don't see you, you know the consequences."

With that, Lu Haoting went straight to the next door, leaving Su Twilight alone sitting on the ward.

Yes, she did not dare to leave, especially Lu Haoting said that, but she was not reconciled in her heart. Why did she die of being eaten by him. He doesn't dare if he doesn't let himself.

Although that thought, but Su Twilight shadow or obediently waiting there, do not want to find their own trouble.

side Fang Dayu finally saw Lu Haoting make complaints about "why did you go?" So long. Don't know the wound is not bandaged yet

"My wound is OK. You'd better take a good look at your wound. It's much more serious than mine." Lu Haoting looks at Fang Dayu's wound with disdain. Let him not worry.

Mr. Wen watched Lu Haoting come back, and he was crazy again. His eyes were fixed on him, which disgusted Lu Haoting.

"I still have some things to deal with today. You can bandage yourself here. I'll go back."

Then he wanted to leave. Fang Dayu just wanted to talk, but he was robbed by Wen.

"I haven't bandaged your wound yet. I think it's better to go back after dressing. You don't have to worry about it for a while." Teacher Wen's tone is a little urgent. She really doesn't want him to leave like this. It's a pity.

"Yes, you are in such a hurry that you don't even care about the wound. You'd better listen to Mr. Wen's bandaging before you go." Although Fang Dayu has a lot of dissatisfaction with Lu Haoting, he doesn't want him to go back like this.

"No, I'll go back first." Lu Haoting didn't give them a chance to persuade them this time and went to the next door.

Let Wen teacher and Fang Dayu look at each other, very puzzled.

See Su evening shadow lying there. Lu Haoting was relieved and went up to her and asked her to go home with him.

"You don't have to say," you can go with me. " Su muying still refuses, which makes Lu Haoting very angry and takes Su muying on the bus.

Su Twilight shadow where is his opponent, how to resist is useless, finally had to admit his life to follow to the car.

Lu Haoting's impatient look at Shen Wen's face made him feel depressed.

"You don't want to go home with me. Who do you want to go back with? "

Su Twilight film only thinks that Lu Haoting is making trouble out of no reason and always thinks of her as a woman like that. She was too lazy to explain, so she closed her eyes and did not go to see him.

This action of her let Lu Haoting affirm the idea in the heart, angry.

About to kiss Su Twilight shadow, Su twilight was scared: "what are you doing?"

"What do you think I want to do? Am I not obvious? What are you pretending to be? Isn't that all you like? " Finish saying to want to kiss Su evening shadow's mouth.

This makes Su muying feel humiliated. How can he treat himself like this? It's too much.

So Su muying always resisted and didn't give Lu Haoting a chance to succeed. But the more she did, the more Lu Haoting wanted to conquer. In the end, Su muying had no strength.

He gave up being, whatever he did, but the sudden calm made Lu Haoting stunned. He looked at her as if she was really in pain, so he stopped.

From her side to leave, not to see her, Su Twilight shadow this just a sigh of relief, after a moment of struggle, her body has been weak.

There is no strength at all, paralyzed in the car seat.

Lu Haoting looked at her and felt very sad, but he didn't want to express it. He could only make her feel better slowly.

Su Twilight shadow is really too uncomfortable, do not think so much, fell asleep in the car.

Looking at her sleeping face, Lu Haoting's heart is very complicated. He doesn't understand why two people can't live together peacefully. They always want to make each other sad. In the end, both sides lost.

He wanted to expand Su twilight's frown, but he was afraid to wake her up, so he had to give up.

When the time comes, Lu Haoting wants to hold her up. Just as he is about to hold her, Su Twilight wakes up and quickly hides away from him.Lu Hao Zheng was very dissatisfied with the reaction and taunted: "what is your response, you will not think I want to do to you, you better have some self-knowledge."

Su Twilight feels embarrassed by this sentence. She doesn't mean that. Lu haozheng always misunderstands her, but she is lazy to explain it.

"What, you don't get off when you arrive, want me to hold you?" Lu Hao Zheng's tone was even worse.

Su Twilight heard that she hurriedly opened the door and got off the car. She had been very hard on the way. She felt like she would faint at any time, and she couldn't help getting back to the room.

Lu Haoting went home with Su twilight, but he was very depressed and could not find a way to vent. He looked at Su twilight and went straight back to the room without saying a word. Not even looking at him. It doesn't seem to exist.

He wanted to shout that she did, but in an ordered tone: "Why are you going back to the house so soon? I'm hungry. You make me some food. Now it's right now. "

This is not his real purpose. He just wants to stay with her for a while, but the words on the mouth change the flavor. But it's only in this way.

But Su twilight was tired for a day, and she was very weak, and he had no strength to cook again.

I have to refuse: "I'll let Aunt Li do it for you. I'm a little tired now."

Where luhaoting agreed, his purpose is to let Su Twilight accompany himself for a while, and what is the interesting of Aunt Li to come.

"So late, Aunt Li also has to rest. Besides, I want to eat what you do yourself." Lu Haoting ordered Su twilight to cook himself.

All the words have said this point, Su Twilight can say, although the body is very uncomfortable but still strong to cook.

The injury on the hand is not good, and it is still a hidden pain, especially when it comes to water, which aggravates the pain.

But Lu Hao Zheng was sitting on the sofa and waiting for her food.

The injured hand was soaked in pain. Accidentally smashed things, Su twilight is crumbling, feel that he is about to hold on.

Lu Haoting heard the movement and came over, and saw the glass all over the ground. I was very depressed, thinking that Su twilight was intentional.

"What are you doing? You're wronged by having you cook? "

His tone was full of irony that made Su Twilight feel very aggrieved, she did not want to, or because of a physical problem or she would soon be able to do it.

But these Su Twilight will not say, even if it is said that Lu Haoting industry may not believe so it is better not to say that he misunderstood.

But the more he didn't explain, Lu Haoting was regarded as her default, very angry.

"You see you mess up the kitchen. What else to use later. Hurry up dad to clean up here." Lu haozheng ordered to clean up and didn't want to see her and left.

Su Twilight felt very aggrieved, and began to clean up the glass in the kitchen.

Aunt Li, the servant, went downstairs to see Su Twilight cleaning in the kitchen and took over the tools in Su twilight's hand.

"What are you doing here, you can call me this kind of thing. I will do it." Aunt Li looked at her with great pain.

Aunt Li has been here for a long time, and likes Su Twilight very much. Although the little girl doesn't like to speak much, she is kind-hearted and polite.

Often help her clean her at home, sometimes she will be very warm to help her do some small things. All of these Aunt Li are in my heart.

"No, I accidentally knocked over the cup myself, and I would just handle it myself. No trouble with you. " Su twilight is very grateful to Aunt Li for her enthusiasm. But when I think of Lu Haoting, she was cold.

Aunt Li didn't know what happened to her, but she felt heartache to watch Su Twilight clean her head low. Just go up and help her up.

Su twilight is very weak and has no strength. She stands up with Aunt Li. His head is still dizzy.

"I see your body is very weak, is it not comfortable, whether to go to the hospital to see, you go on like this makes people wonder worried." Aunt Li was nervous to look at Su twilight.

Su twilight was particularly moved by the warm heart. Tears are coming down.

She remembered that it was the same before when she was in an awkward situation, Aunt Li would always help her through the difficulties. Sometimes Lu Haoting deliberately embarrassed her, Aunt Li would also secretly care for him.

Lu haozheng left the kitchen, always thinking about Su Twilight just pale face, that looks like very uncomfortable, is she really uncomfortable?

He couldn't help thinking a lot, but again and again, the woman if uncomfortable why not say it, still has been strong.

She just doesn't want to reconcile with herself? Lu Hao Zheng wanted to feel more angry, and did not know what she was now. I want to see it in the past, but I still can't help it. Since that woman refuses to show weakness, let her go.

Although the heart has decided, but the heart is still depressed can not simply open the door out, lest here more look more upset.

"Su twilight, I don't think you have any blood. Please go to the hospital and see it soon. Lu Haoting will see and worry about it." Aunt Li felt Su twilight's forehead, and she was heartache.As soon as she heard Lu Haoting's name, Su twilight's heart was sour. He would not care about her. Otherwise, she would not be so weak and cook. She was deliberately torturing her.

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