Seeing her daughter's expression, Xiao Yin couldn't say anything more and said directly. "Then you go and have a rest. I'll clean up the bowls later."

Miao Linlin nods and goes back to the room Xiao Yin pointed out to herself.

He thought that he could fall asleep quickly, but after a long time in bed, he still didn't feel sleepy. Instead, he was more energetic than before, which made him feel restless.

After a long time, Miao Linlin got up from the bed to go to the toilet, but after leaving the room door, she saw that the light in the living room was still on. Then I saw Xiao Yin painting in the living room.

Unknowingly, he walked by Xiao Yin's side. When he came back to his mind, he had already stood by Xiao Yin's side and looked at him quietly.

After about half an hour, Xiao Yin put down her brush and looked at her drawing with satisfaction. Just as she got up to go back to her room to sleep, she found Miao Linlin standing behind her.

"When did you come here? Why haven't you gone to bed?" Xiao Yin asked in surprise.

"When I came out, I didn't see you sleeping, but I didn't think you were so absorbed that I didn't even know I was standing behind you." Miao Linlin said with a smile.

However, some embarrassed scratched his head. He also wanted to focus on the world of painting when painting, so that in real life, he would forget the surrounding environment, people and things. So I won't find Miao Linlin, but I think it's like the second time. When my daughter looks at her painting, she doesn't find it.

"That Take a break. It's too late. " Xiao Yin looked at his watch and said aloud.

"Oh, well, I'll go back to my room first." Miao Linlin seemed to wake up suddenly, then quickly ran back to the room, even forgot to go to the toilet.

It's so late, but I'm alone with him in the living room. I always feel embarrassed. However, I'm fascinated by his painting every time I see him. I don't know why I can't help but go to his side to see his painting.

"No, no, don't think about it." The daughter shook her head, trying to eliminate the strange feeling in her mind.

No matter it is true, or they think too much, but they are not allowed to go on thinking, which will disturb their mind.

It's just a wall separating two people's different thoughts. One doesn't say and the other doesn't ask. This is also the most taboo of emotion. But now they can't allow others to say anything more. Their feelings are originally determined by themselves, and what outsiders say is just a reference. Therefore, no matter what kind of heart Xiao Yin is, it seems to depend on it Because of his attitude.

The next morning, Miao Linlin got up early and made a simple one with the only materials in the refrigerator. After breakfast, Xiao Yin sent her back.

Miao Linlin, because of her wild thoughts last night, is not able to face Xiao Yin any more, so she doesn't speak all the way. She sits quietly all the way, looking like nothing happened or knows nothing.

Xiao Yin also because of Miao Linlin's attitude to ask her what, her daughter obediently sat in the car until Miao Linlin got out of the car.

Originally, Xiao Yin thought that she would not see Miao Linlin for a short time, but she did not expect that she would suddenly receive a phone call and offer to go out.

It turned out that Su twilight and Miao Linlin had a rest at the same time, so they went to KTV to sing. But after a while, they thought that they were boring, so their daughter wanted to call Xiao Yin over.

"Why don't we send someone over, just the two of us. It's boring." Miao Linlin asks Su muying for advice.

If it's their own, it doesn't matter whether they call people or not, but they come out together. If they call people privately, it's not good, so tell Su muying in advance to see what her attitude is.

"Whatever, if you have a friend who is in charge of it, you can let him come. It's crowded and lively." Su Twilight shadow doesn't matter.

It's the same with a few more people.

After su Twilight shadow really agrees, Miao Linlin calls Xiao Yin.

"We're at KTV. Would you like to come over?" When the phone is connected, you should say it directly.

At the beginning of receiving the phone call, Xiao Yin was still a little confused, because he seldom took the initiative to call himself, but in the following words, he was shocked and said, "OK, I'll go."

Whatever the reason, it's good for him to call himself, because it's enough for him to think about himself.

On the way, Xiao Yin hoped that Miao Linlin would be the only one. But when he thought about it, it seemed impossible. If he was alone, how could he let himself go instead of with him.

After arriving at the place Miao Linlin said, she told the waiter the number of the box, and the waiter took him to the box.

After opening the door, Xiao Yin was a little surprised. He thought that since he had arrived here first, it should be a lot of people, but he didn't expect that there were only two of them.And Su evening shadow is surprised to see Xiao Yin who pushes the door in. When did they get to know each other? I don't know!

However, she did not ask the question in her heart. After greeting Xiao Yin, she saw him sitting beside Miao Linlin. However, she did not think much about it. After all, Xiao Yin was called by Miao Linlin and it was normal to sit beside her.

But after drinking a few cups of wine, or can't bear the doubts in the heart, asked the export, "how do you know each other."

"By chance." Miao Linlin embarrassed said, also do not want to say more.

"That's lucky. It's worth celebrating. Here, cheers." Su evening shadow said, and raised the wine in his hand, said to them.

After drinking two or three cups like this, Xiao Yin sees that Su muying still wants to continue drinking, but it's hard to refuse. However, he doesn't want his daughter to drink so much wine, so he has to stop drinking for her.

If it's a cup or two, it's OK. But when Su Twilight sees Xiao Yin serving Miao Linlin as wine in the next few rounds, she is moved. The two people should not have such an ordinary relationship. Otherwise, how could Xiao Yin make such a move?

"Come on, Miao Linlin. You usually help me a lot. I'd like to propose a toast to you." Su Twilight shadow walked to Miao Linlin's front, directly raised the glass in his hand and said.

"I'll help her drink." Xiao Yin came forward and took Miao Linlin's glass.

"I hope our friendship can go on like this. Here, cheers." Su Twilight shadow picks eyebrow, continues to say.

Sure enough, this cup of wine saw Xiao Yin's stomach again. Su twilight's brain turned. What's not clear about this? If you want to stop the wine for her, you must drink it well.

So in the next time, Su muying kept looking for any reason to pour wine to Miao Linlin, and Xiao Yin stopped her from drinking any unexpected wine.

After several rounds, Xiao Yin couldn't sit still. If she went on like this, how could she not be drunk? She had to find a way to let them finish.

"I know there's a good place. Would you like to come with me?" Xiao Yin tried to suggest.

Su Twilight shadow in the heart of a sullen smile, look indifferent to ask: "where, if too far, we can not go."

Just a few drinks can't stand it. If it goes on like this, how can you chase a girl? However, it's not good for him to continue to embarrass him.

And Miao Linlin's expression, these two people will not really be as they said that, like.

"Just follow me." After calling the waiter to check out, they left the KTV with Su Twilight shadow in a hurry.

After leaving the KTV, Xiao Yin took the two people to the street across the street. After walking into the street, there were lots of Linglang snacks on both sides and some peddlers selling things. The shouting everywhere made the environment very noisy.

Su Twilight shadow is not dissatisfied with such an environment, but Miao Linlin frowns all the way, obviously not happy to come here.

Finally, several people stopped at a barbecue stand. It was at night. The positions outside were basically full. There was a continuous stream of men and women drinking and punching, and the smell and smell of barbecue came.

"The barbecue here is delicious. You can try it." Xiao Yin said in a good mood.

He and his friends knew this place by accident. Later, they thought it was very delicious, so they came back here occasionally to have a party. After drinking so much wine in KTV, now it's a good choice to come here to eat barbecue.

"It's a mess. There's nothing good about it." Miao Linlin looks disgusted and frowns to show her dissatisfaction.

Xiao Yin was embarrassed by Miao Linlin's words, but the most important thing in his heart was loss. He thought Miao Linlin would like it, but he didn't expect that she was so disgusted and unhappy about here.

"I haven't been to the stall outside for a long time, so it's nice to come to eat this time." Su Twilight shadow comes out to play.

She didn't feel bad about such an environment. Anyway, she just ate. As long as the food was delicious, she could eat enough. Moreover, some of the food outside were not worse than those in the hotel. She didn't ask much about the food.

Miao Linlin rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and didn't talk. What's good about it? Those men don't even wear clothes. They shout loudly with their bare arms. They have no quality. I don't know why people like to come here to eat.

Xiao Yin is neither in nor out. I don't know whether to eat here or not.

"Let's go in." Su evening shadow urges a way.

See Su Twilight shadow to go inside, Miao Linlin can't help, even if she doesn't like this place, she can only follow her in.

At the moment, Xiao Yin is very moved. Su's behavior also indirectly resolves his embarrassment.

As soon as she sat down, Xiao Yin yelled to the boss for something to eat. Before long, the barbecue was served, and several people began chatting with each other.

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