"I can't see that you would like to eat here, too." Su Twilight film felt incredible, because from his appearance and behavior, it did not seem to come to such a noisy place at all.

"Friends around me often come here, so I'm used to it. And no matter where I eat, as long as I can eat enough, I'm not too choosy about them." To some extent, some behaviors of Xiao Yin and Su muying are similar.

Su evening shadow a smile, "this is true, but most people like to go to some places with good environment to eat, but this place and some parties can be opened to play, very good."

Miao Linlin is a little embarrassed. He doesn't look down on the people who eat here. He just thinks that since they have a better choice, why do they have to have a difficult and noisy place? This will also affect their eating mood.

What's more, when she saw Su twilight and Xiao Yin chatting so happily, she always felt a little uncomfortable. This also made her not so high-quality in the following period. She just listened to them and basically didn't say anything.

"Miao Linlin, how is your relationship with Xi Meijuan now?" Su evening shadow will fish has been silent, then take the initiative to shift the topic to her body.

Miao Linlin see Su Twilight shadow asked himself, some slow half beat said: "that's it, but now I can say that has fallen out with her."

At the thought of the previous incident, Miao Linlin's mood is even worse.

"Falling out? What's going on? " Before, she thought that they were at most noisy and awkward. Although she said she didn't like Xi Meijuan, she and Miao Linlin were friends, and she didn't say much. So she was surprised to hear that Miao Linlin and Xi Meijuan fell out.

Miao Linlin lowered her head and said in a stuffy voice: "Xiao Yin and I were seen when we went to the playground before. So she quarreled with me when she came over. Finally, people around me mistook me as a junior and pointed at me."

Su Twilight shadow had a deep antipathy to the word Xiao San, so she heard her daughter was misunderstood as Xiao San, and her face sank.

"What does it matter to you and Xiao Yin to go out and play? Why should she quarrel with you

"When I went back to my dorm, she kept asking about my relationship with you, but I didn't say much. After that, there was the amusement park." It's not so much angry, but more disappointed. She and Xi Meijuan got along so long, but in the end, because of another person's relationship, they made each other to this extent.

She didn't mean to complain about Su muying. She just felt that everyone had the right to make friends. Why didn't she like anyone? As her friend, she can't get along with that person, which is too autocratic.

Miao Linlin didn't say much, but she could also understand her mood at the moment. She didn't ask any more questions, so she turned the topic aside and said some happy things to let her forget those unhappy things.

The three people had been chatting until late at night. Xiao Yinhe and Miao Linlin had planned to send Su muying back to rescue themselves and send you back again. However, after saying this proposal out again, Su muying refused.

"You'd better send Miao Linlin back first. I can take a taxi by myself." It's not too far from where you live, so there's no need to trouble them to send themselves.

"But you're not safe for a girl. We're not in a hurry now, so we won't be able to go back for long." Miao Linlin disagrees.

Su Twilight shadow chuckled and said: "it's very convenient to take a taxi now, and it's also a busy street, so there won't be anything."

Xiao Yin had no choice but to rely on her. The three men were divided into two roads. After Xiao Yin and Miao Linlin left, Su Twilight shadow walked to the side of the road and was ready to take a taxi back.

However, it is not easy to take a taxi because it is noisy now. Every car in the past shows that there are passengers. After waiting for more than half an hour, the car has not been stopped. Su muying has no choice but to call Lu Haoting and ask him to come and pick him up.

"Where are you now?" Lu Haoting's voice sounds very unhappy.

Because he did not expect so late, Su Twilight shadow is still outside, did not go home, she does not know how chaotic the outside is now? If anything happens, what should we do then?

Su Twilight shadow also obviously heard Lu Haoting's tone of displeasure, and quickly reported a string of addresses.

"Stand there and don't run around. I'll be right here." After Lu Haoting finished, he hung up the phone directly.

Su evening shadow uneasily looking at the hang up phone, some uneasy in the heart, he will not really angry, this matter is also his own fault, also had to obediently stand on the side of the road waiting for him to pick up himself.

Sometimes people are afraid of what will come, just like what Xiao Yin said when he insisted on sending himself back, "this is a downtown area, there will be no danger at all. Let them not worry." But now it's a reality.

Su Twilight shadow does not know that she has been watched by others. She is still silent in her mind, thinking about how to eliminate her anger when Lu Haoting comes to stimulate her."Beauty, alone, it's a mess here. Don't you know it?" A male voice interrupts Su twilight's thoughts.

Su evening shadow raised her head to look at the two people in front of her, frowning. The two men's dress up at the moment is flowing. They don't look like normal office workers at all. Instead, they look like some street gangsters. They stare at them with their eyes fixed on them, like a hungry wolf who has not eaten for several days and nights has seen his food.

"Well, I'm leaving.

Thank you for your warning Su Twilight shadow doesn't look like they are any good people, so she plans to leave here first.

"Beauty, what are you worried about? The two of us are here. Those bad guys won't come to trouble you. Don't worry Another yellow haired man said, but at the same time his eyes were squinting at Su twilight from beginning to end.

It's not easy to see a single woman. How can they just let him go so easily? How can we live up to their identity.

if Su Mu Ying knows they are thinking like this, they will definitely make complaints about it.

Identity? What's your identity? If the punk is also a kind of identity, then what are those people of the company's boss level? The word "identity" is used in punks as a kind of shame.

"No, I have other things to go, but thank you all the same." Su evening shadow politely said, saying as if in front of a quick walk, want to quickly away from these two people.

Seeing that Su twilight was about to leave, they ran several Lu Haoting Su twilight's road. "Beauty, we two kindly remind you that you are hiding from us. It's hard not to think that you look down on our brothers." The short man was a little angry.

"I don't want to hide from you, but I really have something to leave. Please give me a break." Su Twilight shadow still good temper said.

Even if I don't like them now, I can't make them angry. Otherwise, I will definitely suffer losses. I'm just a girl, and the other is two adult men. I'm not their opponent anyway.

"Beauty, we just saw you standing here for a long time and didn't leave. Why are you going to leave now when we come here? It's not obvious that we look down on us." Yellow hair's face is not happy, feel that this woman does not know how to praise.

"No, it's just that I didn't stop the bus just now, so I thought it was not far away from my residence. If you want to walk back, you think more." Su Twilight shadow cancan say.

Even if I really look down on you, I dare not say it in front of you. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of things you will do.

"It's not far from here. Since we have known you among so many people, why don't our brothers send you back so that you can be safer." Huang Mao then said that he did not let Su Twilight shadow leave.

"It's not good. I live with my parents. If they know me, the man will send me back, and they will break my leg." Su Twilight shadow said casually.

Are you kidding? Let you send me back? I believe what you say when I'm a young girl who has not entered the world yet. I believe what you say. I have problems with the IQ of these two people.

"By the way, beauty, what do you do as a student? You are very young." The short man asked curiously.

"Well, I'm still in college. This is a party with my friends. They left first. I wanted to go back by car, but I didn't expect that there was no empty car for so long." Su Twilight follows their words.

Lu Haoting should be here soon. Now just delay time with these two people. When Lu Haoting comes, she won't believe it. They will continue to pester themselves when they see Lu Haoting coming.

"There are a lot of people here at night, so it's hard for you to stop at this place, but you're waiting. Maybe you'll have a car later." Just leave her here for a while, and I'll try to figure out how to deal with her.

"Really? That would be great. I thought if I really walked back, my feet would break." Su evening shadow patted her chest, looking very lucky.

However, his words aroused the suspicion of the short man, "don't you say your home is not far from here? Why do you still break your feet

Su Twilight shadow did not expect that the other party would grasp this problem. He quickly turned his head and said with a smile: "the high-heeled shoes I wear are not far away, but they will hurt when I walk for a while."

Sure enough, two people follow Su Twilight shadow's words to look at her shoes, full of 7 cm high heel, this just put down their heart, he said so is no problem.

"But now we have to wait for the bus for a while. Why don't we go and have fun? How about we treat you to dinner." Short man color Mi Mi Mi smile way.

Su Twilight shadow shook his head, "I'd better wait, or the next car will be empty, and I've had dinner just now." A fool will follow you.

"Don't worry. You can't let your family find out if we send you back after we've finished playing." Two people that will let her leave, to the mouth of the meat, ghosts do not eat.

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