Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 73: Bodean suit


One of the most famous pirates of the material plane!

He is a powerful pirate leader, the builder of the Baldur's Gate, and a great navigator.

At the beginning of the rise of Sauron, many people thought that he would be another Bodean, including Sauron's intention to establish Modo City, many people are ready to watch his jokes. Because in the era when Bodean was active, as the most powerful pirate force at the time, Bodean also built the door of Bode, and also left four dukes to rule here when he left. To some extent, Sauron started doing everything very similar to Boduan.


After Bodean’s disappearance, the experiences of both sides were quite similar.

For example, the outside legend Bodean is mysteriously missing, or died in the hands of the beast. But in fact he has quietly touched the realm of the gods, relying on his own powerful strength to obtain the [pirate] priesthood. But his talent is only a mortal after all. Bodean did not directly seal God like Sauron, but experienced many twists and turns, and even fell into the realm of dark creatures for some curse. However, after he disappeared for hundreds of years, he eventually became a pirate **** of "weak power" with the existence of a demigod.

In the record of the Arcane Empire, Boduan was active for a while, and most of his followers were pirates.

Time outside the Holocaust.

It is very difficult to seal God. From the mysterious disappearance to the official closure of God, Boduan experienced nearly six hundred to eight hundred years before and after. This is similar to the time that Sauron first estimated. A mortal person accumulates divinity and deity in the normal way, and then quietly develops believers, and finally officially seals the success.


The entire material plane can be determined to be in charge of the [pirate] priesthood, and only the ancestral spirit of the legendary pirates Boduan and Viku Pirates.


Sauron also started as a pirate.

Only he walked far more than Bodean, but as the most powerful pirate king of material planes, Sauron's "pirate" field is also one of the earliest acquired field capabilities.

The sword of Bodean is not a powerful weapon.

This sword is at best a second-order legendary equipment, but it is not a separate piece of equipment, the helmet of Bodean. Bodean armor, Bodean cloak, Bodean sword, these equipment are a whole set. The ability to get these pieces of equipment will increase dramatically. Achieved the effect of some artifacts. The most important point is that in the legend of pirates, they believe and affirm that the equipment left by Bodean will guide them to clue.

Many pirates believe that this set of equipment can inherit the pirate mission from Boduan.

The red-haired woman in front of her is Aduri-Ishabella, who began to practice the legend. Since she handed over the affairs of the territory to others, she began to travel across the continent.

The news of winning the sword of Bodean was an accident. She only learned about this from the eyeliner of Modo City.

Many people in this kind of pub would not take it seriously. Maybe Andre is just a drunk and screaming. However, after careful analysis of the sentiment survey, Adele-Ishabella found that Andre had traveled to the sea and finally he was alone to come back. This bizarre thing told her that the other party might really know about Bodean. The clues, so there will be things she has personally found today.

The sword of Bodean.

This sword is not a very important thing. What is more important is the news related to Boduan. This legendary pirate has been circulating for a long time since the fall of the Arcane Empire. As for the treasures he left behind, it attracted a large number of pirates to explore. Adele Isabella is also very interested in it.

This thing is not known to Soren.

This little thing is not enough to alarm the ruler of Modo City. Adele Isabella’s move today is entirely personal.

of course.

If you can really find the treasures of Bodean and even discover the pirate missions left by him, then Adele-Isabela is definitely a great achievement. When you put things on the city of Modo, her identity The status must rise in a straight line. But now it's best not to disturb the Lord Sauron. If you find only a piece of equipment that Bodean used and there are no other clues, then Adele-Ishabella compares after the shock of Sauron. Oh.

The reason why the red-haired female pirate is so convinced that the legend is true, the Bodean suit really has clues to the gods. Mainly because she had a little interesting thing through the secret library of the North Witch Council. Because in the materials of the North Witch Council, [Bo Dean's Sword] is not a powerful equipment. However, it has a very special ability to increase the legend of a person.

The person with this sword will immediately become famous in the pirates, with reputation and rumors far beyond other pirates.

Why does a sword attach this special ability that has nothing to do with combat?

There is only one reason, that is, the gods need to be legendary [country legend]. Adele Isabella is not very familiar with the things of the gods, but she still has an instinct in the midst of it, that is, if she finds the Bodean suit, it is definitely a great advantage for her.

Also, Lord Gloria seems to have a plan to deal with the eye.

One of the famous Bodean suits in the pirates [Bodean Shield] has a very special ability ~www.readwn.com~ that is the ray that can directly reflect the eye.

Adele Isabella thinks about whether he can find other parts of the Bodean suit through clues.


Andre did not hesitate for too long after getting the promise of a red-haired woman.

He simply took out an old drawing. He handed it to Adele-Ishabella and said slowly: "This is the clue I got. The legendary part of the Bodean suit is hidden here. Thousands of years ago, the **** of killing - Barr The sons of the sons have also received these equipment, but then these equipments have been killed and the Son of God exists in other places."

“This island was once called [Pirate Island].”

"But now it has sunk more than half. This sea area is very dangerous. There is a nearby ancient ruin called "Forbidden Prison."

"The big bang of the Arcane Empire caused the land to split and the sea has many mutants."

"The last time I took someone was to pass the army when I passed this sea. I only escaped alone."

Speaking of this, Andrei reached out and pointed at a position on the map. Shen Sheng said: "This is where we encountered giant sea monsters. The location of the pirate island is here. The location of the legendary banned prison is here. ""

“This place is very dangerous!”

When I heard Andre’s words, Adele Isabella’s expression could not be changed. Shen Sheng said: “The **** of killing?!...”

"Is this thing related to killing the Son of God?"

"It seems that I have to change my mind! You have to go with me to the city of Modo!..."

.................. (To be continued.)

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