Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Kill the collection of the Son of God!

The **** of killing - Bar!

Unexpectedly, this incident involved one of the ancient death gods. Adele Isabella should know that this matter should be reported to Lord Sauron even if he is ignorant. As one of Sauron's most loyal followers, she has access to far more field power than other pastors, including the killing field that Soren has mastered, and one of the sources of power that Adele-Isabela has access to. It is only because of the ability to gain a sense of killing from the field of killing, but also to her own talent.

Since the matter involves killing the Son of God, the news must be sent back to Lord Sauron.

And according to Andrei, the position of the Bodean suit should be within the scope of the big bang during the Arcane Empire. The floating city that violently exploded after the fall was not only limited to the eastern countries, but also in overseas regions. There was a violent explosion in the floating city and other places where the floating city that orbited the entire material plane. At the north of Treasure Island, even the place where Sauron’s fleet is not easy to get close to is the place where one of the floating cities fell and exploded. It is said that the giant vortex formed there was once a land, in a whirlpool. There are also some well-preserved city ruins at the bottom.

The energy radiation in this place is terrible!

Although thousands of years have passed, energy radiation has been reduced to a large extent, but the variation caused by intense radiation has completely affected and changed these places.

No exception!

These places with high concentrations of energy radiation are very dangerous and the environment is several times more dangerous than overseas islands.

If you use Sauron’s original adventurer, it’s that these places are all replicas of difficult relics. If the average level of team members does not reach level 15, it is simply how many dead ends.

This is a high-level map with a minimum challenge level of 15 or higher. Even the legendary strongmen may go out!

In the middle of the Holocaust, these ancient relics discovered by people because of the turbulent years are no less dangerous than exploring other planes. In some places, even the level of challenge has reached level 25 or above!

That is to say, even if the Holy One who is the embodiment of the gods enters, it is possible to die inside.

As Adele-Isabella. Naturally, the right to mobilize the wind and spear hills to collect a group of high-level professionals. Then set up a fleet to explore as one of the pirate leaders.

However, from the voice of Andrei, the red-haired female pirate learned that the danger of this place far exceeded her own estimate.

They haven’t even beaten the marine behemoths that they encountered in the first place. It’s already a mess that has not yet arrived at the place called Pirate Island. Andrei spent all his savings on the battleship and recruited sailor teammates, so he will live like this. Once a group is destroyed and only he is alive. It is enough to make Andre's reputation in the adventurer very bad.

Otherwise why are other people dead, only you have survived alone?

For those who end up. Many adventurers are far away.

I heard that the red-haired female pirate said that she would bring herself to see the legendary Lord Sauron. Andre’s expression was obviously a hint of surprise and a trace of panic. He was very awesome to the legendary figure. But now there is no room for him to choose. He can only go to the city of Modo to see Sauron with Adele-Ishabella. Any information about the **** of killing - Barr is the focus of the collection of Modo City. The rogues inside the church have been searching for clues about the three gods of death.

So Admiral Elizabeth went to Modo City with a rather panic Andrea.


Modo City’s intelligence network also sent the news to Sauron’s hands for the first time.


Modo City. Battle chess plane.

After successfully killing the Lord of Shadows, Sauron’s heart has already lost one.

Now, as long as the fear **** is destroyed and the kingdom of God is destroyed, even the Holy Holocaust ends. Sauron can also live a life of being truly a **** with [medium power].

Therefore, if it is not the year of turmoil, the gods who usually remain in God's territory are very safe.

At present, Sauron has the ability to protect himself.

As long as you are not dead, you will be brazen enough to provoke the existence of powerful power. So the possibility that Sauron has weathered the Holocaust is very high.

He has a plan to deal with the subsequent wave of shocks, and even the Lord of Hell, the conspiracy of Asmotels.

the only difference.

Is he going to interfere? If you do not interfere, the ending of the material plane is definitely not good, and it is inevitable that the soul will be coated with charcoal.

During this time, Sauron’s focus was on the study of the chess plane.

Although the traces of the goddess of fortune and the goddess of doom have appeared, the relationship between the orc gods and the elves is becoming increasingly tense, but as an outsider, Sauron can stand on the sidelines.

Some things are not something he can intervene.

The devils in the Barto Hell have not had any big moves, and many really powerful demon lords are still watching. Soren naturally focuses on improving their own strength.

This is not just to improve his own strength, he also needs to improve the ability of the entire Modo City to deal with the disaster of the Holy Ghost.

Soren's recent alchemy skills have improved linearly!

At the same time, after gaining the highest authority of the Arcane Tower, he was finally able to calm down and study how to control the special ability of the chess plane.

The challenge that Sauron first tried was naturally not optional.

Because in addition to Sauron, no one has successfully passed, and Gloria or the fallen witch has all been challenged by the original.

And this difficulty is to choose the successor of the war chess plane, others do not have to try such a difficult challenge.

Sauron needs to reduce the difficulty.

Of course, not only is it as simple as reducing the difficulty, he also needs to set and create the challenge content of the chess plane. When he first encountered the semi-god giant, Sauron encountered a very simple war game, which represented that the war game in the Arcane Empire had many different contents. What Sauron has to do now is to create a trial of himself. It is like he needs to make a difficult RPG game, and then hand it over to the elites to challenge and use them to sharpen them. strength.

Soren’s current idea is still dominated by demons and demons.

Because during the Holocaust, this is the two kinds of enemies that mortals need to face most. www.readwn.com~ The incarnation of Sauron is in the bottomless abyss, so he can easily simulate the creation of various demons and then put them As an enemy in the trial. In this way, even if you are in the face of the middle and high-level demons, you should have no fear.


When Solon completed part of it and was about to begin preliminary testing, Adele Isabella sent him a very important message.

This news is related to the legendary killing of the Son of God.

"Bodean suit!?"

Soren silently looked at the intelligence in his hand and muttered: "It seems that this set of equipment really fell into the hands of the killing god!..."


(PS: The third one. You can pay attention to the WeChat public number of Futuo to give support. At the same time, if anyone is free, you can help the Futu to organize the properties of the Bodean suit in the book review area. Thank you very much.) (To be continued) .) Enable new URL

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