Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 1: Magic net crashes!

The patter of rain fell.

A thick **** smell shrouded the plain, a huge gully in front of it, a land that was torn by some terrible force, and a farther burning tree, even if it rained. The flame on the body. The bodies of the orcs and the elves were mixed together, and the dense bodies piled up at the forefront, with broken armor and weapons everywhere. Not far from the body of a giant bear, this stands up, I am afraid that a giant of four or five meters tall has now been killed by a giant axe.

It is clear that there has been a fierce battle here.

From the perspective of the battlefield, the two sides did not distinguish between the winners and the losers, but the loss of the elves was obviously greater.


The city of Modo is still a calm day.

As April is coming to an end, the impact will finally erupt.

The elves and the orcs broke out in a war. The final result was that there were no winners. The strength of the elf gods and the orc gods was not much different, and neither side could completely defeat each other. There are more and more news of the goddess of fortune and the goddess of doom. Although the two fatemen have not yet played a direct role, the secret battle has become more and more obvious. What makes Sauron pay more attention to is that the figure of the goddess of fortune seems to appear in Allendale. The incarnation of the goddess of doom was also near Arundel.

Everything looks nothing too big.

Time is just a little bit past, and the adventurer squad that Sauron sent out has reached the pirate island. The news from the Eastern Kingdom is also very good. Gloria’s Witch Group has established a base in the New World.


Everything is over in May.

This is a normal day, at least in the morning.

But when the afternoon comes, everything in the entire material plane has changed! Sauron disconnected from the network of gods in an instant, and the divine light that shrouded the cathedral above the city of Modo became dim.

This moment!

All of the priests of Sauron lost the ability to display their magic, and all the wizards and priests of the entire material plane could not display any spells at all.

The magic net has disappeared!

An invisible force that shrouds the entire world has disappeared.

The first reaction was Sauron, who almost immediately connected to the faith of Modo City in an instant, and then used his own level of computing power to give the gods to the believers.

The second batch of legendary wizards who felt that the magic net disappeared was Gloria.

She appeared in front of Sauron almost instantly, and then her expression was extremely dignified: "The magic goddess has an accident! Now we have no way to connect to the existence of the magic net!"

The storm has spread the entire material plane in silence.

The North Wall Witch Council started the lock almost in an instant, and the palace of Arundel rose up. The Wizarding League is temporarily closed to the outside world. Then there is a light curtain that envelopes the entire city. The brilliance of all the temples in the whole material plane has become dim, but the first to recover is the existence of many powerful divine powers, followed by those gods with medium divine power, as those who are weaker than the divine power. The glory above the temples that they have has been reduced by more than 30%.

The magic goddess has an accident!

this moment!

All the gods of the entire material plane, both good and evil, have already noticed this. Because the existence of the magic net is not only for all the wizards, but the space above the magic net nine layers has been transformed into a **** network. It is used to help the gods to give back to believers who believe in the magic of God. But now the belief network has disappeared, and the gods can only rely on their own ability to give feedback to believers. Otherwise, the pastors who serve them will not be able to display any magic.

Sauron’s expression was extremely dignified. He glanced at Gloria and sighed: "I don't think this last thing happened."

The magic goddess has an accident.

Sauron is not sure if she has fallen. However, judging from the disappearance of the magic net, she is now facing a very serious trouble!

The magic net crashed.

Although Sauron has shortened the time of the outbreak of this catastrophe for a long time, many efforts have been made to this end. But I did not expect it to eventually happen.

The belief network also disappeared with the magic net.

The power of the gods is attenuating, and if the magic net is still there, the power of the gods can also form a crush on the mortal. So now with the collapse of the belief network, the process of restoring the power of the gods will become more difficult.

The disappearance of the magic net made all the casters feel uncomfortable.

Even the Soul of the Arcanist, in the case of losing the help of the Magic Net. I also feel the difficulty of casting, which is at least several times more difficult than in the past.

Fortunately, he had already expected this, and Gloria and others were prepared very early.

But even then, with the disappearance of the magic net, there will be a large number of casters losing their power in the material plane, and their talent will not be enough to master the spell.

The witch group was abolished in half!

Many witches are afraid that they can only display low-level spells below the Third Ring. As for the organizations such as the North Witch Council and the Wizarding League, I am afraid that the crisis facing now will be more serious.

The two were silent and silent.

The collapse of the magic net almost gave the material plane a very serious knife. It weakened the power of the mortal and weakened the power of the gods.

The devil and the demons will be ready to move!

"What should we do now?"

Suddenly lost the connection of the magic net to make Golia a little confused, she looked at Sauron in front of her eyes: "There is no support for the magic net, then we will have a lot of trouble."

Sauron looked at her and nodded. Then she said, "Don't panic. You should first adapt to the spellcast without the magic net."

"The Arcanists have always been out of the magic net to cast spells, so your talent should be able to adapt quickly. The research progress can be temporarily relieved, although the current magic net has disappeared, but I did not feel the magic goddess fallen ""

The goddess of magic is still not dead~www.readwn.com~ When she heard of Sauron, Gloria could not help but calm down a lot.

However, at this time, the figure of the fallen witch appeared. Her expression was a little scared, but she remembered the more important thing. She saw her watching Sauron and her daughter in front of her eyes. Shen Sheng said: "The magic net disappeared. ""

"I just came back from the shadow plane."

"The "Magic Net" that has been extended to the shadow plane has disappeared!"


what! ?

The shadow magic net also collapsed?

Sauron couldn’t help but groan, and immediately thought of something, muttered: "Does it mean that the night lady is also in trouble? The magic net and the shadow magic net disappear at the same time! Is the two goddesses fighting in the dark?"

..................(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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