Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 2: The catastrophe of the caster!

It has only just begun in May.

The whole world is like a mess. The power of the gods was dealt a heavy blow. They were forced to leave the Kingdom of God because of the ravages of the Holy Ghost, and at the same time they lost the form of the gods. Nowadays, even the network of beliefs is no longer accessible. The power of mortals has also been hit hard. Many casters can't sense the magic net, and the low-ranking casters whose talents are not good enough almost completely lose the ability to cast spells. The collapse of the magic net made them feel very uncomfortable. They have become accustomed to the magical energy that they can't control the chaos after losing the magic net.

The role of the magic net is not only to provide convenience, but also to limit the magical energy within the scope of the magic net.

This confusion quickly spread to the dark areas, because the caster in the dark area suddenly found himself unable to cast spells.

Because [Shadow Magic Net] has also disappeared.

Originally created by the Lady of the Night to imitate the magic goddess [Shadow Magic Net], it disappeared at the same time that the magic net disappeared. Not only the caster in the dark area can't cast spells, even the priest of the spider god, Rose, temporarily lost his ability to practice. For a time, the order of the priests who relied on powerful forces and ruthlessly ruled throughout the dark areas was challenged. Many of the drow's cities had a lot of riots inside, and the male clan members were all eager to move.

The magic net has collapsed!

Although the birth and death of the goddess of magic has not yet been known, but for a time no one has the interest to continue fighting.

The trace of the lady of the night also disappeared.

She is not responding to the prayers of the believers, and [Shadow Magic Net] has no trace of recovery.

Time has passed for three days.

In the underground city in the dark area, there have been enough turmoil in these three days, and many killings have been caused. However, although there was a radiance on the temple behind the spider god, the spider **** who had not responded to any believers for three days suddenly reconnected to the believer. Then many female priests restored the power of the gods. Quickly and cruelly cracked down on all the riots, and then took the rights of the entire dungeon and clan in their own hands.

The shadow magic net has disappeared.

However, the gods in the dark areas reflected quickly, and the priests who served them three days later restored the power of the gods.

The gods are adapting to the days when there is no network of gods.

Even Sauron now spends more energy on responding to the prayers of believers and giving his pastor a magical power. At the same time, as the belief network collapses. Sauron clearly noticed that the increase in the value of divine power has slowed down.

The goddess of magic still has no news.

There was a riot inside the North Witch Parliament. But fortunately, there is the eye of the Northland, and now the North Wall Witch Council has issued a blockade order, temporarily canceling most of the activities, the entire organization has fallen into a state of contraction. Lost the help of Magic Net. Many witches have become very weak, and some of them even dare not go out of the wizarding tower.

The same is true of the Wizarding League.

The gates of the city have been closed for three days. A walled arcane guard can be seen on the wall, and a transparent shield has not disappeared from beginning to end.

The Wizarding League rejected any visitors!

All the Masters have been recalled and are urgently negotiating how to deal with the disappearance of the Magic Net.

Gloria’s ability to cast spells is recovering.

She has already learned about the knowledge of the Arcanist. Now it’s just going to take more effort. The disappearance of the magic net has caused all the wizards whose intelligence is below 20 points to be hit hard, and it is difficult for their talents to control the spell energy. That is to say, now an intelligence is about 20 points. A wizard who casts a level above 6 or higher is currently casting a spell of one or two rings. And those wizards whose natural intellectual attributes are less than 16 points, have not reached the middle level. Nowadays, even the trick of level 0 is very difficult.

Modo City has also temporarily fallen into a semi-closed state.

The disappearance of the magic net must have an adaptation period, and the witches under Gloria must learn new knowledge. They need to exercise more powerful mental power, and use this to control the spell power after losing the magic net constraint.

The strength of all witches has been reduced by more than 50%!

Fortunately, the city of Modo was not supported by the power of the caster, after these witches lost a lot of power. They became the existence of the protection and protection of the city of Modo.

And, in just a few days, the witches who joined Gloria became more and more.

The eyes of the Northland also sent letters, and the North Witches Council also had knowledge about the Arcans. At present, their hope is that the two sides will give up any prejudice in the past and share all the knowledge about the spellcasting of the Arcanists. Also known as Modo City is the Wizarding League. They also know that they have some knowledge of the Arcans. If Modo City agrees, they will immediately send a Master to come and visit.

The collapse of the magic net has forced the entire world's casters to start saving themselves!

Fortunately, the second wave of the Holocaust has ended, and the new impact has not yet arrived, which gives the casters a short buffer.

Let them have time to adapt to the days without the magic net, and study how to cast spells in the case of leaving the magic net.

if not!

They must directly attack the demon army and the past enemies in the absence of the ability to cast spells. The disappearance of the magic net makes many former wizards feel deeply uneasy. After losing power, they can only rely on the magic image and the wizard tower to protect them. Yourself. In just a few days, many wizards have been killed. Most of them are those who have squandered their wealth and the enemies they have encountered in the past. In this case, the unorganized caster is the most tragic, and those who have the power to protect can temporarily hide in a safe place.

The lock of the North Witch Council has been closed for three days.

The City of Sorcerers is no longer open to the outside world.

The long princess of Allendale also sent a magic message to Sauron, and now the caster organization of the entire material plane is dealing with the problem after the collapse of the magic net.

Gloria’s witch group has increased rapidly.

At the same time, the scattered wizards of Fortune City, Port of Tello and Shipwreck Bay also rushed to the city of Modo. They were thinking of Sauron seeking blessing, and most of them were attached to Saruman’s majesty.

Without the magic net they may not even be able to beat a mid-level fighter!

This kind of life and death ~www.readwn.com~ Once the high-ranking masters have to start to bow, they are committed to organizations that can temporarily shelter them.

The caster of Modo City has increased to six or seven hundred people!

But even with so many casters, Soren now faces a problem, that is, there are only a few of them who have the ability to advance the Arcane, and most of the casters have to find another way to restore strength.


After a full day of deliberation, the organizations of the North Witch Council, the Allendale Ice and Snow Witch, the Modo City Wizards, the Wizards Alliance, etc. decided to implement knowledge sharing in the future.

They must work together to solve the problem of the Magic Net crash!


(PS: Second. New volume. Ask for the attention and recommendation of the public number.) (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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