Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 2: The catastrophe of the caster!

The goddess of magic and the lady of the night have an accident at the same time.

Although it is still unknown that there is an accident in the secret struggle between the two goddesses, there are still other things happening. However, the nerves of the gods are obviously tense, because this is the first time that there has been a [powerful] spirit of the Holy Spirit since the Holocaust. In the past, although there were gods and degenerations, they were all weak and weak, and the gods of shadows who died in Sauron’s hands were medium-minded, but they were all lonely. But the goddess of magic is different from the lady of the night. Both of them are powerful gods, and there is still a ticket to the existence of God.

The magic net and the shadow magic net collapse at the same time.

The goddess of two powerful gods disappeared together, and all believers and pastors could not get their response.

The lady of the night lady is a little better. After all, there are many other professionals, but the fate of the organization that serves the goddess of magic is very tragic. Because there are too many casters, the power of the magic net directly leads to a great reduction in power. Many used to The evil spirits who have enmity with the goddess of magic are moving in the dark.

But at this time other gods also stood up a lot.

Ms. Yin Yue is the first **** to stand up and shelter the goddess of magic goddess. In a sense, she is also the mother of the goddess of magic. Without her struggle with the lady of the night, there will be no birth of the goddess of magic.

It’s much easier to have a lady behind the lead.

Many of the gods of the good camps have temporarily sheltered the church of the goddess of magic, and even the goddess of love who has always been casual has stood up.

The matriarchal gods of this world are still relatively strong.

The existence of the goddess of magic is very special after all. Many gods need to rely on the belief network of the top of the magic net. So after she disappeared, many people are looking for her traces. Even the gods who have not had much relationship with her will exert a little power. Because the gods have broken the connection with the kingdom of God, and now even if the network of beliefs cannot be connected, their power is really weak.


Modo City has recently added many casters.

Not only members of the North Witch Council, but also the top of the Wizarding League, and members of the Allendale Ice and Snow Witch. The casters who have seen it in the past are now starting to get more, and most of them are in a hurry. Many of them live directly near the library in Modo City. Modo City is strictly guarded during this time. Any minor riots may be provoked by the garrison. The patrol patrol in the port area is also 50% higher than before.

"How is the progress?"

Soren had a little bit of a war chess plane. When he came back, he immediately arrived at Gloria's lab and said, "What research is there?"

In front of Gloria is a pile of books, next to her is the fallen witch and Alice with a rather tired face.

The collapse of the magic net made them feel a little guilty.

"Slightly a little."

Gloria put down the books in her hand and slowly said: "At present, through the exchanges with the North Witch Council and the Wizards Alliance, we find that the biggest difference between the spellcasting of the Arcane Empire and the current cast is the analysis of the spell model."

"In the period of the Arcane Empire."

"Most of the casters are completely building spell models, which slows them down, but the understanding of spells is deeper."

"And today, many casts rely on spells."

"Some low-level wizards with insufficient talent can't complete the construction of the spell model. They can only rely on repeated meditation and spells to form a spell model with the power of the magic net."

The magic net is a connector and a storage device.

Sauron knew this very early, because the spells he mastered were stored on the magic net, and if a wizard did not change the magic stored in the spell space, then only a little meditation to recover, you can regain the spell. . This kind of convenience makes many talented wizards gain the ability to cast spells, but they also make them dependent. Many wizards have fixed spells, and the spells in them can not be replaced for a long time.

With their ability to calculate and understand, the construction of the spell model is not fully understood.

"Spell model?"

Sauron couldn't help but think that when he first mastered the spell, he seemed to seldom interpret the spell. Perhaps it was a congenital concept that the magic net would collapse sooner or later, so Sauron learned from the beginning when he learned the spell. Construct a spell model to get started. Most of the low-level wizards start with meditation and spells. Some don't even know what the spell model is. They rely on repeated contact spells to communicate with the magic net, and finally master the most basic level 0 trick.

Gloria took out a drawing and gave it a look at Sauron. Then she said: "At present, our test results are that after leaving the magic net, most of the wizards have lost the ability to cast high-level spells."

"With their intelligence, it is impossible to independently complete the model construction of high-order spells."

"The Magic Net provides a storage convenience, and allows the wizards to get more spells. However, after the Magic Net crash, the effect of the Magic Net storage has been lost. The wizard must re-remember the spell model to restore the spellcasting ability. ”

"At the moment we have tested some of them."

“After restructuring the spell model, more than 50% of the witches successfully cast low-level spells.”


"This is limited to the low-level spells they have!"

“The memory and comprehension of ordinary casters is simply not enough. The low-level wizards tested have a few talents, and others are currently able to recover only three to five low-level spells.”

"A little more is beyond their ability."


"The results of the test also showed an interesting phenomenon, that is, after the magic net is removed, the caster is no longer limited by the spell position. The key to determining the number of spells depends on their mental strength and their own magic."

"Their cast level has not dropped."

"Our preliminary test results show that a middle- and high-level wizard who lost other spells can continue to play more than ten times after re-remembering the spell model of fireball!"

"The number of spells is not much different from the past spells."

Sauron couldn’t help but fall into silence.

After pondering for a moment, he looked up and said: "In simple terms! The magic energy of oneself has not decreased! The only change is that there is no magic net, and many spells have no way to master it."

"But the spells that have been mastered can be used many times depending on the original strength?"

The fallen witch also looked up at this time and nodded: "Yes."

"The result of the current research with the Wizarding League is ~www.readwn.com~ Most of the middle and low-level wizards have no advanced ability to become an arcane master. That is to say, if the magic net does not recover, they will be able to live forever. At most, I remember a few of them."

"These spells can be repeated like a warlock."


"If you have too many spell models to remember, and your memory and understanding are not enough, you will probably cause a very serious spell reversal."

"They will probably only be a single type of caster in the future."

"At present, all the test results show that only those who have excellent talents can freely cast spells like the Arcanists!"

Sauron listened to these words and stunned.

Then he couldn't help but feel in his heart: "The era of blue spells is finally coming! The old masters have fallen into the dust! I am afraid that in addition to the geniuses of talented advanced arcans, other casters can only be reduced to a single type. The fort is over."

The magic net is a storage.

Now that there is no such storage, it is only developed by the brains of ordinary people. It is very difficult to memorize a complex spell model. The only thing they can do now is to try to remember the few of the most familiar spells.

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