Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 4: The era of the end of law!

After the magic net crashed.

The one-time memory of the original wizard with the help of the magic net storage must become today's permanent memory, because there is no spell position to help them save these constructed spell models.

A little detail must be mentioned here.

In the past, the sorcerer's memory spells were the longest time spent on preserving the spells, and after completing the memory of the spells, you only had to cast the spells later, and the time spent refilling the spells was very short. Even a wizard with a very poor talent, up to 8 hours, can completely re-remember all the spells stored in the spell. This is one of the biggest roles of the magic net. Now, after losing this effect, many wizards must independently complete the model construction of these spells.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the power of these casters is still there.

That is, the most basic mental power and the magic accumulated through meditation are still there. For example, Gloria has seen an example for Sauron.

A middle-level wizard named Corolla.

His talent is not high, it is estimated that the intelligence calculation of the professional bonus is barely at 18-20 points, his original cast level is about 8 levels. After the Magic Net crash, he completely lost all his spells, but after testing the Modo City and the Wizarding League, he regained the most basic loop spell [Arcane Missiles] through continuous practice.

This is currently his only one spell that can be cast.

In the case where he can only remember to cast this spell, he can actually cast more than 30 Arcane Missiles to exhaust his power.

This means that his original ability to exercise has not disappeared.

Only he has lost the magic net as an aid, and he can no longer master other spells. For a long time, he is afraid that he can only perform some very low-level spells.

"What are you going to do now?"

Sauron frowned and looked at the results of the test by Gloria and others. He slowly said: "There are still many wizards who can't cast spells. They must solve this problem as soon as possible, at least let them protect themselves."

Gloria nodded and said: "I know."

"So the result of our current discussion is to let them re-remember the spells that are most familiar and most commonly used. At present, they can only learn the skills of the warlocks and re-master the spells through repeated exercises."


"In the future, these people may find it difficult to learn new spells. The types of spells they have may be a little less than the Warlocks."

Warlocks rely on talent to cast spells.

After the magic net crashed. The old masters who used to be high are probably only able to master a very small number of spells through constant contact, unless they can meet the requirements of advanced arcans.

During the Arcane Empire, there was also the existence of the magic net.

A large number of low-order casters rely on the magic net to cast spells, but the level of the Arcane division will generally open the magic net, and if advanced into the Arcane master. There is no problem with the magic net.

"How about the Archmage?"

Sauron thought for a moment and said, "Is there no reduction in the ability of the Archmage to cast spells?"

The answer to him is the fallen witch. Just listen to her slowly: "The ability of the Archmage has not dropped much. With their talent and understanding of the spell, even if there is no magic net, you can cast most of the spells."

"But the impact is definitely something."

"The impact they receive should be similar to us, and we need to re-remember all the spells."

The talent of the fallen witch is amazing.

So complicated [Elemental Furnace]. She relies on one's memory to disassemble and reassemble. This memory and understanding is simply the level of scientists. The Archmage is an advanced legendary caster. Their talents are very good, even if the magic net collapses, they easily re-complete the spell memory.

This should be the most fortunate one.

After the Magic Net crashed, the lower level wizards were hit hard. However, the wizards above the legend have not been greatly affected.

"What is your current strength?"

Sauron thought about it and asked: "Do you think your strength is reduced or improved?"

Gloria frowned and hesitated. Slowly said: "Not sure."

"But what is certain at the moment is that the spells we can cast after the Magic Net crash have become much more flexible. The original spell position has provided convenience to the caster, but it also limited some of the talented people. ”

"In the past, I used to cast spells. I have to limit what I remember in my spell space."

“And now we are free to cast all the spells we can master! It’s only our own mental power and magic to measure our ability to cast spells.”

"Before the magic and mental exhaustion, we can cast spells at will."

"There is no actual combat testing yet, so I am not sure if our strength is reduced or improved!"


"The convenience of the magic net makes the spells easier to display. After leaving the magic net, after our preliminary calculations, the total number of spells we can cast should be reduced by about 30%."

Magic Net is a framework and a limitation.

A ring spell can only remember a ring of spells, although the utilization has been maximized, but the framework is there, no one can jump out of the magical goddess rule limits.

Now that the Magic Net has collapsed, there is no such convenience without this framework.

The use of personal ability alone is in no way more than a huge magic net, so the total amount of spells that can be performed as a whole is reduced.

of course.

Unless you only remember to cast a ring spell, the number of spells you cast will increase, because the last two ring spells have become the magic of casting a ring spell.

“How long does it take for these casters to recover?”

Soren asked the most critical questions.

Gloria pondered for a long time, and she said: "It's hard to say. Now I can only see their personal talents. It is estimated that most of the casters can recover some spells in a month or so."

"But some of them may only be able to perform some level 0 tricks in the future."

No magic net reality is so cruel.

If you are not a master of a hegemony or a quasi-study, you can use the 0-level trick to change the magic.

The existence of the magic net naturally has its truth. How brilliant the Thoran era, after the death of the first generation of the goddess of magic, is not the same as the destruction in history ~www.readwn.com~ An arcane civilization is not the top Those geniuses can support it. Magic wants to use civilians and popularize it. It must rely on the power of the magic net. If the magic net can't recover, now this group of casters is better.

From now on, without the help of Magic Net, the difficulty of anyone to advance the wizard will be doubled!

Sauron conservatively estimated that it requires an initial intelligence of 18 points. They can advance to become a wizard apprentice, master the lowest level 0 trick, and then start to learn a ring spell when the professional level reaches level 4. (Note: Because at the level of the wizard's professional level 4, their intelligence can reach about 20 points.)

Now this group of wizards has accumulated and exercised in the past, and most of the intelligence has been raised to more than 20 points because of the occupational level.

In the future, the number of wizards will plummet!

Lost the magic net, if you can't recover, or find other alternatives, then the end of the era will gradually come, and eventually the number of casters will be less and less!

........................(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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