Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Dye finger [shadow magic net]!

A civilization is not something that a few people can support.

Just like today's Modo City, although there are a lot of sophisticated alchemy techniques, but now it is only popular magical street lights. But even if it's just a magical streetlight, it often needs a group of low-level wizards to check and maintain. As for the more high-end magical factory of alchemy technology, the routine maintenance of the casters is more than double digits. Usually, if there is any damage repair, these things are all needed by the middle and lower casters.

It can be said that without these low- and medium-level casters, it would be difficult for Gloria to have enough time and energy to study.

The same reason can be placed anywhere.

Cutting-edge experiments can also rely on the power of geniuses, but universal maintenance requires a lot of bottom-level manpower. The collapse of the magic net means that the difficulty of the Solon Floating City plan will increase linearly, and the loss of a large number of middle and low-level wizards will lead to the difficulty of maintaining the future of the floating city. This is the same in other civilizations. Scientists have discovered a lot of important knowledge, but in the end, it is necessary to countless workers and scholars to advance the overall civilization process.

The collapse of the magic net is the symbol of the era of the end of the law.

Looking at the long history of the multiverse, most of the eras that can be called "interstellar civilization" are based on the magic network.

Otherwise, the wizard will become a mysterious representative.

Although there are not many wizards in material planes, but because of the magic net, almost every town can see the traces of wizards. However, if there is no magic net in the future, even in a big city, it is difficult to see the traces of the wizard.


Sauron sat in the hall and meditated. He frowned slightly at the moment, muttering: "The magic net eventually collapsed! In this case, what about my plan for Floating City?"

The power of the magic net is controlled by the magic goddess.

If you can, Sauron does not want to see the magic net disappear, because the era without the Internet is a sad era.

"Where is the goddess of magic now?"

“Is there a fall?”

Sauron looked up at the window and whispered: "If the goddess of magic falls, the new heirs can regain the power of the magic net."

"The same magic net will also be repaired."

"In the current situation, do I have to implement Plan B or implement Plan C?"

The fall of the goddess of magic is inevitable in the original history.

Although Sauron helped the magic goddess to survive the first crisis. However, it still hasn't stopped the collapse of the magic net. The only effect is that the magic goddess is missing now, but it has not died yet.

The collapse of the Magic Net is one of the most critical factors in the Holocaust.

So Soren had a spare plan very early, and the first to help the goddess of magic is the A plan prepared by Sauron, and the current plan A seems to have failed.

Because the magic net has disappeared.

As a habitually determined person. Of course, Sauron will not have only one plan, he has two other alternate plans.

For example, Plan B.

In the original plan of Sauron. If the goddess of magic finally escapes the fate of death, then he turns his head to help [Ms. Silvermoon] to gain the power of the goddess of magic. Because Ms. Yin Yue is one of the creators of the birth of the magic goddess, she can completely replace the magic goddess to repair the **** network.

of course.

Other than that. There is also a C plan in Sauron’s mind.

This plan is going to be bold, and it was only after he advanced to medium power. Because of today's magic goddess [midnight]. It used to be nothing more than an ordinary witch. She was inspired by the power of the goddess of magic. If Sauron has enough cards, he may try to help someone to get the goddess of magic.

For example, Gloria. Or a fallen witch.

The difficulty of the C plan is very high! But it is not completely impossible!

In the turbulent year, anything can happen. There are also many mortals in the original history. It is not entirely impossible to capture the priesthood of the goddess of magic from the hands of the gods. But if Soren does this, there are too many enemies to face. After all, this is a sacred position of [powerful power].


I really want to tell the truth. The power of Goliath or the fallen witch is not enough to master the power of the goddess of magic.

There is only one way for Gloria to acquire the magical priesthood. Soren takes the power of this priesthood and then transfers it to her, allowing her to become a **** directly as a mortal.

"Magic net."

"Shadow Magic Net."

Sauron frowned and thought, as if hesitantly muttered: "I have the [shadow] priesthood and I have the professional rank of the Arcane Master."


“Can I try to get or create something like [Shadow Magic Net]?”

The real magic net Sauron is afraid to think about it.

But if it is the Shadow Magic Net, Sauron thinks there is a little possibility, because his control of the shadow plane is very powerful.

At the beginning of the creation of the Shadow Magic Net, Ms. Night is also confined to the dark area.

Ms. Dark Night is not a pure caster. She is just an ancient god. The career direction is closer to the rogue, and there are many similarities with the current Sauron.

Here must mention the career of the lady of the night.

She is a part-time veteran of the rogue, part-time martial artist and part-time assassin.

Sauron’s current occupation is [Rogue Part-time Shadow Warrior Part-time Wizard and Part-time Arcanist]!

Is it very similar?

That's right!

Both Sauron and Ms. Night’s professional part-time jobs are very similar, and can even be said to be similar genres.

The biggest difference now is that the night lady is part of the caster's caster, and Sauron is a part-time caster of the wizard division.

Perhaps Sauron is still far from the ability of the Lady of the Night.

But what if it is just a small regional magic net?

With the power of shadows, the power of the sacred mission ~www.readwn.com~ depends on the ability of the shadow plane, can Sauron not be able to build a small area magic net shrouded in the vicinity of Modo City and the shadow plane?

Most likely!

The more Sauron wants to think, the more he can do it.


He still lacks the most important part of it, that is, to obtain a field of priesthood related to magic, magic net, and mystery. He must first acquire such a field of priesthood before he can try to imitate a shadow magic net.

Otherwise, he is simply impossible to succeed!

The existence of the magic net is dependent on the power of the priesthood, there is no magic-related priesthood, Soren has no basic ability to build a magic network.


(PS: So much today. Next, I want to think about it.) (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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