Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 6: Moto College!

The impact of the shallow magic net crash on Sauron is not too big.

However, the impact of the collapse of the belief network on Sauron is very serious, because with the collapse of the belief network, the workload of Sauron's prayers to believers has increased several times. Sauron’s intention to get the idea of ​​[Shadow Magic Net] is not to want to build his own belief network in the future. Otherwise, it is always a good idea to always use the power of the outside world to collect faith. Sauron does not like that some things are subject to people, and the power that they can master is the most effective.

Time has passed for a week.

The research progress led by the Wizarding League, the North Witch Council, the Allendale Ice Witch and the Modo City has finally begun to show results. Many wizards have mastered several spells that they are most familiar with through repeated practice spellcasting. And how much strength can be recovered in the future depends on their personal talents and efforts.

Say it.

After the magic network crashed, it was a good thing.

That is the benchmark for measuring the talent of wizards. In the past, everyone used the power of the magic net to cast spells. It is like a group of students who are in the first grade at the same time. They have similar IQ tests without special tests. At most, some people learn well. A little bit of learning is bad. Some people are serious and some people are lazy. However, after the collapse of the magic net, everyone's talent has a direct measure of the benchmark, and all the geniuses in the wizard are distinguished from the ordinary people.

These quasi-genius or genius casters can easily complete the memory of the spell model and gradually become qualified as an arcane master.

After the magic net disappeared, such genius characters are constantly emerging.

At the beginning, everyone used the power of the magic net to cast spells. Even if there is an intellectual gap, the difference is only the number of spells and the speed of learning spells. It is not a very obvious benchmark. Now that the magic net disappears, most of the geniuses stand out, and these people have become the key to the gathering of many forces. Even Modo City has emerged two or three witches with natural intelligence above 20 points. All of these people were accepted as apprentices by Gloria, ready to train them into future arcane masters.

at this time.

The Chamber of the City of Modo. Sauron, Gloria, Saruman, fallen witch and others sat together.


After listening to Sauron’s words, Gloria snorted and immediately muttered: “You mean? Are you going to open a school in Modo City? Is it not an aristocratic school? Is it a school that is completely popular?”

Gloria’s voice just fell, and the expressions of other people present were a little surprised.

The level of knowledge popularization in this world is very low and belongs to the most standard elite education model. Knowledge is always in the hands of the top leaders of society. Ordinary civilians are afraid that even literacy is very difficult. Some people will barely write their own names in their lifetime. Only businessmen, nobles and professional people can master more knowledge. Even many civilian children join the church of the gods because the church also teaches some of the knowledge to the civilians.


This matter has long been wanted by Soren. Only now, I feel that the time is ripe. He looked at other people and said: "I am going to start a school."

"Because of the collapse of the magic net, the number of casters in Modo City has increased a lot."

"In the past, there were not so many scholars to teach knowledge in Modo City. But now there are so many wizards in Modo City. Even though many casters are not strong, their accumulated knowledge is a valuable asset. ""

“Moto City needs a lot of talent in the future.”

“Not only have the talents to become a wizard, but also other talents, and I am going to try a new model, you can call it “pipeline” production. Let ordinary people with insufficient talents master a certain A certain part of the work, through repeated practice to make them more proficient, and finally the different division of labor constitutes the whole process."

The knowledge of wizards far exceeds that of other professions.

Today, there are many middle and low-level wizards in the city of Modo. Their ability to cast spells is less than 30%, but the accumulated knowledge has not disappeared.

Don't use them, can Sauron raise them in white?

It doesn't take much trouble, as long as they take turns teaching, even if one person only has one day of class in a week, it is enough to teach ordinary people a lot of things.

Alchemy is not all done by spells.

The factory of Magic Nets also needs a lot of underlying labor, including the parts that polish the stone golem. Assemble the structure of the Golem, arrange the rune route, and more. These parts can be done by ordinary people. If a production line can be formed, then the wizard only needs to be responsible for the most important activation and recharge parts.

"I want to start a school that is not aristocratic."

Sauron is still a bit unintelligible to see other people. Explain slowly: "In a nutshell! You can understand it as a technical school! In addition to the simplest part of the knowledge of the text, all other categories are to learn a certain technology."

“This kind of school doesn't take too long to go to special research.”

"It will take a few months, and it will take about a year to slow down. The students inside can master one of these technologies and then directly enter the various positions in the city of Modo."

“In this way, even ordinary families in the city of Modo can afford it.”

Why is the popularity of material plane knowledge so low?

To a large extent, ordinary families simply cannot afford a workforce to learn and cannot bring any income to the family. So knowledge will be circulated among merchants and aristocratic families. What Solon has to do is to shorten this cycle. At present, Modo City is under rapid construction. The low-end hard work has gradually been replaced by the Golems. He now needs a more technical workforce. In this way, the opening of a technical school has become an important part of a technical school that controls the learning cycle between six months and one year, providing water, forging, engineering, alchemy, etc. to Modo City. A low-end talent with mastery in a certain professional field.

Even more straightforward.

At present, Modo City does not need hard work. Soren needs workers!

That's right.

It is the workers and workers!

The important thing must be said three times. The purpose of Sauron's school is to train workers to meet the needs of a large number of low-end technical labor in the future.

Speaking of this, Sauron paused for a moment, then looked at Saruman in front of him, Shen Sheng: "On the alchemy technology, your research results have been seen."

"and so!"

"I will arrange for people to do the specific construction of the school, but this dean is still up to you."

"Preliminary plans."

“I am going to recruit about 3,000 students from Modo City. These people will directly enter the arsenal, laboratory and city hall of Modo City after graduation.”

Gloria needs to be responsible for studying the floating tower, the fallen witch's center of gravity on the elemental furnace, and Alice is responsible for the Golem factory.

It is natural for Sauron not to manage the school himself.

So the only Modo City has the energy to be the dean, I am afraid that only Saruman, who is only responsible for an alchemy laboratory, is only a basic plan.

If the college can really do it, Sauron will have more talents to train in the future. The professional college is one of his ideas. Otherwise, there are too many things to consider and the investment is too big. The layout has already begun. Some things must be considered in the current situation. With the residents of Modo City as the standard, the support of the family to train a skilled worker is already the limit.

no way.

The basis of the material plane is still too low.

The whole is nothing but the productivity of the late Middle Ages. Sauron wants to directly advance to the education model of the modern era. I am afraid that Modo City will also bear a considerable part of the fiscal expenditure. It is inevitable that Jindele will be estimated to be hundreds of thousands. .

At present he only hopes to have results as soon as possible!


(PS: The first is more. Today is the third.) (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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