Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 31: 1 killing!

Today, Lulu’s mood is very bad.

Because she met a very strange woman when she went out today. This woman first gave her a very close atmosphere, and when the other party first met Lulu, it also performed very friendly. It was just a gaze and didn't know what to think. The initial communication between the two people was very good. Lulu also thought that she had met a very good person and might be a good friend in the future. However, the following things made Lulu never imagine that this woman began to make a lot of uncomfortable slaps on Lulu after she invited Lulu to go to the hotel where she lived.

Cats are very sensitive to people.

This is not just a physical perception, but also goodwill and malice to her.

Just like Sauron and Gloria will have nothing to touch Lulu's little head, the little catwoman can feel a little kindness and concern, so she does not reject this touch. But the woman she met today was different. She actually touched Lucy's ear, and she put her hand in a place where Lulu felt so shameful. This suddenly made her alert, so she did not care whether she jumped directly to the window on March 31, and went straight back to the city government.

She is now hesitating to tell others about this, such as Gloria and Sauron, because she always feels that woman is weird!


Material plane, the land of mountains.

Located on the northwest side of the mainland, it is a land surrounded by mountains and a gathering place for highland dwarves.

At this moment, two sly figures appeared here.

Sauron slowly descended from the sky, and he looked at the mountain that collapsed in front of him, and his expression could not become dignified.

"Is it here?"

"It seems that the devils have looted here."

Gloria stared at the entrance that collapsed in front of her eyes and muttered: "I didn't expect the devils to suddenly shoot at the dwarf."

Sauron is also silent.

After a while, he looked up: "Let's go in and see. The duration of the imaginary technique is not long. Since it has come, let's see where the devil comes from!"

The third wave of the Holy Holocaust officially broke out.

But to make Sauron a little surprised, the target of the Devil's Legion attack is not humans, but the highland dwarves living in the mountains.

All the time.

Human beings are the first to be attacked by the Holocaust. Because the number of human beings is the most in the material plane. Moreover, it is scattered all over the world and has the greatest impact. According to the normal historical progress, the third wave of the Holy Holocaust should also be an explosion of humans, but at present it is not known what caused a slight change. The devil was the first to be a dwarf, and the human range was not officially impacted by the Devils.

This may be due to changes in Sauron.

Because of his reasons. The intensity of the first two wave shocks has dropped a lot, and many large cities in humanity have saved a lot of strength.

With the dexterity of the devil, they may not be willing to attack those cities.

of course!

The main reason is that many cities have **** churches and shrines. Before the impact of the devil has not yet played its due role, the devils still dare not directly confront the churches of the gods.

- "Fossil is mud!"

Gloria raised her hand and cast a spell. A channel was cleaned up.

The strength of the imaginary preservation is only 70% to 80%. The spells that Gloria can now cast are not many, but it is good that if the body created by the imaginary surgery dies, it will not affect the body. It is possible to cancel a spell directly with a powerful enemy. This is a very safe projection method.

Two people entered the passage along the passage.

The dwarf likes to stay in the mountains or underground. The news is relatively closed, and the battle here has ended four or five days.

And Sauron still got the news today!

In other words, a few days ago he felt the third wave of the Holy Holocaust came. The battle here has already erupted, and the third wave of shocks is not delayed, but it has not come to humans, and Sauron has not realized it.

The bodies of the dwarves are everywhere.

Here is the branch of the Highland Dwarf [Coffee Fortress]. This dwarf is born with rock-like skin. It is relatively burly and has a population of about 20,000.

In the race of the dwarves, the fortress of so many people is close to the big cities of mankind.


"Why didn't you see the devil's body!?"

Gloria looked at the back of Sauron for a while, and her expression suddenly became strange. He murmured: "From the time we came in, we have seen the bodies of hundreds of dwarves. Why can't even see a devil's body?"

After all, she is not a melee class professional, and some hidden things can't be seen at all.

Sauron turned and glanced at her, then opened the body of one of the dwarfs. The face of the body still had a look of horror before death, and his face was somewhat dark, which proved that he was poisoned before his death. Pointing at the deadly wound near the back of the body, slowly said: "The wound is in the back of the neck, which proves that the enemy is attacking from behind. The look of the wound should be left by the bones. These dwarves are killed on the way to escape. And the door is in front of them, they want to escape from here before they die."

"Looking at the signs of the collapse of the gate, it should be artificially created. The purpose is to make these dwarves unable to escape."

"So many of these bodies are desperate before death."

"The devil is not attacking from the outside. If I have not guessed wrong, they are attacks from under the fortress."

"When the battle here is happening, everything is almost over."

"So there is no devil's body here, because it is only the final finishing to eliminate the deserters."

As if to confirm Sauron's words, the devil's body began to appear as he walked to the passage near the lower level. The first body to appear is the chain demon, and then the body of some bone devils. Compared to the devil of death, the dwarf's body is more. Obviously, the battle is not a level at all. From the ratio of casualties close to ten to one, this is Almost a crushing massacre!

Gloria looked more and more dignified and muttered: "The strength of these dwarves is probably stronger than the regular army of Modo City!"

"Even they are all slaughtered!"

"If these devils attack the city of Modo, the consequences can't be imagined!"

The highland dwarves are well equipped.

Dwarves are born to be masters of forging. Their level of equipment is the highest in all races. Almost all dwarf warriors have a good set of enchanting gear, and the natural strength and physique make them a starting point higher than humans. However, from the perspective of everything seen in front of us, these dwarves who are far superior to human beings have been completely slaughtered.

"These are not ordinary devils!"

Sauron paused when he heard Goliath's words, then waved toward the ground, and the emblem on the body of a devil fell into his palm.

Gloria saw his movements and wondered: "What did you find?"

Soron spread his palm and gave her a glance. When Goliath saw the emblem, she couldn’t help but change her face and muttered: "Devil Grand Duke - Bayer?!"

Sauron nodded slowly.

This is a special emblem ~www.readwn.com~ does not belong to any god's church, but belongs to a special devil.

Blood Warlord - Bayer!

The lord of the first floor of the Barto Hell, the leader of the Hell Eight Devils, is responsible for commanding the supreme commander of the Devil's Legion in the Abyss Blood War. Gloria is very knowledgeable as a legendary wizard. Although Bayer's emblem is not common, she still recognizes it at a glance.

A short silence.

Then, Gloria’s voice was a bit dry: "There was a **** army in the attack?!..."

bloody battle.

When these two words are mentioned, Gloria’s voice is obviously hesitant.

However, when Soren silently nodded, her expression suddenly became more and more dignified.

She looked at Sauron and said slowly: "I am afraid that this material plane will face a great catastrophe!..."

..................(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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