Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 32: visitor!

(The two days of heavy rain, the home is rising here. Buddhism took a video of someone else squirting fish on the street, and sent you a public micro-signal tomorrow. In addition, he said that he also caught a three-pound weight at his doorstep. Grass carp. Hey!......)


The more deep the underground dwarf's body is.

However, the approximate casualty ratio is still maintained at ten to one. The life of ten dwarf warriors can replace the life of a middle-level devil. The devils invading here basically have no low-level cannon fodder. All of them are elite troops who have officially participated in the **** battle. The efficiency of slaughtering these dwarves is simple and easy. The only place where the devil army has paid a lot of casualties is near the temple area.

It is also the place where the goddess of the dwarf god, Moradin, is worshipped.

The divine power and belief glory that shrouded the shrine area has dissipated, and the Devil Legion has polluted the temple in some way, and at the same time completely destroyed it and eliminated the connection with the gods.

During the non-saint catastrophe, the defense of the temple is amazing!

But now the power of the gods is seriously lost, and the temple can only retain a little of the original power. No **** at all will take the risk of direct avatars to guard the temple.

The temple is mainly dedicated to the dwarf gods Moradin.

In addition, the temple area is also dedicated to two other gods, one is [Dwark's God of Exploration] - Dumasson, the other is [the **** of theft of the dwarf] - Vijadin.

These two gods are [medium power].

The main aspects of the former exploration are treasures, minerals and secret treasures, etc., which have a wide range of beliefs in dwarves and miners. The latter is the gods in the dwarves who are in charge of [Fortune], [Lucky] and [Opportunity], and also have the Divines of Dwarfs, Lucky, Trade and Martial Arts.

The same is the **** of theft.

It is clear that Vegadin will be much better mixed. Fortune and luck are two very important priesthoods.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a treasure house under the temple of Vegadin, but Sauron looked at it and found that a secret room has been opened. The devils seem to know this too, and after they have captured the dwarven fortress, they will bring back most of the valuable spoils that are worthy of them. Unlike other devils in the plane, the devils on the first and second floors of Barto's **** often deal with businessmen from other planes. So even if it is for gold and silver coins, it cares. They know that they can use these to buy goods from the plane merchants.

The multiverse has many planes.

In Batu Hell, human plane merchants can often be seen, but not from material planes, more from other half planes, and even special places like Imprint City.

The devils can deal with any creature of any race as long as they are profitable!

Below the dwarf fortress is a huge melting pot. From here, Sauron perceives the breath of the crack in the plane, and it is no wonder that the dwarves have been caught unprepared. It turned out that the devils suddenly emerged from the flames near the furnace. Many of the devils are immune to fire damage, and it is really difficult to resist a sudden attack on a dwarf fortress. But this also proves that this batch of devils has done research beforehand to launch an attack. They are very aware of the structure and intelligence of the fortress.

This is different from other devil lords, and it is obviously from Bayer's handwriting!

"Time is coming."

After a walk in the environment of this corpse. Gloria's face is not very good, the witches are still a little spoiled, obviously this kind of melee is common in the corpse of blood, she does not see much. The duration of the imaginary technique is not long. It's time to calculate the spell's failure.

Sauron observed it for four weeks and nodded: "Cancel the spell and go back."

"There is nothing valuable here."

With the spell removed. Both figures disappeared into place.

next moment.

Sauron’s figure came out of the study, and Gloria looked at the lab from the lab.

"I have something to talk to you."

Goliath went to Sauron’s side and said seriously: “The one I saw today is really...”

"If it is the attack of Modo City, and we are not in the city, I am afraid that it is impossible to resist such an attack with the defensive power of Modo City."

"I recently wanted to test the lock defense system."

"Then, in some places, the guarded steel golems are arranged. These golems will not start normally, but once the city is attacked, the lock will automatically start the defense system in the city, so that the steel magic image will be on the battlefield for the first time. ”

Activate the device.

Just like Sauron found in the Arcane Relics, after the alarm device is triggered, the defense will be activated automatically, and the Golem Corps will also destroy the intruder for the first time.

This is a more subtle application, and it has to be attached to the lock.

Sauron nodded and said: "Yes. The output of the Iron Golem will increase a lot during the time. We will test the defense system of Moduo City."

"Yeah." Gloria nodded and said, "Yes."

“Mothers want to do a big experiment in a few days and may need your help to ensure safety.”

Large experiment?

Will it be a study of elemental fission?

Sauron heard a slight discoloration, but Gloria seemed to understand his thoughts and gently picked up the long hair: "Reassuring. It is not a study of elemental fission. The information currently available has not yet reached the level of experimentation."

"What the mother wants to do is to raise the floating tower and send it directly to the astral."

"This is a very important experiment."

"If the outcome, we can go back and forth to the astral through the Arcane Tower, and we can use the ability of the floating tower to collect the sand of the astral."

“Floating rings and other materials require some material from the astral.”

"If the Arcane Tower is free to travel to and from the astral, we can try to build it into a small fortress, just like the steel fortresses of the Gisyankis floating in the stars."

It turned out to be the case.

Sauron thought that the idea was good, the resources of the astral are very large, although he can easily travel to and from the astral, but it is very troublesome to collect by personal power. If the arcane tower can also be transmitted to the astral, then it is equivalent to a small base, which will help the future of Modo City's reserves of various resources, and even use the Arcane Tower to track the meteorite meteor.


They can also find a completely diamondized meteor.

"Yes." Sauron nodded immediately. "Tell me when I'm carrying out the experiment."


“Is the current energy supply in the city of Modo enough to keep the floating tower back and forth to the stars?”

This research is responsible for Gloria and the fallen witch, and Soren is not very much aware of this.

Gloria thought for a moment, whispered: "The current situation should be a bit reluctant, but according to the original plan, the future demand for resources in the satellite world will be greater and larger, so the experiment transmitted by the astral is advanced."

"Understood." Soren said.

The two then discussed a few other things, and then Gloria went back to her lab.

Sauron is also preparing to go to the temple.


At this time, he suddenly felt a wave of divine power, actually in the vicinity of the city's main mansion, there is the embodiment of the gods, and may even be the body, actually dared to quietly touch his base camp!

"who is it!?"

Sauron stopped at once. www.readwn.com~ Then the figure disappeared into place.

Judging by the fluctuation of divine power, the opponent's level of divine power is much lower than that of Sauron, and it is most likely a [fat divine power] or a **** of "weakness and other divine power."

As the true God of the lawful evil camp, Sauron’s allies are not a lot.

And most of them will not be unsolicited. Most of Sauron's friendships are above medium power, such as the ocean goddess, the goddess of wealth, the goddess of agriculture and so on.

The weak **** Sauron rarely deals!

This true God, who has quietly entered the city of Modo, does not know whether it is good or malicious, but it should be the kind of unseen purpose to see that he is sneaking around Sauron’s nest.

He now wants to see who is actually sneaking into the city of Modo!

..................(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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