Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 71: Send troops to the stars!

A cargo ship was docked at Port Domodado.

A team of heavily armed soldiers was guarded nearby, and the crowds on the side were not far away.

The men dressed by the five registrars are holding pen and paper statistics, along with a number of accommodating followers and doctors in charge of examining the disease. Further afield is a temporary large bathhouse. On the left is the man on the right. It is a woman on the right. At this moment, a fire has been set up to sweep the hot water. Further, a witch in a robe sits in a chair and examines it.

"It's almost ok."

A man dressed as a city hall official looked at the time and looked at the entourage in front of him: "Let the people on board come down. Send a batch and don't panic."

Follow the instructions.

Soon, on the first cargo ship, some people with rags and yellow skinny were sent down. These people are all refugees, but all have one characteristic, that is, they rarely act alone, most of them are dragging their families, and some are a big family of five people. These are the refugees who have migrated from Modo City. In order to avoid troubles and better management, Modo City is the first to absorb those refugees who have a family. They are easier to manage than other refugees, and they are easier to The land of many cities is rooted.

The first group of refugees had more than 300 people.

The refugees lined up to register at the open-air shed of the dock, and the five registrars registered the name family and then distributed it to the hands of others.

The long-term displacing state made these refugees somewhat fearful, but at the same time they were curious to see everything in the city of Modo, as if observing whether the city was as rich as the legend.


"The man is standing here, the woman is standing here. The clothes are all placed in the basket next to them, wait for them to be taken together!"

On the left is a burly big man, and on the right is a woman with a huge waist. With the pride and superiority that is unique to the city of Moto, they yell at the refugees who are shrinking in front of their eyes: "The outside can't take it. Going in, it is easy to get sick of the disease."

"Go in and take a shower with hot water to disinfect, then take the new clothes at the back door exit."

The refugees who had just arrived were somewhat unclear, but they were burned after hearing that their clothes were taken off. The face was still a bit sad, but they were quickly pushed in. The whole process of bathing is fast, because there are still many people. There are people in the bathing place, holding a tube-like thing, spraying a little hot water on them, and what kind of disinfection stuff they have. They don’t understand it as if they are a puppet. The first batch of showers were sent to the back door. One person and two sets of coarse cloth clothes are all new ones. The size is not necessarily right, but they can be worn. If you have problems, you can take it back and let your mother-in-law change it. .

The team continues to the front row.

The showered refugees arrived near a large shed. There were several large cauldrons in front of them. There was a thick porridge with a scent of fragrance. One bowl of porridge and a piece of dried fish. After eating, someone took them to them. The other side of the pier goes.

All around is a sizzling porridge.

Some of the refugees who had finished eating looked around curiously, and then saw that someone was holding the basket with their original clothes and throwing them directly into the garbage dump on the side to burn them.

"All that is full is coming."

"Take the number plate that was originally given to you! The singular will follow me later, and the number will follow her!"

A man with a clerk looks like, and when he looks at it, he looks at it with a look down: "Don't leave the team on the road, don't talk too much, go to the place almost an hour later. Then someone will arrange your place."

More than 300 refugees were divided into two.

A wave of southward northward, these refugees changed their clothes and ate a meal. They also had a lot of spirits. They looked curiously at the buildings of the city of Modo, and they could not help but lower their heads when they passed the temple.

Out of the port of Modo is a smooth road.

They have never seen such a road, clean, tidy, sturdy, and do not know what to use. Because it is the season of winter wheat harvest, there are many foods that are drying on both sides of the road. The grain of yellow orange and orange is so covered on both sides of the avenue, so many refugees can't help but widen their eyes. Since the ravages of the saints, they have not seen so much food. On the south coast, they don’t know how many people are breaking their heads. But now they are piled up on both sides of the road and even a sneak peek can’t see. To. Occasionally, the citizens of Modo City passed by, and they completely turned a blind eye to the wealth on the ground. If it is placed elsewhere, it is estimated that no one will look at the food for a while.

Port of Modo.

The refugees of the first ship were brought down and brought in, and soon the people of the second ship were brought down.

The same process continued, and it was busy until the evening when the registrars had time to gather together and then handed a document to the witch next to him: "Lena! This group of refugees has a total of three thousand seven hundred Twenty. It will be placed in a nearby town."

"Trouble you to hand this document to the signature of Gloria!"

The witch nodded indifferently, and immediately left after holding the file.

These casters do not intervene in the city hall of Modo City, but there are some daily tasks to do every week, either to teach at the college or to complete the alchemy work. The thing they care about most is called the contribution point, because this thing can be They entered the highest level of the Moto City Grand Library.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The changes in the rules brought by Sauron have already adapted these people. Now, many things need to be ordered, and the City Hall can come up with detailed regulations.


Mechanical environment.

Sauron crossed a long, narrow mechanical corridor, and a huge mechanical workshop appeared in front of him.

There are many such mechanical workshops in the mechanical environment. Their role is to produce life. The high-order alchemy construction life has been maintaining the normal operation of the mechanical environment. They will repair this huge timepiece. Sauron’s original Taling No. 1 was here. As a high alchemy, he is very easy to achieve a high status in the mechanical environment. And with the knowledge that they have mastered, it is not difficult for several Talings to join forces to be kings in the mechanical environment.

Passing through the corridor is a row of steel golems.

It seems that they have transformed this into a magical factory, and there are many dangerous lives in the machinery.

The hunters of the astral rogues will also attack the high-level life, and they must guard against the ubiquitous Fermi ants, so it is inevitable that Taling will build his own escorts.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Great Lord Sauron!"

The one responsible for meeting Sauron was the Taling No. 3, who leaned slightly toward Sauron and then brought it into a tower.

This is a new high tower. It is the most important thing in this gear. There are three workshops nearby. One is to produce the magic image, the other is to provide energy, and the other is not known.

After Sauron walked in, all the towers were in it.

Tallinn 1 leaned toward Sauron slightly and immediately said: "I don't know if there is anything I need to do for the arrival of Lord Sauron?"

Dealing with Taling doesn't have to turn around, because the life is very straightforward, and Sauron is also welcome: "Yes. I am very interested in the floating city in the city of Fermi ants. So I hope you can help me to occupy The city."

The Taling No. 1 waved a hand, and a spell image came to the fore. He pointed to one of the city roads: "Is it here?"

Sauron nodded.

Taling No. 1 pondered for a moment and said: "Lord Sauron. Although we have established our own territory in the mechanical environment, it is difficult to occupy the city because of our current strength."

Sauron replied: "I know."

"So I will send troops from the city of Modo. But this requires you to help stabilize the portal and provide some support."

The expression of Tallinn 1 was a little surprised: "Do you fight across the space?"

"I don't think you are showing so fast!"

"There is no problem. I will provide a stable portal in the machinery. At the same time, when attacking the city of Fermi, we will provide 3,000 clay figs, a thousand stone statues, and two hundred steels. The Golem is supported."

The assistance provided by Taling No. 1 surprised Sauron.

Because the strength provided by the other side is a bit more, I am afraid that most of their energy during this time is spent on making steel golems.

As if I had guessed the idea of ​​Sauron, Taling No. 1 explained: "This gear was originally the gathering place of the Fermi ants, and we paid a price for the occupation."

"So the current task is to run the Golem factory at full capacity."

"There are enough materials in the machine, and there are still a lot of things left in the life of the building. In order to cope with the expansion of the Fermi ants, we have always operated the Golem factory at maximum power."

Indeed ~www.readwn.com~ These Fermi ants are very annoying.

With the support of the troops from Taling, it is much easier to attack the Fermi ant city with a population of tens of thousands. The next thing Sauron has to do is to contact Modo City to see how much Modo City can mobilize. troops.

The ordinary army is useless here.

Because the characteristics of the planes are different, the ordinary army needs to adapt to the fact that it can be mobilized. There are nearly 6,000 clay figurines stored in the city of Sauron before the departure of Sauron. The stone demon statues are about two or three thousand. The number of steel devils is small, only about three or five hundred.

There are a total of twenty diamond statues and improved structures.

This time, the mechanical situation of sending troops is a war of attrition. The clay golem must be used as cannon fodder. Soren estimates that I am afraid that I will not be able to adjust more than half of the troops!

..................(To be continued.)8

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