Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 72: Attacking ants!


"What happened today? Why are these crystal lights not lit?"

Roland looked at the small head with a small head. She was a young and energetic half-elves. She usually slept until 10 o'clock in the evening, and the crystal lights of Modo City usually closed at ten o'clock. of. ≥ ≧ Sometimes she stares at these crystal lamps at night, or chats with another girl downstairs. Today's crystal lights are very early, they are all turned off around 8 o'clock. I have never had such a thing before, but today, apart from the lighthouse of the port, it seems that there is no light in other places. The little girl always feels this evening. What is the birth of something.

The little girl squatted and prepared to climb down the balcony to look at it, but she just landed her and she was looking at herself with a smile.


Roland forgot a bit. Her dad used to be a very powerful thief. Although she moved to Modo City and changed her job, she did not succeed in secretly trying to slip out of the house in the middle of the night.

"What to do!" The old man was rarely angry, and Roland was scared to lower his head.

She hurryed: "Today, the crystal light is not bright, so boring. I want to go to the square."


The old man took a picture of her head and said, "Go back with me. Today, the City Hall has something very important. All the crystal lamps are closed. It is strictly forbidden to approach the central square."

After that, it would be like picking her up like a chicken.


Modo City, the central square.

On weekdays, there are still people active in the evening. Sometimes, you can see shy little boys and girls sneaking in hand, but today it is impossible for one person to see, because there is a team of soldiers in the vicinity who are patrolling.

"High Priest!"

An officer-like person walked up to the shrine and said: "Lord Gloria said that she is ready."

The expression of the high priest was very calm, and he nodded and said, "Know it."

“Send someone to cut off the energy transfer of the lighthouse and then concentrate the energy of the element furnace to the portal position!”


A faint arc emerges, which is a phenomenon that is highly concentrated in the magical energy. The lighthouse in the distance of Modo Port will be extinguished after a few flashes, and then the crystal in the central square will suddenly become bright and bright, and all the crystal pipes will appear lavender. The light, directly connected to the location of the laboratory.

The icy mechanical sound starts from:

"Magic transmission starts!"

"Lock the transmission of the astral transport channel! The cross-plane transmission plan starts!"

"start testing!"

A clay golem was activated by energy, and then walked out of the Golem factory in a heavy pace, and then disappeared into the white light of the portal.

The sound of Taling sounded again:

"Transfer is complete!"

“Take the conveyor marking test! The transmission deviation is over 20 km! Recalibrate the transmission lane!”

Gloria’s figure was busy on the side, and the fallen witch was also adjusting a large array of alchemy structures near the portal. After more than ten minutes, the second test was reopened.

Soon, the second clay golem disappeared into the portal.

The mechanical sound of Taling starts from:

"Transfer is complete!"

"Take the transmission mark test! The transmission deviation is about 1o meters! The test is completed! Lock the space track! Open the Golem Legion!"

Cross-plane transmission is prone to bias.

Even if it is a legendary mage, it is easy to make an accident. The premise of not surprising is to provide two transmission markers, so that even if there is a deviation, it can be proofread. If there is a transmission marker to lock, the current technology of Modo City can control the deviation of the transmission position within 30 meters.

Gloria also stood up at this time, she turned to the fallen witch around her: "Mother."

"You can start the transfer. Is this still me going?"

The fallen witch heard the words and said: "You must stay in the city of Modo, and the officials are very respectful to obey you. So this time I will go to the mechanical environment or come."

"All right."

"Nothing to fight for! Start sending the Golem Legion!"

As Taling worked, a huge hidden door emerged beneath the Golem factory, and a clay figurine that was activated was walked out. Modo City has been running the Golem factory all the time, for example, a small part of the Golem is used in construction, and the other part is kept in the warehouse as an army. The clay golem is the easiest to make demon image. Soren has brought out more than a thousand statues from the desert ruins. Modo City has produced thousands of its own. This reserve is to deal with the attack of the Devil Legion. But this wave of impact devils did not choose the hard bones of Modo City, so these Golem Legions can be transferred to other places.

More than three thousand clay golems are arranged in a neat team into the portal, and then hundreds of stone statues follow. These two golems are the most, and the steel golem needs to wait from the bottomless abyss. The metal ore refining is completed.


The other side.

In the vicinity of the mechanical construction factory, a simple transfer door is also installed.

A clay figurine appeared in front of Sauron's eyes, and after a decade or so, a statue of a clay figurine began to emerge from the portal.

"Mobility is not enough!"

“The alchemy tree in the city of Modo still needs to continue climbing up!”

Sauron looked at the clay figurine that came out in front of him, and frowned slightly: "Although the trans-plane transmission is already possible. But the transmission is too mobile."

"The arcane empire can carry out zero delay transmission on the battlefield."

"The gods who attacked the spider gods can also make zero-delay battlefield airdrops. The transmission technology of Modo City must be further improved."

Sauron's ideal cross-plane warfare is to directly drop the power of the Golem Corps into the city of Fermi Ant, but at present, the Alchemy tree in Modo City is not enough, so it can only be transmitted to the mechanical environment first. Concentrate on the offensive. In this way, the mobility is reduced a lot. At the beginning, the Arcane Empire dared to intervene in the Abyss **** battle to compete for resources in the hands of the devil and the devil, relying on this hand-zero delay transmission technology. The study of portals is on the one hand, and the energy supply is also on the one hand. In order to activate the trans-station portal, the energy supply of the Moto City even lighthouse is turned off.

Thousands of clay golems are assembled, and then the stone golems begin to assemble.

The figures of Taling 1 and Taling 5 emerged, and they leaned toward Sauron slightly: "The shadow dominates the Lord! Our Golem Corps has been assembled!"

On the other side of the Golem factory, three squares of different sizes have been formed.

Because of the different command systems of the Golem, the power of Taling can only be controlled by Himself. These constructive lives are also very interested in the floating city where the Arcane Empire fell. They hope to destroy some of the Fermi ants. the study.

A large number of troops have been assembled.

In the end, Modo City sent out more than 3,000 clay models, more than 800 stone statues, more than 100 statues of steel, and 12 diamond statues.

The time of the attack was chosen in the night.

The reason is that the Golem Corps itself is not a flesh-and-blood life. The night has little effect on them and has obvious advantages in combat.

As the fallen witch appeared from the portal, the army of the city of Modo had arrived, and the Taling 3 activated a portal at the edge of the gear that could lead directly to the city occupied by the Fermi ant.

"Get started."

Sauron nodded and handed over the command of the Golem Corps to the fallen witch, and then the spirit was transferred to the bottomless abyss.

This time the battle is against tens of thousands of Fermi ants. All creatures in this race are the standard of the profession. Even the workers of Fermi ants are equivalent to 3-5 fighters. The level of challenge in the mechanical environment is so high, largely because of these ubiquitous Fermi ants.

Sauron also needs a reserve force.

At this time, he needs to rely on the power of the demon avatar. If necessary, he might have to cast a demon army to the battlefield.

The mighty demon army began to start.

Such a large-scale operation could not conceal the opponent, so when the Golem Corps was sent to the vicinity of the Ant City, they were already given by the enemy.


Along with the screams of the Zerg, a large number of Fermi ants were gathered together.

This race is a standard Zerg character. The individual's consciousness is very weak. The most powerful will of the whole group is the Queen of the Ants. The other Fermi ants are infinitely close to each other and can be controlled by the Queen's spirit at any time.

Heavy footsteps sounded.

As the clay figurine of cannon fodder began to advance, the Golem Legion did not have much skill in the battle~www.readwn.com~ It was a violent beauty picture, and the clay that weighed more than 5oo pounds was about two meters. The golem ran rampantly, directly impacting the defense line of the Fermi ant with brute force. Even if they died in battle, they did not have the slightest wave, just obeying the command and pushing forward. Along the way, the bodies of the Fermi ants were crushed. While the enemy army was constantly being destroyed, the number of clay figurine scrapped was gradually increasing. A Zerg who is a professional grade is not a good deal.


As time went by, a little bit of difference began to show up.

That is, the clay figurine in Modo City has fewer casualties, and Taling’s clay golem has been killed by a third. The reason for this is very simple, that is because the magic image of Modo City was input with a special ability.

- "Bound in attack!"

After nearly two months, Gloria finally cracked a feat of expertise that was input into the Golem owl during the Arcane Empire.

..................(To be continued.)8

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