Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 79: The earth element plane of endless wealth!

- [Sage form]!

The light golden glory emerged from Sauron’s line of sight, and he looked down from the air to the quagmire about a kilometer in diameter.

It is close to a valley, far from being a gathering place for oozes, but the construction of Modo City cannot allow such accidental creatures to exist, so they were destroyed last year.

There is no trace of oozes in this quagmire, and at most there are some small animal activities. But now even small animals are gone, and almost no living things can be seen in the abnormal gravity range. The only thing that can be felt is that the energy of the earth elements here is very abundant. The spells of “fossils for mud” should be able to improve the effect of casting spells.

"found it!"

After Sauron looked at the area again, the problem finally came.

A mud pit that is invisible to the naked eye is a bit like a swamp. There is a strong energy position below it. I am afraid that the connecting channel is here.

- "Change the space [the ability of God]!"

Accompanied by a golden brilliance, Sauron directly used the power of God to break the illusion that was hidden by the material plane. Then the overlapping space appeared in front of him, and a deep crack appeared in his eyes.

Want to see what the situation is, you can only enter it to be sure.


"This is the land of buried treasures.

Here is the wall against all enemies.

Here is the grave of the greedy. ”

The earth element plane is a solid plane composed of rock, earth and stone. A traveller who is not alert and unprepared may feel that he is buried alive in this huge solid grave and end his life with crushing. His smashed remains leave a warning to any stupid to dare to follow.

Despite the strong, non-tough nature of the earth element plane, the hardness of the earth element plane is diversified, from relatively soft soil to heavier and more valuable metal veins.

Granite, volcanic rock, marble, fragile crystals, soft gravel are intertwined, and rough and huge gemstones are sparsely distributed within this plane. These unpolished gemstones often induce greedy people to come to this plane. I want to use the least effort to dig the gems.

Those who have such a purpose often encounter the indigenous elements of the earth element planes as enemies, and some even keep the bones here forever.

The earth element plane is a place of hostility to creatures from the main material world, but it is not a positive hostility like the fire element plane. It is a hard stone like the earth itself, and it has all the time in the universe to wait.

The four elemental planes were born from the origin of the multiverse.

This is a place full of endless wealth, and even has a mine that is far richer than the bottomless abyss.

Sauron passed through the crack in the space in front of him, and with a glimmer of light, he was already in an open gravel. The gravity here is about twice that of the material plane, and there are many valuable things in sight.

For example, white marble, and open metal ore.

Among the four elemental planes, it is most valuable to explore the earth element plane, because this is a plane with endless wealth.

Anyone who is lucky can even get a jewel like a fist on the side of the road!

This is recorded.

Some of the adventurers who once explored the earth element plane wandered for three hours, and then found a fist-sized ruby ​​on the side of the road.

The earth element plane contains many treasures. It has the most dense gemstones in the multiverse, the most easily mined metal mines in the multiverse, and a large number of stones of almost all kinds. Just like the land that Sauron saw in front of him, there is no doubt that there is a very rich marble mine and a large number of open-pit metal mines near the side hills.

Gold, silver, copper, iron ore, tin mine...

Almost all of the minerals can be found in the earth element planes, and they are very easy to mine, even without deep underground, and have an unusually rich mineral reserve within a hundred meters of the surface.

of course!

It is not an easy task to face money in the earth.

Even the devil did not dare to sway into the big pen, and at most it was sneak sneak into it to mine something.

Because the earth element plane has many powerful and dangerous existences!

For example, the giant earth element of Sauron is being attacked angrily. Because the earth is in the elemental plane, the strength of this giant earth element has increased by at least 30%, and the challenge level is close to 18, which requires half a legendary team to cope.

Because of the gravity characteristics of the earth element plane, most professionals are inconvenient to move here.

- "Hand of death!"

Sauron did not break the patience of a giant earth element, so he was directly a dead hand to take away the other.

He needs a little time to observe here.

"It should not be the core of the earth element plane, because gravity does not exceed the material plane more than five times!"

Sauron looked down at the land in front of him and muttered: "It looks like this area is very valuable! The unusually rich marble mines and a large number of open-pit ore! If it can be mined, the power of Modo City will increase greatly. ""


Sauron just gave up when he thought about it.

On the one hand, it is the danger of the earth element plane, and it is possible to create a new elemental life at any time.

The other part is because of the gravity here. In the case of twice the gravity, the workers in the city of Modo have no way to work. However, relying on the magic image mining, there is no such technical condition in Modo City.

Such a large open pit mine seems to be ruined here first.

The characteristics of the earth element plane are increased soil spells, weakened gas spells, normal time, infinite size, and changeable form.

The sky in this plane is very short.

For the legendary professional, it is easy to touch the barrier of the plane, and the core of this plane is the underground world. There are numerous passages underground in the earth element plane, and the aborigines living here are extremely strong.

You must master two skills in the earth element plane.

One is mining and the other is burrowing.

There is even a book that has been circulated among adventurers. Its name is - "Excavating Your Way - Soil Element Plane Survival Guide"!

I must mention a point here!

Similar to other planes, the earth element plane is not the shape of the earth element in the eyes of ordinary people. There are also soul bodies that are reborn to the element plane, and the aborigines that are assimilated by the energy of the earth elements. Their souls are assimilated by the energy of earth elements and eventually become life resembling a semi-elemental form.

The enemies that may be encountered here are the semi-earth elements of the clawed dragon, the semi-earth element Medusa, the semi-earth element Taurus, the semi-earth element troll, the semi-fused magma, the stone monster, and the earth giant.

- "Change the space [the power of God]!"

- "Change the reality [the power of God]!"

Sauron returned to the material plane. In order to avoid trouble, he temporarily sealed the crack of the road. However, this crack is hard to erase completely. He does not know when it will be reopened.

For the time being ~www.readwn.com~ Sauron can only seal first to see how to deal with it in the future.

After all, the mineral wealth possessed by earth elements is really amazing! If possible, Sauron still wants to dig out something out of it!


Just as Sauron sealed the crack of the element and was about to return to the city of Modo, his whole person suddenly fell to the ground, and then the look suddenly became very strange.


Just now!

Just at that moment!

He actually perceived the magic net and re-linked to the magic net! ! !


(ps: second. Ask for a ticket, ask for a subscription!) (To be continued.) 8

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