Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 80: Magic net reconnect!

The magic net link is just a matter of moments. {{<([[[

Soon, Soren lost his link to the magic net, as if everything he had just born was an illusion.

Sauron’s expression was dignified at this moment, because he had to make sure that the moment he had a link with the magic net, or that everyone had a link with the magic net. If it is the former, it means that the magic goddess is very likely to hide in the earth element plane, and the latter is the magic goddess returned for some reason.

Soren sent back to Modo City in an instant.

Just after returning to the city of Modo, he saw the excited Gloria, so there is no doubt that other people also feel the magic net.

"The magic goddess has just opened the magic net!"

Gloria’s expression was very excited and muttered: “The goddess of magic has not fallen! The reconnection of the magic net means that she is still alive, just for some reason temporarily disappeared for a while!”

Magic Net still can't connect.

But the connection that was just that moment was undoubtedly the appearance of the goddess of magic, and she did not really fall.

This is a significant thing for all casters, especially those who have lost their ability to cast spells because of the crash of the magic net. They will be the most staunch supporters of the magic goddess, because they can only recover if they restore the magic net. power.

of course.

These people don't care who the goddess of magic is. They now only care about the existence of the magic goddess and the magic net.

As a member of the powerful power, the magic goddess has an amazing influence on the material plane. In addition to serving her church, the Magical Goddess also has a Knights of Saints, a small ranger, and a bard group.

The existence of the goddess of magic is a must.

Because her priesthood is a kind of convenience in itself, the real role of the magic net is not only to cooperate with mortals to cast spells.

There are no magic nets in many worlds. For example, the influence of the bottomless abyssal magic net is very small, and the dark magical area dominates the shadow magic net. The other upper and lower planes are not covered by the magic net.

The ultimate thing of the goddess of magic is actually - [God Network]!

This is something that even Sauron can't ignore, because only the magic network of more than nine layers of the magic net can help him collect the power of transforming faith. The essence of the magic net is to serve the gods, and the belief network is the ability of many places in the real marginal multiverse.

Even the evil spirits will rely on the power of the belief network.

In any case, the re-emergence of the magic net will definitely have a great impact on the material plane. The organization that serves the goddess of magic will inevitably start to act, and the lady who is coming tonight will probably act.

This time, Sauron did not know what would happen in the future.

Because the fate of the goddess of magic has been changed by him, Sauron has lost the prophetic sense associated with the goddess of magic, but he has no fear at the moment. Because he has walked all the way to the present, all the achievements he has made are from the blood of the corpse, and all the way to the death of God, Sauron has long been fearless.

He dares to face the fate!


Everyone is waiting patiently for news.

About the day after the disappearance of the magic net, Sauron once again connected to the magic net, but this time it was not just a mortal network, but even the god's belief network was connected.

all of a sudden!

The power of faith in the entire Modo City began to converge, and the degree of Sauron's transformation and integration of divine power was more than doubled!

This is the convenience of the belief network, which can greatly reduce the energy and time that Sauron needs to spend on faith and prayer. The belief network lasted only about half an hour, but there is no doubt that everyone perceives its existence. After about half an hour, the magic net disappeared again, and the third time was two days later.

This time, the magic net really recovered!

The mortal caster regained his ability to cast spells, and the belief network re-runs.


The magic goddess closed all the magic net connections of more than 16 layers, that is, even the gods could not access the top layer of the magic net, including all the prayers of the magic goddess.

She is very weak now.

Even if you don't see the magic goddess Sauron, you can feel this, and other gods can feel it.

Because it is rare to not respond to prayers, this means that the priest of the goddess of magic still cannot use the magic. It is not a bad situation that the goddess of magic will never do this.

Time has passed quietly for three days.

Elemental turmoil has officially exploded!

The most severe Amazon tropical jungle in the overseas region, the raging wind elements and storm elements have caused the loss of the Amazonian female warriors. Probably because of the power of the Lord of the Storm, there is a channel directly connected to the wind element in the Amazon tropical jungle.

The violent wind elements from time to time set off typhoons and tornadoes, directly bringing huge losses to the Amazon jungle.

The vicinity of Modo City has also been greatly affected. The reason is that it is close to the deep sea area. Sometimes the ships of Modo City are likely to see the giant water elements that make waves on the sea. They go directly upstream of the sea. A rushing to stop the gods.

Fortunately, the floating boat of Modo City has entered the formal, the zone where the wind element is raging is no longer nearby, and the impact is not very serious.

The loss of Allendale in the big 6 is not small!

The raging ice elements began to spread from the vicinity of the snow-capped mountains. They drove the ice trolls and directly led the ice trolls to attack the human territory. Once the ecological balance is broken, the consequences are chain reactions. The elements of tyranny directly destroy the original ecological balance. Many organisms begin to migrate in order to avoid the elements of the runaway.

The southwestern part of the Big 6 is the hardest hit.

Because there are five volcanoes in this place!

With the volcanic spray, it’s not just a speech~www.readwn.com~ there are also fire elements and magma elements that are furious and full of anger against other life. It is said that the elves of the area are forced to migrate, even an adult. The red dragons were all expelled by the wrath of the flaming elements.

The elements of turmoil are not just ordinary elements.

With the opening of the plane channel, other elements of the lord who had been suppressed by the **** of fire elements may also appear in the material plane.

Their strength is at least above the level of the demigod!

It seems that the material plane is not chaotic at the moment, and a heavy news has spread all over the place.

That is, [Ms. Doom] appeared.

Destiny Gemini, the goddess of the sorcerer's priesthood, Ben Shaba, recently appeared near the South Coast and is said to have brought a disaster!


(ps: first more.) (to be continued.) 8

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