Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 105: The wilderness of despair and destruction!

One second to remember [the classic ÷ ☆ ◇ ◇ ◇ 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】


Sauron’s voice sounded, his golden scorpion stared at the ugly monkey in front of him, and then waved his divine grace.

A powerful power has entered the body of the ugly monkey.

Sauron gave the divine segmentation in his own body to the ugly monkey in front of him, and also temporarily gave the other party a part of the power of the shadow.

- "God!"

Sauron has another name for creating a true god, or a **** of this rank - [elector].

Voters are the ones that can be compared with the saints. They can mobilize the power of the gods. They also have divinity. Other than the inability to seal the gods, other abilities are very similar to the gods. There is only one way for voters to become gods, that is, they are promoted to be gods by the gods of faith.

Under normal circumstances, no **** will easily create voters.

Because the cost of creating a voter is not small, it means that one's divinity will be reduced forever.

Voters have powerful power, and they are also channels of the gods, and can directly become the embodiment of the coming of the true God if necessary. If this is not a task that is too important and dangerous, Sauron will at most create a god, not directly create a voter.

A huge amount of power poured into the body of the ugly monkey.

The golden glory of the gods also appeared in his eyes. From now on, his position in the shadow church is second only to the high priest and the Holy Spirit pastor Milan.


He can mobilize more powerful power than the Holy Spirit priest, and can use part of the [shadow] cleric ability.

Sauron promoted him to [the voters].

The divine value of a full 1o point was injected into the body of the ugly monkey. With the convergence of the shadow power, he is even stronger than many demigods at this moment.

At this time, Sauron once again said: "I need you to go to [the wilderness of destruction and despair]."

"There is an entrance to the **** of fear and deity."

"All you have to do is sneak into it and find the position of the Throne of Throne."

The kingdom of a **** is very huge.

Especially a **** with a powerful power, and the task of the ugly monkey is the key to Sauron's next move. He must send a strong enough and very trustworthy person to the **** country of the fear god, find the position of the throne of fear and finally Find a way to destroy it.

No such pirate leader can do this task.

At present, the only candidate in Sauron is the ugly monkey. For this reason, He must promote the ugly monkey to the elect and give him enough power.

The ugly monkey knees in front of the statue, and he feels the surging spirit in his body, calmly bowing his head: "I will not let my Lord down!"

There are not too many words.

Because after knowing the content of the task, the ugly monkey knows that his trip is almost dead!

His chances of surviving were low.

Entering the kingdom of a powerful **** of evil spirits alone, and finding the throne of it, the danger is almost completely unpredictable. Even if it is finally found the throne of fear, once it is revealed by the gods and demons of God, he is hardly May live alive from the kingdom of God.

This task, even Soren’s own estimate, has less than 10% chance of survival.

Sauron did not speak.

For such a loyal believer, he should give enough rewards, but not now, but after the ugly monkey completes the mission, or after he completes the mission.

Attacking a country of God is a very risky move.

Any mistakes may have destroyed the power of Modo City. After a moment of contemplation, Sauron opened a portal with a wave of his hand and slowly said, "Let's go."

"I will always look at you."

This sentence has two meanings. One is that Sauron will always pay attention to the movement of the ugly monkey, and the other is that he will give the ugly monkey enough power when necessary.

The ugly monkey lowered his head in humility.

Immediately, he did not hesitate to step into the portal, and Soren had already locked the destination with the ability of [plane transfer].


The wasteland of destruction and despair.

There are many cruel living environments in the lower plane, and the wilderness of destruction and despair is one of the most cruel.

The hostility of the wilderness of destruction and despair is not only uninhabitable, but extremely harsh and difficult to survive. This plane contains a wide black sand, an ordinary granite plain, and a steep canyon surrounded by a steep and sharp black rock wall. Except for the River of Blood, no water flows through this piece of wasteland, and this plane is still very hot, although there is no sun. There are no plants growing here, and there are few healthy creatures living here.

The dark clouds enveloped the gloomy sky, wrapping the earth in the darkness.

Just like its name, this is a land full of destruction and despair, and also the territory of the lower level of evil spirits.

There are five evil spirits who live in the wasteland of destruction and despair.

They are the fear god, the goddess of doom - Ben Shaba, the **** of revenge - Hall, the goddess of torture - Lavetta, the goddess of poison - Tarona.

Because of the explosion of the Holy Holocaust, the tortured goddess has been forced to become the **** of Sauron, and the poisonous goddess Tarona has also fallen. At present, there are only three gods who dominate the ruins of despair and despair. That is the **** of fear, the goddess of doom and the **** of vengeance.

This is a plane very close to the **** battle of the abyss.

The original **** of tyranny, Bann, lived here. After the fear of the devil to replace him, the position of the kingdom of God has declined and is getting closer and closer to the bottomless abyss.

The fear of the kingdom of God lies between the wasteland of destruction and despair and the bottomless abyss.

The most important sign in [The Wasteland of Destruction and Despair] is the "Blood River", which has been flowing to the eighth layer of the bottomless abyss [Blood Sea].

This is the territory dominated by Ms. Doom-Ben Shaba.

In order to facilitate the control of these two places, Ben Shaba has established a permanent portal to the bottomless abyss in his field [Hot Blood Tor]~www.readwn.com~ This is a **** between Barto and The plane between the bottomless abyss is also the home of some of the most abominable creatures. In addition to the devils, demons, demons, and Yugoslavs who escaped the battle, creatures such as the Parrot, the Hell, and the Hells also lived in the wilderness.

The souls that come to the wasteland of destruction and despair are almost all hateful mortals, and they will become prayers named larvae. The appearance of the larvae is very similar to that of the abyss worms, but there is a little difference. The larvae are mostly medium worms, and the head looks like a mortal.

Larvae, like abyss worms, exist as money, food, and materials.

This is a very dangerous area.

Because it is too close to the five gods of the evil spirits, even the most daring adventurers can't easily enter, because it is even more terrifying than exploring the bottomless abyss!


A fascinating light that transmits spells emerges.

As the portal gradually disappeared, the figure of the ugly monkey appeared in a vast black sand plain. When his figure appeared, a hungry **** dog wandering nearby rushed wildly.

Here is the wilderness of destruction and despair.

In this barren and desolate place where even the soul is hard to survive, most of the creatures are full of extreme hostility!


(ps: second. Ask for the recommended ticket.) (To be continued.)

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