Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 106: The emissary of the Oriental Emperor Ji!

One second to remember [the classic ÷ ☆ ◇ ◇ ◇ 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】

The **** dog is a very difficult creature. 【ㄨ】

Especially in the wasteland of destruction and despair, the **** dogs here are more fierce than other planes. They wandered in the wild in groups, and any creature they could eat would be attacked by them. In the case of extreme lack of food, there is even a battle inside the **** dog, and eventually the weak **** dog will die, while the mighty **** dog will eat a meal.

In the face of the **** dogs that rushed to the face, the ugly monkey did not have the slightest panic. He gently moved his hand and then slashed his knife. The sharp blade pierced directly from the throat of the **** dog, and only heard a mourning sound.

After doing all this, the ugly monkey identified the direction, and the whole person broke into the shadow and explored ahead.

The other side.

Sauron in Modo City has also been watching the ugly monkey's every move. This is a very good believer, acting skillfully and with rich experience. From the fact that he has just dealt with the **** dog, the ugly monkey has a deep research on how to deal with the enemy. If a rogue who is not experienced enough is coming over, I am afraid that the **** dog has already summoned the companion. Exploring the godland of the fearful demon is a very difficult task, and if it is not really impossible, Sauron will not send out one of his best believers. During this time he needs to keep an eye on the ugly monkey's actions until the other party enters the godland of the fearful demon.

After entering the godland of the fearful demon, Sauron would like to observe everything with the study of the ugly monkey, I am afraid it will cost a little bit of power.

Modo City. laboratory.

Today is a very normal day for Alice until a visitor comes out of her door.

It was a woman who was covered in a wide cloak. She had a dagger on each side of the slender thigh. After she arrived at Alice’s residence, she untied her cloak and immediately became a glamorous face. Come out. The woman's appearance is very beautiful, but unlike the women in the south of the mainland, she has obvious oriental female characteristics, a tall nose, an amber pupil, and a special flame emblem.


Alice’s face had a hint of surprise and joy. She hugged the woman in front of her eyes and whispered, “How come you are here?”

The woman, who was called the nightingale, looked around and smiled and said to Alice: "It seems that you are doing well here. Indeed. It is more suitable for your research than the desert covered by chaotic energy." ”

Alice’s expression was a little embarrassing when he heard the other person’s words.

In any case, she used to be the prince of the Oriental Emperor Ji, although she did not loyal to each other like everyone else, but it is a bit wrong to leave.

The nightingale looked at each other's expression and smiled and said softly: "Don't worry."

"Lord Emperor Jiji did not blame you. I have another thing to deal with when I come to Modo City."

The identity of the nightingale is very special.

She is the most trusted personal guardian of Oriental Emperor Ji, a legendary strength part-time assassin, almost always protects the oriental emperor, this time it is impossible to travel to Modo City, it must be important. Things need her to handle.

"Well?" Alice looked at the other side in a puzzled way. Since the night came to come in person, there must be something very important happening in the East.

The nightingale found a position to sit down and then whispered: "What do you think of Lord Sauron, the owner of Modo City?"

Lord Sauron?

Alice smelled a little more, although the other party has not said the reason yet, but she thinks things are not that simple.

So, after thinking for a moment, she slowly said: "It is difficult to comment on this person in words. But there is no doubt that he is a very good, very powerful and very charming lord. He values ​​order and The rules, in just a few years, have established a brilliant city of Modo. Such a character is difficult to evaluate in a few words, but there is no doubt that he is definitely the most outstanding man in the whole world."

The nightingale heard the silence.

After a while, she whispered: "I value order and rules? Is this the case? How does he treat his allies?"


Alice heard the silence and thought for a while: "Allies? Lord Sauron attaches great importance to the promise, so if he is an ally, should he follow his own promise?"

"Is there something happening?"

The night sighed and said: "Yes. Lord Dongji is in trouble."

"The ancient evils appeared."

"Although the monks have come out, the legendary climber seals the terrible ancient evils. But many places in the eastern kingdom are still polluted. The southern part of the eastern kingdom has no particles under the magic of the ancient evils. The land that was polluted could not survive at all. Later, a lot of things happened. The East Emperor Ji was forced to take the islands of the East China Sea.

"just now."

"The entire eastern kingdom, along with the southern ports, are under our control."

Alice heard her frowning and quickly grasped the key point and muttered: "The entire East China Sea port is under your control. Does it include Langsha Island and Black Rock Island?"

The night nodded and said: "Yes."

Alice's brow wrinkled even more, whispered: "You killed all of Sauron's original allies?"

"Yes." The nightingale said calmly.

Then, she thought about it and said: "These evil guys don't care about the lives of other people. After the emergence of the ancient evils in the Eastern Kingdom, Lord Diji expressed his willingness to pay a certain price in exchange for their material assistance."

"But I didn't expect them to have a big lion's mouth, and even their leader had an over-expressed idea of ​​Lord Diji."


"We will kill them all."

The Eastern Kingdom is similar to the city-state model.

There is no real kingdom in the entire eastern kingdom. Many cities are ruled by secular powers, monasteries and nobles. The existence of the Oriental Emperor Ji is like the queen of the central city. She secretly controls about one-third of the eastern countries. Many cities also have their own power.

Alice thought for a moment and said: "You came here personally, are you trying to replace the original ones to become a partner of Modo City?"

The nightingale shook his head and said: "Not more than the city of Modo."

"My mission this time is to get the recognition of Lord Sauron. Lord Diji hopes that we can become an ally of a true God."

Alice stared at the other person and said, "When did it happen?"

The nightingale seemed to know what she was asking, and immediately said: "A few days ago. At present, the fleet of the city of Modo should have not come back. Don't worry. We have not attacked them. We know this kind of thing."

"The message should have not been sent back."

"I came one step ahead, and there was a formal messenger sent by His Excellency Diji."

Alice thought for a while and then said, "What do I need to do?"

The nightingale heard a smile on his face and whispered: "Help us to convince Lord Sauron to accept our control of the East China Sea. We will not change any rules he has set. Only the trade of the Eastern Kingdoms in the future. We are all responsible for it, and Lord Sauron just changed a partner, and nothing else will change."

Alice seems to be relieved and whispered: "If that's the case, I can try to help."

"Those people are clean?"

The nightingale nodded. "All the treatments are clean. Don't worry. We don't care about this kind of thing. For a lawful evil god, there are rules that he cares about. We don't make such low-level mistakes."

Alice seriously thought about it and said, "That's good."

"You will come with me tomorrow to see Lord Sauron. This matter must be dealt with, otherwise if you anger the city, the consequences are definitely more serious than you think."


the next day.

Today, Sauron received a very bad news early in the morning.

The news came from the Eastern Kingdom. The content was related to Sauron's past partners. The alliance with him was the allies of the covenant. The monks and the rogue leaders who controlled the coastline in the East, were all wiped out overnight.

The coastline trade of the entire eastern country has stalled.

Although the fleet of Modo City has not been attacked by any means, this matter is too big to say, the key is to see what these people who are replacing the original people are in charge of the East Coast. Sauron is absolutely not allowed to interrupt the Eastern route, so if necessary, he will personally send the fleet to expedition to the Eastern Kingdom and directly incorporate the East Coastline into his own control.

"My Lord."

"Ms. Alice wants to see you."

Just as Sauron put down the information in his hand, the guard’s announcement came from outside the door.

Sauron heard a brow and said, "Please come in."

He just received the news, and Alice took the initiative to come and visit him. It seems that this matter is inseparable from the Eastern Emperor. Looking at the entire eastern kingdom, only the monastery and the Eastern Emperor Ji have the ability to destroy his former allies overnight.

"Lord Solon."

Alice's figure soon appeared in front of Sauron, but there is another female figure next to her~www.readwn.com~ an oriental dance.

Also a very good assassin.

After Sauron swept the other side, he saw the identity of the other person.

"The great shadow dominates."

On the side of the Oriental Dancer, he stepped forward and bowed, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional. He exposed the fullness and the ditch in front of Sauron. He looked up and smiled and said: "My name is Nightingale. It is Lord Dongji. The personal bodyguard. This time I came to the city of Modo to change the owner on the east coast."

"We are not hostile."

"In order to avoid misunderstanding, Dongfang Di Ji sent me a step ahead. In a few days, the emperor of the Oriental Emperor Ji will officially arrive."

Sure enough, is the Oriental Emperor Ji shot?

Sauron heard a slight brow, and saw his frowning look. Alice and the nightingale next to him couldn’t help but be nervous because it was a terrible true god. Once he angered him, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable. Sauron paused, then his eyes fell on the side of Alice, and then he regained his gaze, faintly said: "Sit down and talk."

It seems that I am bet on it.

At night, Saulon’s expression knew that his decision was not wrong. It was a wise choice to find Alice before he officially saw Sauron.

if not.

At this moment, Sauron’s attitude towards her is definitely not so friendly now.

.................. (To be continued.)

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