Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 130: Red robe wizard!

The Abyss dominates 130, Chapter 130, Red Robe Wizard! [Recommended ticket] - 567 Chinese Modo City fell into a state of alert throughout the city.

Anyone with an unknown route has been severely inspected, and all merchants entering and leaving the port have been severely restricted. Basically under the orders of Sauron, Modo City gave up almost 70% of the trade, and Sauron is now basically intending to interrupt most of the trade to resist the last two waves of the Holy Holocaust. Nowadays, Modo City has such strength under his accumulation. The wealth from Treasure Island makes up for the consumption of money in Modo City. The minerals from the bottomless abyss supplement the material consumption of Modo City, and he also has Ji A part of the supplies of the Swamp and the Fermi ants, and the consumption of the city of Modo for one or two years has no problem at all.

At present, the only food supply that restricts the population of the city of Modo is now self-sufficient, so Soren decided to implement a comprehensive blockade management plan for the city.

The current city of Modo is basically close to retreat. While continuously receiving the population of the South Coast, it also gave up trade exchanges with other forces. The signs of the undead have become more and more serious. At the Modo City Judgment Office, several latent necromancers have been identified. It is obvious that Sauron is uneasy. The organization that specializes in Necromancer spells in the wizard seems to have been The undead monarchs were recruited.

The worse part is!

The church of Sauron actually found a very few very special wizards.

Now they are the judgment office of the Shadow Church, but because the other party is a wizard, Gloria sent a witch to check it out. The witch was shocked after seeing it, and immediately told the story to Gloria, and then Gloria personally went to see it and was surprised to send the message to Sauron.


Sauron had already arrived at the judgment seat behind the temple, and then he saw several very conspicuous big bald heads, as well as rune tattoos on their necks, back, chest and other parts.

Red robe wizard!

They are a group of well-recognized beings, because these people like to wear red robes, all shaved their heads, and there are very obvious tattoos on them.

The organization of the red robe wizard has been circulating in the material plane for thousands of years. It is one of the representatives of the evil wizards. It once disappeared into the material plane, but did not expect that the Modo City appeared at this moment! The Red Robe Wizards were very evil wizards, so that they were once brutally suppressed by the Arcane Empire, and then the Red Robe Wizards disappeared in the Arcane Holocaust, and they have not been able to find them.

"Where did they come from?"

Sauron frowned and looked at the scared red robe wizards in front of him. The other's bald head looked a bit dazzling, and he asked the drow loiter who was responsible for torture.

There are only a few drows in the city of Modo, most of them have special tasks, and this is the expert who is responsible for torture and torture in the dark area. He squats on Sauron's knee: "My Lord! They said It comes from the lower plane, a large semi-plane between the shadow plane and the spirit world, very close to the grey wilderness!"

Other planes?


The Red Robe Masters did not disappear, but some fled to other planes.

Sauron glanced at the big bald heads in front of him and reached out to pick up the face of one of the female wizards. In the red robe wizards, both men and women will shave into a big bald head in the later stage, so that they can engrave the rune imprint. In the eyes of Lun, the glory of the divine nature emerged, and the direct manipulation of the gods captured the consciousness of the other party.

Women's will is mostly weaker than men and is often easier to control.

"tell me."

Sauron’s figure is like a magical power, full of infinite temptation, Shen Sheng: “When are you going back to the material plane? How many people are you? How big is your half-width? How many members are there in the Wizards?"

The expression of the red robe witch became awkward and looked like a dementia. After hearing Sauron’s words, she replied very honestly: “We returned to the material plane half a month ago. This time we sent out a total of three. More than a dozen people. Our plane size is equivalent to a southern kingdom. There are more than 300 formal wizards currently in the Red Robe Masters!"

The worm is dead and not stiff.

Torre's Red Robe Master was once the enemy of material plane peace. Their organization origin is quite special, because the Red Robe Master is originally a group of Mu1horandi Masters separated from the motherland, they created A country ruled by the Master rather than by the King of God (this is the way Moer Hollander ruled, the gods of Merleland are similar to the Egyptian gods), and these wizards eventually formed the government structure at the time of the thunder. And have been fighting with neighbors intermittently for centuries, but the controversy of the various factions at the top of the organization often leads to a chaotic and suspended plan.

The origin of the Red Robe Master comes from the alien god, and this **** seems to be dying like other gods in the desert. (Note: Similar to the crocodile **** in the desert and the goddess of death wealth ~ www.readwn.com ~ the existence of the gods is not completely eternal.

Especially the alien gods who invade other worlds are very likely to be strongly attacked by the aboriginal gods and may lead to the union of other gods. The seats in the Pantheon represent the number of gods, and many of them are vacant in the struggle of the gods.


What Sauron seemed to notice, reached out and looked at the tattoo of the witch near the chest: "All of you are wizards specializing in the Necromancers?"

The witch in front of him has been controlled by Sauron, and he is sluggish: "Yes. The most powerful faction of the Red Robe Master is the Necromancer, and 80% of the wizards are specialized in the Necromancer. Others The factions have long been divided and died in the struggles of the past."


It is no wonder that the Red Robe Master will be mixed with the undead monarchs. You must know that there are some very famous powerful lichs inside the Red Robe Masters!


The other factions within the Red Robe Masters have been almost destroyed in the past, and now the surviving faction is the Necromancer, which has the largest number of lichs and various means of escaping death.

Sauron was silent.

After a while, he sighed: "Who sent you?"

The witch is sluggish: "[Undead] - Ovo! He promised us that after the success of the plan, we will give us a kingdom in the material plane, and restore the rule of the Red Robe Master to the kingdom!"

Undead - Ovo! ?

When Sauron heard it, his face changed suddenly, and then his expression was very serious.

This is a very powerful lich, and can even be said to be one of the strongest lichs to date! He is also the mastermind of the undead, the most terrifying one among the many undead monarchs.

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