Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 131: Abyss 3 giants!

Ancient wilderness.

It is close to the southern countries and is also a gathering place for the emigrants, because there are many reliefs in the vicinity of Gaotacheng.

But at this moment, this area has become a **** on earth, tens of thousands of corpses in the wilderness, after the massive plague, many towns have set up fortresses near the road checkpoints, blocking a large number of displaced people close, and those already In the cities plagued by plague, a large number of people fled, which in turn led to more refugees. At present, the southern countries have blocked the borders, and many cities have also entered a state of alert, prohibiting foreign populations from entering them. However, the means of spreading the plague is not only a floating population, a large number of corpses have led to terrible diseases, and the plague is one of the most terrifying.

Although there is no black death in this world, similar diseases still exist.

If the gods still have the identity of the gods, it will certainly not let the plague spread, but now the gods have fallen into the form of the saints, and their means of organizing the plague has weakened a lot.

The pastor has completely prevented the spread of the plague.

A large town counts all the priests of the temple, adding up to a dozen or so. All the magical spells of the day can not save many people. Compared to the millions of people whose phytoplankton is infected with the plague, the power of the priest is negligible, and the gods do not have enough power to support the pastor.

And with the spread of the plague, even worse things have happened.

Human beings are the races with the most material planes, and with the spread of the plague, especially when the famine still exists.

Many human corpses have become foods of other species. The first to be infected is the goblin group. The goblins are active in the wilderness. They are like a small group that is not killed and killed. Everyone has a turf. I can survive.

The infection of the goblin adds to the spread of the plague.

The gnolls and ogres, who used the goblin as a food, were quickly spread by the plague. Then the plague in the south began to spread across the surface, and the elves of the periphery soon began to develop diseases.

The second race that was heavily affected was the orc. The plague of the Western Wilderness was also transmitted to the orcs. The wild civilization was not enough for the orcs to resist the spread of such a large plague. Soon the priests of the shamanism could not stop the plague. spread. The first to die were a large number of herdsmen. The strong orcs had strong resistance and they did not fall quickly under the plague. But the orcs who are semi-agricultural and semi-lived as civilizations are infected by epidemics, and thousands of herdsmen die overnight. In a short period of two months, the survival of the orcs is extremely cruel. !

Because the cattle and sheep that died from the disease are no longer edible, the orcs' stocks cannot support the consumption of the ethnic group.

What is more serious is that because of the large number of animal husbandry deaths, the orcs will have difficulty recovering in the next few years, which means they must go to other racial looting to meet the consumption of the community.

The momentum of the spread of the plague did not show any signs of diminishing. The halflings in the Shire area soon became the target of the victim. This rich land cannot be exempted even if it has a half-human sanctuary. In just a few days, Thousands of half-somethings have died of illness. The Northland witches have blocked the entire territory. They monitor many towns and rivers and look for the source of the disease.

The only place where the entire material plane is less affected is Arundel.

Perhaps because of the cold climate of the ice and snow country, the scale of the disease caused by Arundel is the smallest, and the casualties are even less than the territory of the city.

Even worse things are born.

The plague began to spread in the army of Sauron. When the Navy of the Irsha Island became infected, the power of the disease spread so rapidly that Soren had to isolate these people and place them on the Viper Island.

The gods are finally unable to sit still.

Both the gods of the good camp and the gods of the evil camp temporarily stopped the confrontation and began to search for the source of the plague.

The struggle between the surface elves and the drow was temporarily stopped, simply because the plague had spread to the dark areas, and the spider **** Rose had to start dealing with these terrible plagues.

Sauron also made a change.

He has deepened his divine power into the fields of [disease] and "demonic". The power of these two fields comes from the plunder of the goddess of disease. Soren has given the magic of 'dissolving the disease' as a core gift, and it has greatly strengthened the pastor. The ability to treat disease. At the same time, Modo City also began to increase the number of doctors, using drugs to treat these infected people.

The population on the road began to decrease rapidly, and more and more towns were ridiculous, even faster than the previous war.

As the population has decreased, the power of death has become rich, and even Sauron's divine power has begun to show a marked improvement, because he is also in charge of the power of killing. The breath of death allowed the undead to gradually increase, and the number of ghouls was somewhat uncontrollable, and as the ghouls exploded, a demon lord of the bottomless abyss became stronger.

His followers began to appear in the material plane and expanded in astonishing degrees.

These dark believers are the ‘Ghoul Church’. They cannot give others too much power and wealth, but they have a special ability to join the church without being killed or injured by ghouls.

This transformation has also begun to affect the bottomless abyss.

On the third floor of the bottomless abyss, the attacking plan of the king of the wolf, Yenogu, was accidentally affected, because the king of the ghoul, whose power has skyrocketed, seems to have been helped by some outside forces, and is gradually getting rid of the wolf. The king of man controls Him.

It seems that the undead monarchs are drawing on this terrible abyss demon.

The backyard of the Wolverine King caught fire and had to temporarily give up the expansion of the Abyss and attempted to regain control of the Ghoul King.

And just this day!

A terrible evil force returned to the bottomless abyss.

Okus returned!

The undead king of the bottomless abyss! The demon lord of the undead! One of the three great abyss of the abyss!

The terrible Okus returned.

Okus was one of the three great abyss. He fell asleep during the Arcane Empire. His sleep is an important reason for the indirect rise of the Succubus Queen. Because the demons of the older generation gradually became silent, they had the rapid rise of the Succubus Queen. The King of Ghoul is his most important servant and the overseer of his large undead army. He once launched a war with the six fingers to spread the abyss and multifaceted planes, but was eventually forced to terminate because of the rise of the Arcane Empire.

at this time.

On the 421st floor of the Abyss, the land of the King of Ghoul [White Kingdom].

Numerous deified ghouls have gathered together, and in the center of this country is a huge hall of white bones. The King of Ghoul-Dorisen is the commander of all ghouls. Unlike other ghouls, his body is straight and he doesn't bend like a hunchback like his kind. His eyes are shining with pale green light. A luxurious robe and leather armor, wearing a crown of white bones, holding a vertebra-shaped staff called the Hungry Staff, and a skull at the top of the staff, indicating respect for Ocas.

For a long time in the past.

There are a large number of gnolls in this country who are responsible for supervising ghouls and driving them to fight.

Now all the gnolls have become the food of ghouls driven by endless hunger, which has been separated from the control of the king of the gnoll, Yeno.

The black bone portal emerges.

Along with the terrible pressure, all the ghouls were not crouched on the ground. This time, the breath of the king of undead creatures spread with the power of evil and filth, and a terrible demon appeared.

This demonic creature is fat and fat, standing about three times as tall as an ordinary person. A huge, spiral goat's horn grows on his goat's head. His legs are thick brown hair and goat-like hooves. A huge, strong arm waved an evil skull wand. Two huge black bat-like wings stretched out of his back, dragging a long snake-like tail with a sharp barb behind him.

He is Okus!

One of the most powerful demons of the Abyss! It is also the monarch of all the undead in the bottomless abyss!

Okus has a large undead army, and the enemies he kills are directly transformed into soldiers and generals in his army!

"The great king of immortality!"

The King of Ghoul greets the arrival of the abyss giant ~www.readwn.com~ He humbly lowered his head and said: "Your servant has been waiting for your return."

The mighty undead army emerged.

Ghouls, scorpions, corpses, scorpions, shadows, corpse night witches, ghosts, lichs, mummies, Boda corpses...

The huge undead army of Okus emerged after the portal, and has been assembled in a magnificent hall made of white bones. Obviously, his resurrection and awakening are inseparable from other undead monarchs in the underworld, and this time the undead disaster seems to have been a long-term plan.


The awakened Okus seems to be a bit mad. His pupils are full of chaos and killing. The mind is not as clear as other demon lords, more like a demon controlled by the power of chaos in the bottomless abyss.

He made a terrible roar in the sky!

With this angry roar, a force has also spread throughout the multiverse.

next moment.

Material plane, Modo City.

Soon, who was far away, appeared on the high platform of the Arcane Tower. He looked at the dark night sky and muttered: "Okus is resurrected!..."

The once abyss giants are proclaiming his coming.

Not only is Sauron far away overseas, but all the gods in the entire material plane, and even the high-level devils of Barto Hell, also learned the resurrection of a powerful demon at this moment!

..................(To be continued.)8

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