Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 136: Wind and snow

In the snow of the sky.

A figure in a snow-white suede coat slowly progressed, her footsteps were so light, and there was almost no trace on the snow. After the biting cold wind and cold snow around her body, it seemed to touch an invisible barrier, and then spread down around her. This is the protective energy field of the wizard. I am afraid that only the high-level wizards can use the spell space so extravagantly and wastefully.

The woman wore very little, except for the fur coat on her body, she only had a close-fitting white robes, revealing a delicate and delicate silhouette, wearing black stockings on her legs, and at first glance it was not the silk of the surface world. The protective energy can block the cold wind from blocking the ice and snow, but it can't stop the cold climate of the whole nature. If she is not a super-strong professional, she will bless the resistance spell.

"Damn Druid!"

The woman's looks are quite fascinating. If Sauron is still familiar here, she will not be able to recognize her because her hair has become lavender and her pupil has turned blue. The whole person has already It turned out to be very different. However, certain features remain, such as the tone of speech, the aroma of the body, and the stockings on the legs. The enchanting stockings made from the dark areas of the spider silk, even the high-level wizards will not have too much.

This is the mother of Gloria, the glamorous and vicious woman.

She walked on the icy snowfield, rubbed the sweat on her forehead a little, then looked up at the sky, as if she wanted to cast a spell.

"This **** weather."

The glamorous woman cursed angrily and immediately proceeded. The weather was too cold, and the cold wind was too embarrassing. The flying technique required blessing of protective spells. The higher the wind, the more chilly the wind. Even a high-level witch like her can't use the spell without any scruples, she must reserve a spell space to fight for life.

There seems to be a voice coming from afar. The glamorous woman looked back and hated: "This group of ghosts is not scattered! Fears are everywhere. You are chasing me more than half of the world! I have not said that I will not continue to taboo experiments?" When I get back my own experimental products, I must have a good brain for you!"

The aura of a spell emerges.

The speed of the glamorous woman suddenly speeds up. It is just that ordinary stepping is like running all the way. The speed is almost equal to the 100-meter sprint of professional athletes.

The cold wind is getting bigger and bigger.

An eagle was forced to fall from the sky. In the face of nature, the professional is not fearless. The druid's eagle, the icy country, cannot fly as he pleases. In the face of nature's heaven and earth, even the legend will have no time to do anything. Druid stayed for a moment, then frowned and looked into the distance, muttering: "Where did the ruin of nature escape? I can never let her go again. Her existence is a disaster for nature. ""

The three legendary druids combined, can not repair the damage she left behind, the glamorous woman is already the first blacklist of the Druid! As long as she has performed a spell experiment, it will leave a terrible energy radiation, just like the ‘human-shaped self-propelled nuclear fusion radiator.’ In the last few hundred years, no one has been able to destroy the natural environment more than her.

The cold wind is getting worse.

The glamorous woman went out for dozens of kilometers. Suddenly she seemed to feel something and blessed herself with a spell, and then her sky emerged with an outline of the eye made up of aura that could not be seen by the naked eye. The next moment, her expression changed slightly. First, I said a dialect of the Northland. The meaning is roughly ‘I’m a grass’, and then muttered: “Silver Moonwalker?”

"Is this group of dead brains really not so hate me? Sending a quasi-legendary druid to kill me is not counted, even the silver moonwalkers are invited out?"

She has the heart to use the transfer spell. However, transmitting spells cannot be used indiscriminately.

The wizard did not prepare the transmission coordinates in advance, and the random transmission was possible to send away his own life, in case it was transmitted to the stone. Rocks don't automatically let go of space. The result is nothing more than two kinds. One is that you hit the rock at a super-fast speed. The speed of the space channel is very close to the speed of light. How to reduce the speed will break the bones. The other is the spell deviation, you are sent to the rock, where you are here, the rock is here, your body is merged with the rock.

There is no shortage of wizards who have just learned to transmit spells to throw their own lives on them.

Short-distance transmission can also grasp, the longer the transmission distance, the higher the requirement for transmitting the mark, which can not be skipped even by the gods.

On a towering mountain.

The silver moonwalker’s arrogant figure stands in front of the steep mountain wall. Her face is not very good-looking. Presumably, no matter who is close to the legendary strength, let a maximum of third-order rogues escape, and there will be no more mood. it is good. At the beginning, the tracking was relatively smooth, but after entering the ice field, it was completely broken. The other party seemed to have no rest at all. She could barely keep up with tracking. These days have made her a little tired, and the traces of the target are almost completely covered by the snow.

The longer the time drags, the more energy the leaf of life consumes. Even if you find the rogue, you can't find that precious sacred object again. This is a major loss for the Druids. It is the same for the Elven Kingdom. The leaf of life has the oldest energy. Although this energy is not strong, it is very rare and the only one that can make them The **** tree has a divine approach. The existence of the Elven Lord God has become more and more inaction these years, and many people have a little dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Many people in the high-level druids and elves have thought that they should restore the oldest beliefs and turn their **** trees into true gods. [The belief in the **** tree of the high elves. 】

This plan has been stranded for thousands of years.

The progress has been slow all the time, because there is interference from the elf gods behind, but all the gods have fallen into sleep recently, and the elf gods are unable to connect with the pastor. This is equivalent to a sudden emergence of an opportunity, many druids think this is the best time to 'resurrection' the **** tree. Although the **** tree did not die, but the spirituality has long disappeared in the years, but at this festival, the only remaining three pieces of life have an accident, one of which was lost.

The years are changing and the customs are changing. Faith is also changing.

Suddenly, the silver moonwalker seemed to find something. His sharp eyes looked like an eagle and looked down at his feet. Then his face showed a strange expression.

She seems to have seen a witch who is notorious in the Elves!


North ground tower.

Gloria stood at the top of the hundreds of meters high wizard tower, the cold wind blew her long hair, silky long hair with a silver silk, inexplicably let her come out with a cascading beauty. She looked down at the land under her feet. It was like a high-ranking queen. Her territory was within 120 kilometers. As a high-ranking member of the Witch's Parliament, she was most likely to advance into the legendary Northland Witch. She has touched the edge of the legendary legend before she is less than 30 years old. It is not impossible to win the peak of the legendary field in the future.

In the distance, you can see busy fishermen. They are the squid in the migration. Their habits are special. They will lay eggs in the spring. October is the season of harvest. The fishermen will catch the fishing nets with the size and then let go. Those small fish that have not grown up yet. For them, Gloria is a high presence. They are even more awe-inspiring than the city owners of the Moon City.

Gloria looked down at the mortal beings at her feet, spread her palms to catch a snowflake, and then sighed in a secluded manner.

The weather is getting colder and colder.

She tightened her wizard's robe and turned to walk inside the tower. The heavy iron demon stood in front of the door and said with a metal-like friction: "Master. Observing the target is still sleeping, but the energy is also very stable, and the things that have been destroyed at the beginning have been fixed."

The twelfth floor of the Witch Tower.

Vivienne's little figure lies on a platform. It is covered with soft velvet and has an oval shield on the outside.

Gloria came to a circle and the figure appeared directly outside the door. Then I glanced at the little girl who was evenly breathing on the platform, frowning and crossing a spell.

She has been sleeping for a long time.

No need to eat, but did not wake up, and occasionally there will be unconscious energy spread, and even almost alarmed the Witch Council.

The place where the resettlement was first settled has been destroyed.

The power of the runaway almost broke her wizard tower into two pieces. If it wasn't for her timely activation of the protective spell, Vivian could destroy the half of the wall.

The power of the little girl is amazing!

Gloria estimates that it has exceeded the level of high-level legend (professional level 25), and unless there is a way to separate the energy, she still needs to sleep for a long time.

Her body is too small and too young.

However, the power in her body is already stronger than the adult dragon. Unless she is transformed from a mortal to a demon, she cannot integrate this power.

The Son of God can transform his form.

If Vivienne transforms into a high-order demon or a demon god, it should be able to fuse this power, but the little girl seems to have been resisting and is also fighting against this force. She is still a mortal, without the characteristics of any high-level demon or abyss demon, Gloria does not know how to let a mortal absorb such a huge power!

She is helpless.

As a legendary Northland witch, Gloria is not a legendary wizard, she has not touched such a mysterious field.

Unless she is advanced to the legendary level ~ www.readwn.com ~ otherwise she can not even analyze the structure of divine power!


Ice and snow country.

Sauron’s expression came out gloomyly, and the middle-aged female pastor also came out stiffly. The other people’s looks were very dignified, and no one spoke for a long time.

The news they got was terrible!

Because not only the believers who tortured the goddess came here, even her voters came to the ice and snow country.

The electorate of the gods.

Born legendary professional!

One seems to be from a dark area, with some drow characteristics, but no one has seen her face and has a powerful wizard.

I also came here more than half a month ago. (To be continued.) ()

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