Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Ascetic

The legend is like a dog, and the lich walks everywhere.

Soren’s name is often heard in the past. This sentence is a lot of people’s self-deprecating, especially before they have reached the legendary field. Many people who are seriously injured or die like to use this sentence to laugh at themselves. Although the lich has not been seen yet, but the legendary figure above, Sauron really encountered a lot. As a third-order professional, Sauron’s heart is under great pressure, but he can’t find a dragon to say that you are lying down so that I can die, so I can upgrade quickly.

A month's time.

He grew from the bottom thief to the third-order professional. Except for the supernatural blood and so on, it is estimated that no one will grow faster than him!

However, he still feels inadequate, and his strength is not enough to fight against some existence.

The information that was tortured is actually very vague. Except for the name of the fallen person in the town, everything else is vague. No one has seen the appearance of the electorate, or Sauron asked some details before he tortured out that the elector has been wearing a black cloak, and there are obvious signs of tilting around the ears. The skin color of the palm is not an ordinary elf. Only then did she determine her race. Her arrival time was more than half a month ago, when Sauron should still be in White Horse City.

In the mouth of the fallen believer, she is the embodiment of the tortured goddess. This statement cannot be used casually.

Otherwise it is!

The existence that can be claimed by the incarnation of the gods is basically a voter who is empowered by the gods. They play a pivotal role in the Church of the Gods, and the power of the electorate is equivalent to a power priest of about 20 professional ranks. They can use the power of the gods to perform [Sacred Words] or [Song of Words], which is very close to the level 9 magic.

It can kill people, control people's minds, and even get a batch of mad believers.

As long as there is a loophole in the mind, it can be done with divine power.

The guards of the town began to arrest and arrest the fallen believers. The middle-aged woman’s expression was gloomy and underground, and even someone asked the guardian knight of the agricultural temple.

There are three parts to the power of the temple. Pastor, believer, guarded by the temple.

Five third-order temple guards appeared. They wore heavy body armor and leaned down to follow the garrison. This is the existence that Sauron couldn't even pick up in the past, but now he has a grasp of one-on-three. The speed of his growth has been amazing. Unfortunately, he gave him too little time. He spent the past month walking the roads of other people for more than a decade, but many of the enemies he has to face have been leading him for thousands of years.

The sky is getting darker.

There was a sign of riots in the town, but Sauron did not care about it. He rested in the hotel while silently tempering his will.

He has to complete an ascetic practice!

To deal with these fallen people, as an alien adventurer, Sauron does not need to fight on the front line, the gods believers are not talking about playing, and accidentally it is possible to overturn the ship inside the gutter. There are very few ways to gain experience in killing in a short period of time. The distribution of living things is inherently more diffuse. Indiscriminate killing will only lead to destruction, and will completely disorient yourself. The killing experience given by ordinary creatures is too small, and it is too difficult to single out a wilderness group. It’s too time consuming to kill a little bit.

According to normal progress, Sauron estimates that it takes at least seven days to get enough experience to improve a professional level.

He wants to absorb divinity!

Sauron is ready to confront the will of the fearful demon, engulfing the divine nature that he has separated from the fragments of the soul.

But this requires a very strong will.

The night passed quickly and Sauron slept very well that night. It can be said that it completely supplements the energy it consumes. When he came out the next day, the appearance was very different from the past. He took off his leather armor and took off his warm cotton coat. The body is only wearing the thinnest linen clothes, the hair to the shoulders is scattered, and the feet are not wearing shoes. Just walked directly on the cold ice and snow.

- Ascetic!

The best way to temper your own will.

A strong will is honed, and it accumulates with time, and the will of the person will not change simply because you make a decision.

It is your little accumulation of sediment when you insist on it!

He walked barefoot on the ice and snow, and the cold wind blew through his clothes. Too thin linen was useless. Even with Soren's 21-point physique, he could not resist the chill in all directions. The other people in the town looked at him with strange eyes, and the expression seemed to be a madman and a fool, because even the northerly people who are naturally cold-resistant, wearing such a thin shirt outside, will take a long time to get sick.

Sauron came to the agricultural temple, and his dress surprised the priest, and then leaned down slightly.

She knows what Soren is doing, because the pastor will do the same!

The only thing that surprised her was that she couldn’t understand why the rogues used this extreme way to temper their will. They didn’t need to rely on their will to stabilize their faith.

Most of the rogues are pan-faith, and the gods are the most talked about!

Sauron got the reward he deserved, only a small amount of gold, about thirty, and then a part of the holy water, and the most important two bottles of potent therapeutic agents.

Its value is more than 500 Kindlers, and the effect is equivalent to treating a moderate injury to treating a serious injury.

The pastor is an expert in this regard.

Sauron continued his journey. He wore thin linen clothes, walked barefoot on the cold snow, marched forward one step at a time, did not use any extraordinary ability, and did not bless himself, so step by step. Going forward, the ubiquitous chill infiltrated his body, and the arms, cheeks, and feet quickly began to freeze slightly. Because there was no shoe protection, the soles of the feet began to leave slight scars.

The ground is rough, with stones, dead branches, and inconspicuous spikes, because there is a coniferous forest outside.

Frostbite is gradually accumulating.

Although the rate of increase is very slow, the frostbite at 1 o'clock is still steadily increasing. Because of the scar on the foot, Sauron also superimposed a slight bruise. These injuries gradually reduced his life value and burned it bit by bit. His vitality.

first day.

Sauron walked out barefoot for 150 kilometers. He met a hungry white bear, but the other died under his knife.

The night falls.

He didn't go into the water all day, just drinking a little water at this time, and then slowly eating dry food, without the slightest meat, just the roughest black bread. The frostbite of his whole body has been very obvious, and the life value he has deducted has reached more than ten points. If it is not the talent of regenerative talent and the extraordinary physical condition of more than 20 points, I am afraid that he will have frozen to death in this day. The faint cold-resistant feat does not offset all cold-frozen injuries in this environment.

Sauron did not raise the bonfire, he sat on a rock, holding his machete with both hands, and then slowly closed his eyes!

This is the practice of Juggernaut.

He is meditating, but he is not trying to exercise his spirit like a wizard, but is tempering his will.

The whistling wind did not stop for a moment.

Occasionally, snow flakes on Sauron's body, the ice melts little by little, and then freezes into ice because of the cold temperature. The Sauron sits on the rock and does not move. The whole person looks like an ice sculpture, only the chest. The heart inside is still beating slowly and smoothly.

The night passed slowly.

When Sauron opened his eyes the next day, his body was already a hoarfrost, his body was already a little blue, and even when he took the machete, he even brought a little bit of flesh. The palm of his contact with the blade was frozen and frozen on the machete. One night of meditation made him feel stiff, and his frostbite had accumulated to more than 50 points, almost reaching one-third of his life.

He slowly got up, drank a little cold water, and then started eating, moving his body a little.

Today, no monsters who don’t know how to live are coming to the door.

After the activity of Sauron, the skin was slightly reddish. He drank a bottle of therapeutic agent and felt a heat flow in the body. The power of the healing potion did not quickly restore his injury. After a simple rest, Sauron began his journey. He is still a thin shirt, walking barefoot on the ice and snow, walking along the road little by little, occasionally meeting other people, looking at his eyes is simply unbelievable, it is like watching a madman!

The second day, the third day, the fourth day.

In a little bit of time, Sauron’s body shape is getting thinner and thinner, and his expression is getting tired. His frostbite has accumulated cracking in the flesh, but the light in his eyes is more and more natural, just like a The blade is buried in the ice and snow. He slaughtered a group of snow wolves, killed three bear goblins, and briefly played with an ice troll.

Sauron's day went down gradually because he was really tired.

He met some human villages on the road, but he did not stop at all~www.readwn.com~ just walked quietly.

The fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day.

Sauron’s lips have been completely cracked, and the body is full of shocking frostbite, and it seems that there is no more handsome appearance at first. His walking posture was a little inconvenient because he had already drunk all the therapeutic agents, and the accumulated frostbite eventually dragged him into a serious injury. He met a small group of wolves. Because of the **** smell of the frozen crack, the wolf bite a bite on his leg, so that the wound could not heal until now.

The ice and snow country is always so cold.

Sauron's barefoot thin clothes walked more than a thousand miles in the world of ice and snow. When a snow-covered city appeared in front of him, he finally waited for the long-awaited expertise.

Walking barefoot.

Although Sauron is very weak at the moment, it is also his most powerful moment!

Life and death are at this moment! ! !

..................(To be continued..)()

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