Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 155: ECG induction?

I really got the blessing expertise.

Sauron’s eyes looked at the crowd, but unfortunately the woman’s figure could not be seen.

"Who is she?"

The blessing ceremony seems to be not that simple?

Just kiss one's forehead, then kiss your face and say a few words to complete? Sauron remembered that he had received the blessings of the spider **** and the goddess of wealth, and the rituals of both seemed to be not so simple. The blessing ritual after the spider **** was completed by the priest Rose, and finally there were some rituals of evil taboos to please the spider god. After completing this relatively degraded ritual, the spider **** will bless the target. . (You must make the spider feel happy afterwards.)

The goddess of wealth is a bit simpler, or has a corresponding contribution, then contribute a lot of money.

The blessing of the gods is not as powerful as imagined, but it will never be weak. The most basic blessing is the exemption bonus. Most gods can give an additional 1 point of judgment bonus. Then, depending on the abilities of the priesthood, etc., there will be other bonuses after blessing. For example, Sauron is now getting immune bad luck. The goddess of wealth gives the transaction bonus, as well as the trading privileges of some pastors, and the wealth church's control over trade is still very powerful.

The most powerful **** blessings are a few, which can add extra attributes.

The most memorable memory of Sauron is the blessing of the Succubus Queen, which can additionally increase the 2-4 attribute and gain an additional 4 points bonus on any exemption, including attack, hit, dodge, and toughness. This special blessing name seems to be called 'Queen of the Queen'. However, its cost seems to be very high. After all, it is much more difficult to please the succubus queen than to please the spider god. The 亵渎 亵渎 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 都要 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 蜘蛛 蜘蛛[Holy blessing, ritual ceremony]

I don't know why!

But the blessings given by the evil spirits are high, and the good deities give little value. Unless it is to become a voter or a caretaker.


Sauron had a little doubt that he had encountered the incarnation of the gods.

If the gods give up against the energy storm and directly separate their priesthood, they can fall to the mortal world in advance. Generally, there is no such thing as a god. They are also very aware that they are very dangerous after coming to the mortal world. But if it is the goddess of doom, there may not be such a worry. There are few legendary professionals who can kill her. It is even more difficult for non-spirits to deal with her than to deal with powerful gods, because a doom can kill a large group of enemies.

The enemy suddenly went to the door, and when he went out, he met a monster. He accidentally offended other legends...

Thinking about it is a bit scalp.

How do you think this thing is too supernatural? Not many people are willing to go to risk.

But if Sauron encounters an incarnation of the gods, the blessings given should be more than that. The blessing of the gods is equal to the treatment of the gods. Usually there is a blessing of additional ability attributes. That woman may be a gods, or a voter of the goddess of doom, does not rule out the possibility of being possessed by the goddess, but does not know why she will bless herself, and also come to the ice and snow country at this time.

The spirit of the chaotic camp is a headache.

The people in the lawful camp can also have regular rules. The chaotic camp is completely in accordance with their own preferences. The more chaotic the chaotic shift is, the more difficult it is to measure with common sense. She may even be whim, or Some is not pleasing to the eye. Just killing a town directly, or falling down in a certain place, the reputation of Ms. Evangelion can all be accumulated.

Sauron has not been entangled for too long.

Going out to meet the legend. When you meet the voters, you meet the gods, meet the gods, and even encounter the incarnation of the gods, the embodiment of the saints will gradually become very common. Basically, every **** will have its own voters and gods. There are two or three legendary professionals in the church. The special situation in the turbulent period is to force these people to run out. If they are usually in themselves Stay on the site. For example, the lich. If no one bothers them, these lichs can quietly study for hundreds of years.

As long as it is not for other purposes. Or lack of materials, they are hardly going out!

Speaking of the lich. There should be almost one lich in Soren's memory to go out. It is a very powerful shadow lich, killing the electorate of the current rogue god, and then doing a job with this weak god. The winners and losers seem to have not been separated. Anyway, the **** of the rogue in the memory of Sauron is not in the hands of the shadow lich. After the lich appeared, it almost reached the moment when the spider **** appeared. The insidious and powerful spider Shen Min felt that this was an important opportunity.

She actually took the initiative to give up the priesthood to the mortal world, and then based on the drow in the dark area, began to arrange in advance to deal with the turbulent period!

This girl is not simple.

If there is any **** that makes Soren jealous to feel fearful, I am afraid that the spider **** is the only one!

She even left a avatar in the Abyss of the Demon, so that other gods thought she was still fighting the energy storm to ensure that she would not fall to the material plane. But in fact, she has already secretly entered the mortal world, and waited until halfway through the turbulent period. Other gods discovered that she had already weaved a huge spider web in the mortal world!

that time.

The spider **** has become a hunter, and other gods have become her prey.

A fascinating black widow.

This is a special whisper that represents the incarnation of the descendant of the spider god. Only the most devout devotees know that she is coming.


Fortunately, it is not the spider god.

Soren quickly left the town with Princess Anna. As they get closer and closer to Arunmuer, they can feel a slight sea breeze and there is a hint of the sea in the air. Arunmuer is a large city built on the seashore and the most traded city in the ice and snow country. Sauron also saw other crosses and fleets in the distance. Merchants rarely travel from the land to the ice and snow country, they will sacrifice the goddess of the sea, or the master of the storm, or sacrifice it all before the trip.

The sacrifice of the gods is a very serious matter.

Large-scale rituals will even attract the attention of the gods, who will cast their sights here and then give the sacrifices the rewards they deserve.

This is a divine mark that allows monsters in the sea to not attack the fleet.

As long as it is not luck to meet the monsters in the sea, basically the journey is smooth, and even the storm may survive, provided that you sacrifice the Lord of the Storm.

The orthodox gods sacrifice at least a thousand Jindler's sacrifice specifications, and the number of times held in a year is actually not much.

Princess Anna’s expression is a little excited.

Maybe it’s been so long, I can finally go home.

Sauron was more and more serious and cautious. He watched the distance and stopped to walk. "If I am the torment of the goddess, I will ambush near Arundale and monitor where you may appear. After all, you finally Still have to find a way back, in other words, the safest place is probably the most dangerous place."

This made Princess Anna feel a cold, muttering: "What should I do?"

Soren took her to the side of the road and said, "Do you have any way to contact the princess? I will definitely notice this with her wisdom. I am worried that if you meet a spiritual voter, let us There is no chance to escape. I haven't waited until the princess comes over, and they will be caught by them. To be honest, I have almost no chance to face the enemy above the legend!"

There is no way to fight.

An instant death, a quick fix, and even an instant enchantment spell, may make Sauron instantly account for it.

The legendary hurdle is too difficult to cross!

Princess Anna is clearly aware of this, and her face has become somewhat worried. Because of the bad things, even if they meet the people who meet them, if there is no long princess present, or other legendary professionals are present, the other party can kill two people in a flash, or take Anna Princess, and then open a The portal leaves.

Who can stop her by then?

Sauron has always been a very cautious person, like to anticipate the worst situation first.

Be prepared.

A lot of things can't be slammed and take life to risk.

Suddenly, Princess Anna seems to think of something, not to be dazzled by the light: "With! If I was in a bad mood when I was a child, or if I felt very uncomfortable, as long as I read my sister in my heart, she is not too far away from me. She may feel it. Maybe this will let her sister find us in advance, as long as she knows where we are, it will definitely pick me up!"

ECG induction?

This seems to have a distance limit?

There may be a telepathy between the sisters~www.readwn.com~ But the fuzzy sensor seems to be unable to determine the location? However, since the Princess is a legendary sorcerer, there may be a way to find them. It is really impossible to locate with prophecy. As long as there is a vague direction, she should be able to find two people easily.

Princess Anna really said that she would do it. She immediately sat on the ground. It was a bit like a squat. It was as serious as a broken thought: "Sister! Come and save me!...Sister! Come on soon. Pick me up!...sister!... Anna really misses you!..."

This picture is so beautiful that people can't help but want to laugh.

Sauron was also a bit of a smile at first, but gradually his expression was serious, because Princess Anna’s look was more and more solemn, and she looked even more pious.

Where is this electrocardiogram, it is clearly praying to the gods!

..................(To be continued)()

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