Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Arundale

The surrounding snow trembled slightly.

Sauron gripped the scimitar with vigilance, and Princess Anna seemed to be more devout and her expression was slightly more excited. A little crystal snow flakes out of the air, and as the cold wind dances together, it becomes almost the same as Princess Anna, but the temperament is completely different. She is more mature than Princess Anna, and her body is taller and fuller. Even if there is no expression, it does not make people feel a high-rise look.


The princess gently landed from the snow, and her clothes did not move any more, which made Sauron slightly narrow her eyes.

"Sister!" Princess Anna couldn't help but stand up. She opened her hands and wanted to hug the long princess, but then she immediately thought of something. She couldn't help but slow down her hand and the long princess's finger made the snow flutter. Then it quickly became the original appearance.

what! ?

Sauron’s eyes were a touch of shock.

It is not the body of the long princess, but the ice and snow avatar that she uses a special power. The wizard's seven-ring spell has 'projection', and the eight-ring spell has 'simulation', but none of them can be like The princess is so amazing that it appears directly here, but the body is still in Aaron Muir. This is not just a spell, it may even infiltrate some kind of rule, it is estimated that the incarnation of the gods is just that!

Is she a human? Still God?

The long princess’s eyes fell on Sauron’s body, as if she had seen something. She couldn’t help but slightly raise her brow. She gently reached out and said slowly: “Anna, I will take you back now. It’s dangerous outside. You guys. Ready to enter the portal."

If there is a spell without it, it sounds.

A portal made of ice and snow came out of the eyes of two people, and Sauron was already a bit dumbfounded.

The princess completely overturned his past understanding.

Estimate those who come to the mortal world to fight against a large group of legendary holy people. It can only do this.

Is the destiny warlock really so powerful? !

Princess Anna’s reaction was very quick, and she stretched out Sauron. Then it enters the portal.

The space begins to distort.

It was a very uncomfortable feeling, because the movement across the space was not comfortable, but for a very short time, the eyes were slightly shaken, and Sauron was pulled by Princess Anna to appear at the top of a majestic castle. . In front of them is another long princess, this time is not an incarnation, because she has the atmosphere of a living person. She slowly opened her eyes, and the blue pupil was just as fascinating as a dream. It seems that the mind of the people is lost in it. She gently spread her hands and embraced: "Anna!..."

"Sister!" Princess Anna rushed in.

The princess hugged the girl in front of her eyes and turned her head to look at Sauron. She frowned slightly: "The guardian, send the guest to rest, I will talk to my sister."

Not angry and self-defeating.

When Sauron saw the princess in the moment, he couldn’t help but feel the shock. Inexplicably, there was a feeling of wanting to bow down and worship. The princess just stood there quietly, and it looked like a queen on the top of the world. She clearly had the same face as Princess Anna. But the beautiful goddess in the dream, just a glance at the heart is turbulent!

Sauron bit his tongue slightly, and there was already a storm in his heart. Concealed: "High glamour!? This is definitely more than 30 points of charm! It has already begun to affect my mind!"

Amazing charm.

It will give people the illusion of seeing the natural king, which is almost the level of interference with matter.

Legendary succubus queen in the abyss, as long as the person who sees her face, must go through a legendary level of enchanting spell judgment, if it can not pass will be affected by the sacred queen, this special field of gods is called [the beauty of the enchanting] . There is also the natural **** of the past, the legendary goddess of nature, she also has this ability, but her field of gods is called [beauty of nature]. It is also a legendary level of will.

Sauron clearly felt that the first time the other party started, the will was forced to make an exemption.

He passed.

But she never looked at her again. Because he is worried that he will make another determination of will, unless he is willing to yield to the charm of the princess. The other party obviously has no ability to launch spells. It is only natural that it appears in front of his eyes, and it already has such an effect. This is not to let Sauron think of a word, that is, never look directly at the face of the gods with charm, you will be affected by their beauty.

The current representative gods are two, one is the succubus queen, and the other is the goddess of love.

The sisters whispered something.

The long princess moved his finger slightly, and Sauron couldn’t hear any sound. A graceful court lady walked over and leaned over: "Please, please! Her Majesty, let me entertain you, we have You have prepared the room, you can take a break there. Thank you very much for sending Anna Princess back safely. Your Majesty will give you the reward you deserve tomorrow."

Sauron frowned slightly, then leaned over to the princess and walked out with the court lady.

This does not seem to be friendly?

Did the long princess even mean nothing to say to himself? This attitude is too cold, too? !



Princess Anna, who had said a lot of words, finally came back. She took the long princess’s white fingers and said with joy: “This is thanks to Sauron! If it weren’t for him, I’m afraid I’ll be caught by the bad guys. Sister, you must reward him well!"

"Hey? Sauron?"

The princess's mouth was rarely exposed with a gentle smile. She reached out and stroked Anna's long hair and said slowly: "I think he is also very tired. Let the guardian take him to rest, what is your business? I can understand and talk to him. Now you must be tired too, I will take you back to the room to have a rest?"

As a result, Princess Anna really found herself really sleepy.

She hadn’t had a good rest in these days, and she finally returned to Aaron Muir. She suddenly felt tired and couldn’t wait to take a shower and sleep in a soft big bed.

My sister is right.

I am really tired now, and my body is dirty. I should take a shower and then take a nap, then let Sauron see what he really looks like.

People are princesses!

He always treated me like a little girl in the country! I am so cute and moving, I don’t seriously look at me!

Princess Anna’s brain was thinking for a while, and then she followed the long princess toward the palace. The surrounding furnishings were so luxurious, exquisite mural sculptures, soft plush carpets, a crystal lamp hanging above, Allen The wealth accumulated by Muir for thousands of years has made every corner of the palace reveal the most luxurious wealth in the world. The princess brought the Princess Anna to bathe and change clothes, but she came to the hall of the palace.

The guardian who left with Sauron is already here.

She leaned down slightly, and Aaron Muir did not have the ritual of kneeling. The formal occasion was just a knee-squatting, and usually just bowed down and expressed respect. The head of the guard sneaked to the side of the princess and whispered: "I have already let him live in the temple. He refused the maid who served, and it looks like an adventurer who knows restraint."

The expression of the princess was inexplicable and slowly said: "I smelled the fear of him and the breath of bad luck."

"This person is not simple."

"He has too many **** kills on his body. He will be ready for the reward tomorrow morning and then send him out of here."

The guard's chief nodded slightly: "Follow the order. Her Majesty."

The long princess hesitated a little, and reached out and smashed his forehead. "After all, he saved him back from Anna. The rewards can be richer. You can go to the treasure house to pick one or two legendary equipment. Presumably his adventurers don't care so much. Money reward."

The head of the guards snorted a little and then said, "Okay. Her Majesty."

"Go on."

The princess waved her hand gently, and then walked to the balcony of the castle, watching the mountains covered by snow in the distance, muttering: "The gods have begun to appear... The winter girl actually came to the mortal world... the gods Lost contact, what does this mean?..."

"A mortal person has a taste of fear and a blessing from Ms.

"Absolutely can't let him be too close to Anna~www.readwn.com~ Ms. Jinge itself represents an unknown, and the person who can bless her can definitely bring disaster!... His fateful track looks full of infinite Blood and killing!..."

"Destiny!... Why is it closer to fate!... The more you see things, the more confused you are!... Does the world have a fate?..."

"Or do we say that our destiny is changing all the time?..."

The figure of the long princess slowly disappeared.

The next moment, she appeared outside a certain room, inside is a natural hot spring, Arunmuer has the world's best natural hot springs, the hot springs are introduced into the palace by the top alchemy process, more than tens of thousands of gold per year Diller’s cost to maintain it, there are hot springs flowing all year round, and Anna’s favorite thing is to squint and sleep. There was water vapor in the room, and it was faintly visible that the court maid was serving the Princess Anna to bathe and change clothes. The girl's white toes were rounded in the bath, and then slowly walked in and gave a satisfying sigh.

The princess showed a faint smile and gently slid the long skirt.

..................(To be continued)()

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