Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 47: Special meaning

Port of Tyrol.

Today's Port of Telo looks very different, and the entire port is a bit strange.

The three sects and the characters who were on the island were all settled today, and even the guards responsible for maintaining order were a little bit defensive. Because the reality they saw today is too shocking, and the whole port of Tyrol was shocked at this moment. Everyone seemed to be waiting for something, or waiting for the arrival of a lord.

Leading giant ship!

The warship of the King of the Swamp, a pirate ship that is said to have been cursed, has been circulating throughout the South Coast for hundreds of years.

Among the three pirate kings on the South Coast, the strongest overall is the Amazon pirate king, because her back stands with the Temple of the Storm and the Amazon, and the pirate king Asrod, supported by the Naga, is also strong, but After all, it is still a little bit worse. The weakest of the three pirate kings is the king of the swamp, but it is the pirate king with the strongest fighting power. This monster has ravaged the world on the South Coast for hundreds of years. It was not that no one had challenged it, but it was rare to defeat it, let alone kill it, and seized its leading warship.

A team of sly pirates stood in front of the dock.

The guards at the Port of Tero did not dare to stop them, because the morale of these pirates was quite high, as if there was a who would dare to stop them, and they would take the knife.

The king of the swamp is dead!

They are now one of the three pirate kings [cutting throat], a new force has emerged, not only in the port of Tyrol, they are the strength of the whole South Coast!

Sauron’s figure stood above the leading battleship, and he stared at the port of Tyrol, as if he was waiting for something.

Just two days.

Sauron’s men’s man has soared five times. After the news of his killing of the king of the swamp, the pirates on the entire South Coast have come to worship, and now there are more than a dozen scattered pirates joining his arm. Even those who are unwilling to trust him have sent gifts to express their awe. Soren was only the time of these two days, and the gifts of filial piety received nearly 10,000 Kindlers, including a large number of precious goods.

Replace it!

Since the king of the swamp was killed, Sauron naturally did not waste such a good opportunity. He had already displayed his own banner yesterday and officially became one of the pirate kings on the south coast.

The leading battleship is a black flag!

There are no extra decorations, no fancy patterns, and there is only a pair of interlaced scimitars on the black flag.

Black flag, black sail, black hull.

The ominous black seems to be brewing a killing, and this killing is shrouded in the port of Tyrol, which makes many people feel a little uneasy. Sauron looked intently at the port of Tyrol, with seven warships behind him and dozens of Clippers. His majesty had gathered thousands of pirates. From the port of Tyrol to the shipwreck bay, all the pirate groups expressed their surrender to him, and some even directly invested in his men.

These pirates have not had time to completely conquer, and Sauron did not have the energy to slowly recover.

So he used a simple and rude way to solve it.

That is the demonstration!

Today, he is no longer Sauron in the past. Today he has the strength of a Naga priest wrench wrist.

A huge skull was hung on a faucet battleship. A body of four or five meters high was hung on the mast. The broken body was sutured and hung directly on the mast. It was the swamp that died under Vivian. king. Sauron had already got the news yesterday. The reinforcements he should have appeared actually went to Alcatraz Island hundreds of miles away. In one fell swoop, Alcatraz Island robbed him of the spoils and wealth he deserved. Then the original Naga priest promised to give him the reinforcements, so he patted his **** back to his old nest.

This is simply not the reason!

When Sauron heard the news, his eyes were full of blood.

He was killed in the front with the king of the swamp, and more than half of the men who had passed the past, the pirate king Asrod, who was originally one of the important reinforcements, went around to attack the nest of the king of the swamp, and He also ransacked the wealth on Alcatraz Island and took away the spoils that belonged to Sauron. Afterwards, he did not mean anything.

This is completely a face!

And he gave Sauron a big slap in the face, he could even imagine the other side's mocking appearance. You didn't get anything in the front and killed him. He made a big fortune from the back!

Sauron needs an explanation.

This explanation can't go to Asrod, one of the three pirate kings, because Sauron doesn't have the strength to confront him, but he can't say it at all, because it makes people feel like he is bullying. So Sauron must find the Naga priest who promised him the first answer!

Sauron still has no action.

He also did not set foot on the port of Terao, just waiting on the leading warship.

This is a demonstration.

It is also a demonstration of strength and strength. If the Naga priest can't give him the result he wants, Sauron is ready to completely reverse her face.

Naga priest is Naga priest, the ocean goddess is the ocean goddess!

Sauron killed the important man of the abyss lord [大衮], and he was a creditor to the ocean woman. The gods do not dislike their own servants because of the attitude of a priest. In fact, from the moment of killing the king of the swamp, the Naga priests have been unable to rely on their influence to change the position of Sauron in the eyes of the ocean goddess. Because she is only the servant of the goddess of the sea, even if she has a relationship with Sauron to hate to kill each other, the Naga priest can only mobilize the power of the temple, and it is impossible to use the power of the ocean goddess to Opposite to the other side of the ocean church.

in other words.

Sauron’s plan is successful!

He proved his worth and expanded his influence. Naga priests now can no longer use the Ocean Church to suppress Sauron, whether he likes him or hates him. Because Sauron had already stood in front of the goddess of the sea, his sacrifice ceremony after killing the king of the swamp received the response of the sea goddess. After seeing the important servant of the hostile gods being killed, the ocean goddess obviously felt a little pleasure.

Sauron pleased the ocean goddess!

His position changed in an instant, and it was originally turned into a true devotional devotee because of the identity of the acclaimed Naga priest.

As long as he can continue to please the ocean goddess!


Time passes by one minute.

Sauron’s brows wrinkled lightly. He was calculating the time. If the Naga priests had not expressed anything, he would leave the port of Tyrol now, and the two sides would follow each other. The Ocean Church is not the only temple. The Naga priest cannot use the power of the church to suppress him. Soren’s jumping of the Naga priest can still grow and develop. But he also clearly recognizes the enormous resources that the Naga priests have, and he intends to use this to force the other party to make concessions, at least for their equal status.

If the Naga priest does not give him equal status now, then there is no need to continue to cooperate with her in the eyes of Sauron!

There was a riot in the crowd ahead.

Then I saw the black-pressed crowd scattered all over, the knight's guard of the ocean shrine appeared in front of him, and then the figure of Naga priest appeared in a separate crowd.

This is the first time she has appeared in front of Sauron in this way!

The Naga priest was wearing a blue robes~www.readwn.com~ holding the scepter representing the goddess of the sea, she ignored the others around him, ignored them or looked like awe or fear, and swam their own The body came to the port.

"Your Mightiness!"

The Naga priest bowed slightly, then quickly raised her head and looked straight at Sauron in front of her eyes. This was the first time she used ‘Hello’ to call Sauron.

She is expressing her respect.

Not only to express to Sauron, but also to express a meaning to the entire Port of Terno.

There was a bang in the air, because the Naga priests personally came out to meet Sauron, and the meaning it represented was really too great!

This is a compromise.

Also represents a reward and compensation!



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