Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 48: make up

Time goes back ten minutes.

In front of the Temple of the Sea, the Naga priest was standing in front of the statue in a gloomy face. In her hand, she held the scepter who stood on behalf of the Temple of the Sea and presided over the priest. She wore a blue robes embroidered with strange patterns and a mysterious vortex. The emblem of the general. In front of her is a familiar Naga guard, it seems that Sauron once saw him once or twice. The Naga priest looked sharply at the front, and looked like a trace of anger and killing. He said: "Is there still no news at all?"

Naga guards leaned over and said: "Yes."


The Naga priest was so angry that he grabbed a silverware and squatted on the ground, then snarled in anger: "He dared to do this! He dared to ignore me? Actually dare to ignore the power of the ocean goddess!?"

Naga guards the silence, and after a while, he said: "The number of times the sea goddess responded to prayers was less and less, and many priests in the temple could not get a response. Some of the trainee priests began to lose the ability to display their magic. Naga interior The power of the goddess of the sea is weakening, which gives some of them other ideas."

"Astrod is not expected to respond to your request!... He got the wealth of Alcatraz!..."

"The king of the swamp has accumulated a huge amount of wealth. Asrod is said to be recruiting. He even spread his tentacles to the eastern coastal areas, ready to draw the most dangerous pirates of the East.

The Naga priest was silent.

After staying there for a while, she turned and walked outside the temple of the sea.

The Naga guard seemed to be a little surprised. She raised her hand and wanted to stop her, but she took it back and lowered her head. "Is you really ready to meet the cut throat person personally? He is a human being, an outsider!"

The Naga priest stopped and turned and looked at him with a blank expression: "What can I do now?"

"If I don't go out to meet him personally, I will lose even the last ally. The sharks have suffered heavy losses in the fight against the king of the swamp. The Naga royal family began to vacate my influence within the ethnic group, and the ocean goddess is temporarily unable to respond. My prayers. Even the ones that I thought were trustworthy still made me very disappointed at the end."

“It’s actually an outsider who is a human being, and I am pleasantly surprised again and again!”

"If this time, without him killing the king of the swamp, my next situation will be even more embarrassing. You have no use of this waste. You actually watched Asrod take away the wealth of Alcatraz."

Naga guards his face ugly, and there is a hint of color, whispered: "I am incompetent. But after all, he is one of the three pirate kings on the South Coast. I can't change the situation at that time with my own strength."

The Naga priest did not speak.

She just showed a mocking smile at the corner of her mouth. There seems to be a cold touch in the eyes.

The Naga guard hesitated, and said: "The priest is an adult. If you go out to meet him personally, it officially recognizes his identity on behalf of the Temple of the Sea. His status will become equal to you, if you add him. The pirate force that conquered the queen of the dead swamp, I am afraid he can become a new pirate king!..."

"This will make him more difficult to control!... The situation on the South Coast will change dramatically because of him!..."

The Naga priest heard a look at him and said slowly: "Don't I personally meet him, will the situation on the South Coast not change dramatically? You are all in a hurry, even if you don't have your own heart." Careful thinking? I may have been narrow-minded in the past, but now I have seen it a bit. That is, he has more investment value and potential than you!"

"In that case, you can kill the king of the swamp."

"Maybe I really wanted to completely control his thoughts. It is impossible for such a person to be completely controlled. He is qualified to have an equal status with me."


"If I don't want to meet him in person now, isn't he the strength of the new pirate king?"

"He gathered nearly a thousand pirates in just three days. And more and more pirates on the entire south coast want to go to him, because he killed the king of the swamp, he proved his strength, this strength is even better than The traitor of Asrod is more powerful. You think that he is now carrying the victory. What is the purpose of bringing the body and head of the king of the swamp?"

"He just wants to force me to compromise and give up, forcing me to bow down and admit that he has the same status as me."

"If I don't bow my head and meet him personally, he may become my enemy. Everything is because of my mistake. I wrongly believe in Asrod, and I believe you more. This kind of mistake I will not For the second time, you go back to the deep sea canyon of the Naga. Since you are hesitating and can't give everything to the goddess of the ocean, then go back to the undersea canyon."

The Naga priest turned her head and said coldly: "The next time, I will not be merciful to you again. You are too disappointing."

"My brother."

"You should make your own choice, don't force me to kill you personally!..."


When the Naga priest finished this passage, her eyes were already cold, and the look of Naga guards in front of her eyes seemed to be looking at a potential enemy. Her figure left the temple of the sea. When she raised her scepter, the shrine soldiers guarding the temple near the sea gathered. They wore heavy armor and held a unified trident. This is not just theirs. Weapons are a symbol of cuddling, because at this moment the Naga priests personally came out to meet Sauron with a special meaning.

The crowd in front of us is like a tide.

More than 30 temple guards opened the way ahead, and the Naga priests looked immovably toward the pier. The people who saw her along the way, whether or not they believed in the goddess of the sea, could not bow their heads and express their awe. Because she represents the oldest power of the port of Tyrol, the sea temple is heavier than any other force in the port of Tyrol. Naga priests rarely appear outside because of ethnicity, so this time they appear more personally, especially in the case of so many pirates gathered near the port.

The black-pressed crowd let go from both sides.

The Naga priest looked seriously at the battleship in front of her. She saw the leading warship of the king of the swamp, saw the sutured body, and saw seven or eight large warships, as well as a large number of pirate ships. Such forces are fast enough to threaten the safety of Port of Tyro, after all, the number of guards in any city in this era will not be too much. Training professional warriors requires too much resources. The kind of people who usually farm, train in leisure, and have certain fighting skills can only be regarded as militia in this world.

All the principalities of the South Coast region.

The regular army adds up to less than 200,000 people, but if the militia is pulled out as a warrior, the number can skyrocket to more than two million.

Even the regular guards of the Port of Terno are actually only 800 people.

In the entire South Coast region, as well as in the West Coast region, there are only three or five thousand conventional troops in many cities. The man in front of him has accumulated such a unknowing unknowingly that he has represented the rise of an emerging power.

"Your Mightiness!"

The Naga priest leaned down and bowed, and she could hear the uproar that was picked up behind. A better understanding of this low-profile title will give the man in front of him a high reputation and thoroughly prove and stabilize his current status. If you can, the Naga priest is absolutely unwilling to bow to Sauron, but she does not bow now means losing a strong ally. She must make compromises and concessions, or even just come out to meet each other in person, and may not be able to satisfy the man in front of him.

Because the Naga priest saw a radiance from his eyes!

That is ambition.

He has a lot of ambition in his heart.

This discovery did not make the Naga priest feel a bit bitter, because she felt that she seemed to be wrong with an important opportunity. If she didn't force it so tightly at first, she would show her sincerity to a greater extent. Put more resources into the man in front of you, maybe it won't be this situation now.

But now it is a bit late!

If she gave it all in the past, then this is her gift, a condescending reward.

But it is different now.

Now the man in front of him is forcing her to ask for it. He believes that everything he deserves, that is to say, even if she pays a small price, the reward she receives is only to restore each other's trust and friendship.


Sauron stood on the leading battleship.

He stared at the Naga priest who bowed his head to himself and watched the crowds who were talking about it. At this time his face was a little better. At the very least, the Naga priests are not stupid, knowing that this time should pay a price to restore mutual trust and cooperation.


It is not enough to rely on this alone.

How could Sauron reveal the previous things because the other person came out to meet himself. To know that the pirate king 'Asrode' has snatched away the trophy he deserved, and ransacked the wealth on the Alcatraz island controlled by the king of the swamp. It is only the cost of this point that can only prove that the other party has plans to continue to cooperate with him. If you really want to let Sauron give up his former suspicion, he must come up with real benefits.

He is not because the other party holds himself, he will be confused and do not know the people from north to south.

Sauron’s expression is cold.

It may be because there has been a lot of experience since this time, and his performance skills have improved unconsciously, especially after encountering so many difficult opponents.

When the Naga priest looked at Sauron's cold expression, he couldn't help but squint.

Because she realized that she was not bleeding this time, I am afraid it would not restore the trust of both sides. Now the situation is already a little difficult to ride the tiger, she has come out to meet Sauron, so no matter whether the two people negotiated properly, Sauron finally got the recognition he deserved, his status has been forced to other pirate kings.

Thinking of this, the Naga priest couldn't bite his teeth and approached Sauron, handing over something.

"The king of the swamp is dead!"

Although the heart is very painful, but the Naga priest is still the original appearance, the pastor is a person with certain performance skills, or else there is no way to host a temple. She looked at Sauron and then glanced over the nearby pirates, with a sacred and sacred tone: "You killed the enemy of the Ocean Goddess!... The Ocean Goddess will be happy to give you a reward!..."

"Please accept it."

"This represents our friendship and represents our joint efforts to destroy other enemies!..."

For a moment~www.readwn.com~ Soren’s cold expression changed like a spring breeze, because the Naga priest in front of him gave him a compensation that could not be refused, even when the other party’s words revealed the meaning of re-alliance, he Did not hesitate to agree. Because the Naga priest gave him the control props of the ghost ship ‘Speaker’, which was a temptation for Sauron to refuse, even more difficult than the Earl's heirs with beauty and wealth.

Death Talker!

Quasi-legendary ghost ship.

As the core combat power of several battles, Soren is too aware of the value of this ghost ship.


(ps: Float is sick... a little groggy, a bit dehydrated... there is only one more today... I hope I can get better soon.) (To be continued...)



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