Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 49: Legendary use

Angry scales.

This is a large island connecting the South Coast to the East, because the desert road was cut off by a powerful force, so that the East-West trade began to turn to sea. Here is the site of one of the three pirate kings, 'Asrode'. Although he has mastered the powerful pirate forces, his focus is not on the trade between the South Coast and the overseas islands. He is more concerned about the Eastern and Western worlds. Transoceanic trade. Slave, the black market, and smuggling are lucrative trade channels, but for the pirate king, the truly valuable trades are spices, silk, tea, and so on.

As mentioned earlier, the same weight of spices can be exchanged for the same weight of gold.

The continental shelf, which is divided by the desert region, has a surprising demand for these luxury goods in the southern and western regions. Because of the huge gap in the wealth of the social class, the aristocrats often master thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times of wealth, and they have accumulated enormous wealth from taxes, manors, trade, mines, and so on. In terms of living needs, these nobles put a lot of financial resources on these expensive luxury goods because of the pursuit of luxury.

The wizards are also a large demand for spices, they will be equipped with special incense to help them meditate, and improve their ability to focus on understanding the more difficult spells.

Sauron is only a half-witched wizard, a professional witch like Gloria, who basically carries the spice that aids Ningshen.

The wealth of Asrod is accumulated from this route.



The side face obviously has the characteristics of the Naga, but it still keeps the outside of the human body. Asrod stands on the battleship and looks at a masked man in front of him. Shen Sheng said: "What news is there over the port of Terao?"

The masked man bowed his head slightly: "The speed of the cut throat is very fast, and all the pirates near the shipwreck bay have been conquered by him. Because he killed the king of the swamp. His reputation seems to be reaching the West Coast. Some time ago, he led a large number of pirates to the port of Tyrol, and finally forced the Naga priest to come out to meet him personally. Now his reputation in the port of Tyrol is already in full swing!"

"I am afraid that he will soon be able to replace the status of the king of the swamp."

Asrod’s face is not very good. He looked at a certain direction in the sea and could not help but fall into meditation.

The masked man hesitated. A small voice: "Lord Asrod! Do we want to kill him now? Otherwise, if he is getting stronger and stronger, I am afraid it will be our big trouble."

Asrod shook his head and said: "It's not the time."

"Since he can kill the king of the swamp positively, the strength must not be weak. Moreover, he has the aura of the sea goddess caress. The positive attack on him is tantamount to inciting the infighting of the ocean church. There are differences, and there is no time for a direct showdown. Now you can only watch the movements of the Naga royals. If they can succeed, killing the cut throat is just a matter of ease!"

The masked man nodded lightly and proposed: "Or else send someone to assassinate him? Just watching him grow up is probably not good for our plan."


Asrod smiled and said slowly: "He is a legendary rogue, and there are not many people who can assassinate him on the South Coast. I am afraid he has concealed a little strength, otherwise it is impossible to kill the king of the swamp. ""

The masked man looked around and then quietly approached: "I heard that there is a mysterious organization inside the mainland. It seems to be called "everything goes back to a moment." There are many masters who are proficient in assassination in this group of people, as long as we Affordable, maybe you can ask the legendary assassin to shoot."

Asrod could not help but silence.

His expression is a little bit painful, because the price of the legendary assassin is not small. But after thinking for a moment, he nodded and said: "You send people to contact them. If you can ask the legendary assassin to take the shot, it is best, but remember not to reveal our identity. There are still many wealth brought back on Alcatraz Island. It should be enough to feed the greedy guys."

The masked person nodded: "Yes. I will arrange it now."

Asrod smiled a little and his expression seemed cruel. He whispered: "If you can kill him like this, you might be able to reduce a lot of trouble."

"Damn Naga priest!"

"If it weren't for her stalking, things wouldn't be so troublesome."


Port of Tyrol.

Sauron walked side by side with the Naga priest and headed for the direction of the Temple of the Sea.

The crowd around him couldn’t help but look at his fear and jealousy, because the guys of these savage giants could see that he forced the Naga priest to bow his head and be able to force the priests of the Ocean Temple to regress. This strength has already shocked their hearts.

Sauron needs reputation!

He needs a higher reputation. Only in this way can he facilitate the route of the overseas islands.

"The pirate king's fall [legendary battle]: the new moon era in early December 1675, because of your rapid rise caused the attention of the king of the swamp. It is going to take the lead to kill your threater, and use your blood to sacrifice Dedicated to the ancient abyss demon field [大衮]. But what everyone did not expect is that in the absence of a support army, you led the pirates and sharks to kill the king of the swamp. You got in this battle Great reputation, even the nearby seas are beginning to spread your story. [Legend +5]"

This is the legend gained by killing the king of the swamp.

But this is only a beginning. After Sauron forced the Naga priest to make compromises, there was a legendary reminder.

"Compromise of the maritime priests [Folk rumors]: In the early days of December 1675, the New Moon era, with the victory of the victory, assembled the pirate army to the port of Tyrol, forcing the priests of the Ocean Temple to make compromises. The body and battleship of the King of the Swamp Shocking the people on this island, your prestige begins to deepen in the heart of this chaotic area. Naga priests personally greet you, which greatly enhances your fame, you will have stronger in the nearby waters Influence. [Legacy +2]"


Sauron’s judgment is not wrong, and fighting is not the only way to gain legend.

The act of forcing the Naga priest to concede today, he actually let him get the legend of 2 points in one breath, almost as fast as a legendary battle.

Soren’s current legend has 21 points!

Don't underestimate the legend of the 21 points. He can recover so many pirates in such a short world at first, because he has a low legend. His reputation has spread throughout the South Coast region, and even other cities in the coastal area know his rise, so so many pirates will come to worship. As a high-level professional, you only have strength and no prestige is not enough. People don't even know who you are. How can you easily rely on your majesty?

Legend is the highest reputation.

The Temple of the Sea.

Sauron walked in with the Naga priest, and everyone else stayed outside.

Just entering it, Sauron looked at the other side and then said: "Who is the supporter behind Asrod? I don't believe that a pirate king dares to violate the order of the sea temple! There is no supporter behind him. It is impossible!"

The Naga priest's face was a bit ugly, but he replied: "He is the pirate king supported by the Naga royal family. Because there is support from the Naga royal family behind, I can't order him many times."

Naga royal family?

Sauron frowned slightly and condensed: "How is it possible? Is it just the support of the Naga royal family? How dare he violate the order of the temple of the sea? Is he not afraid of the wrath of the ocean goddess?"

"Unless they plan to..."

What Sauron seemed to think of, suddenly flashed some vague memories in his brain, and suddenly his face was not so good.

This group of guys is so bold!

They wouldn't think that the Ocean Goddess gradually did not respond to the prayers of the believers, thinking that they could take the monster out of it.

This is only a precursor to the Holocaust.

The divine power of the goddess of the sea was weakened, so some of the weaker believers were given up and only responded to the more important prayers.

Do they think this is an opportunity to overthrow the ocean goddess?

There was a trace of suspicion on the face of the Naga priest. She did not seem to think that Soren could know even a secret thing, but she did not mention it at all, because this thing is taboo and rarely mentioned inside the ocean church. She just took a look at Sauron, Shen Sheng: "We must find a way to kill him! You and I can definitely eliminate this guy!..."

Sauron shook his head gently: "Not yet."

"He is one of the three pirate kings after all. If there is the support of the Naga royal family, our chances of winning are not high."

"Unless you can mobilize the power of the ocean goddess!"

The Naga priest was silent.

The goddess of the sea has fallen into a sleep~www.readwn.com~ If she can mobilize the power of the goddess of the sea, where she needs the help of Sauron, Astrad also does not dare to easily violate her orders.

The Holocaust of the Holy Ghost has begun to brew!

In the next year or so, the gods will respond less and less, and many pastors will gradually reduce their ability to display their magic. More and more low-level pastors will completely lose their magic.

This situation continued until the gods came, and they gradually improved in response to prayer in the form of the Holy One.

Strictly speaking.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


at the same time.

Somewhere in the overseas archipelago, a group of drows who migrated here also had an important discussion. (To be continued)


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