Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 90: Undead


Sauron waited for three days and finally waited for the shadow crack to appear.

He turned and glanced at Vivienne behind her. Today she wore a black princess dress and put a beautiful bow on her head. After paying attention to Sauron’s eyes, the little girl smiled sweetly and said: "Brother. Don't worry!"

"I have read a lot of information about the shadow plane. There is definitely no danger. Besides, my sister, Gloria, has specifically told me a lot about the plane and the half plane. Maybe someone knows more than you. It!"

Shadow plane.

One of the planes that Sauron is most familiar with is even more familiar than the main material plane.

It is a transitional plane that connects the material plane and other planes. Strictly speaking, it is a large semi-material plane, a space world between matter and energy. From the shadow plane, most of the plane world can be reached, so there are many unpredictable dangers in this space, especially in the marginal areas where the space overlaps, it may be directly absorbed into the spatial turbulence. So Sauron is quite cautious every time he enters the shadow plane because there are many dangerous areas and powerful creatures.

The most common is Shadow Dragon.

There are not many dragon species in the shadow plane, and Shadow Dragon is the largest one.

Strictly speaking.

Sauron still really remembers where many Shadow Dragon's lairs are, that is, he can't beat each other at all, even if he and Vivian are hanging, because he remembers the shadow dragons above adulthood.

The world began to turn into a gray color.

As Sauron's figure passed through the shadow crack, he was dyed with a gray hue, and the shadow plane did not exclude other colors, but any color would have a shadow-like gray here. This change is due to the structure of the entire plane space. Unless it is a technique to support the twist, no one can resist it. This is one of the rules of the plane. For example, the sky and the sun in the shadow plane, the sky has rain and snow. But the color is always the gray tone. Even if the sun is shining again, it will always be able to carry a bright gray.

So many times it looks like dusk, here is the paradise of shadow life.

"Be careful."

Sauron looked back at Vivienne, who looked around at the back. The little girl seemed to be very interested in this plane that was very different from the original world. She also curiously reached out and pulled up the weeds on the ground. The color of the vegetation is gray-green, and there is no difference between the material plane and the material plane. There are many unknown secrets in the existence and characteristics of the shadow plane, and some even the gods cannot know. So there is still a lot of incomprehensible things about everything here, for example, the buildings here may be very similar to the material planes.

And not necessarily the current material plane. It is possible that the shadow plane retains the building of the material plane thousands of years ago.


An incomprehensible projection that directly interferes with matter and then replicates to the shadow plane.

This kind of projection can't be understood by common sense, and it can't be projected. So far, no one can understand this secret. It seems that many things that can be projected onto the shadow plane are random, but this projection has an energy limitation. For example, a castle with a material plane hundreds of years ago may be projected onto the shadow plane, but a substance The Witch Tower built by the plane. It is basically impossible to project to the shadow plane.

Because the castles are mostly ordinary buildings, and the wizard tower is covered with considerable energy!

Soren came and went so many times in the shadow plane, the only thing that could be learned was the building that was projected from the shadow plane. Most of them are things that have existed for a long time. If it is only a house that was built this year, it is basically impossible to project to the shadow plane, but if the house has existed for hundreds of years, it may be projected onto the shadow plane. Therefore, there are many urban villages and towns in the shadow plane. The places where these projections appear may be quite old, and there are some shadow creatures out there.

The building that appears in the projection is not much different from the material plane.

It will gradually become weathered and disappear with time, so there are few things that exist in the shadow plane for a long time.


There is a wizard tower in front.

You can feel its majesty from afar. Unlike the current wizarding towers, the wizarding towers of the Arcane Empire pursued heights. Archaeologists often liked to build the wizard towers to look down on the earth. The overall structure of the wizard tower is also a bit like a lightning rod. The current wizarding tower is basically short, rarely exceeding the height of three hundred meters, so the wizard towers of any period are better recognized.

"Be careful."

Sauron raised his hand and stopped Vivian, who wanted to look at it in the past. The whispered: "There are twisted shadows nearby."

Distort the shadows.

The life of a semi-energy form, for some reason, may have a soul characteristic.

Simply put, many of it is transformed by the soul.

"Twisted shadows [shadow life] [community species] (third order)."

"Challenge level 12, personal level 14, with spell-like abilities."

"The highest attribute is 20 points, the lowest attribute is 10 points, and the total attribute value is 9095 points."

“Special expertise: shadow characteristics, half-energy, soul shaping.”

"Challenging difficulty: b+."

Sauron is fairly familiar with the ability to distort shadows, but still finds it difficult to deal with because these creatures don't eat physical attacks. Shadow-like life is inherently more than 20% concealed. If it is a half-energy life, it can also reduce physical damage by 50%. It is very troublesome to deal with them with ordinary weapons. Although Sauron has a legendary scimitar ice, but there is basically no ability to deal with twisted shadows, but this kind of shadow creature likes to live together.

So their challenge is b+, which is a very difficult enemy!


I don't know where there is a faint voice.

Sauron hurryed to protect Vivienne's small body behind him, while watching carefully around. There is not much life in the shadow plane. Strictly speaking, there are not many lives of flesh and blood. Therefore, the animals living here are quite rare. Sometimes they will be poor. Even the shadow dragon wants to eat a big meal and goes to the material plane. Only then. The life here is full of devastating and aggressive nature. It is a complex of chaos, hatred and killing. It is not much better than the bottomless abyss.

The distorted soul may be reborn in the shadow plane, which is the origin of many half-energy shapes and shadows!

There are still a lot of undead here.


The sound of the sound became louder and larger, and Sauron heard the source, which came from under the mud.

Under the soil?

In the past, the rich experience made Soren ready for the battle, and at the same time, toward Wei Wei, who was on the side: "Be careful! There are undead in front, they smell the atmosphere of our living!"


Supernatural monster.

There is only one kind of undead in the shadow plane, and it seems to be a monster that is not very good.

"The bones are dead!"

When Sauron saw the monster crawling out of a grave-like mound in front of him, his face gradually became dignified, because the bones in front of him were a little different, and its height reached more than two meters, although the bones were already Distortion variability occurs, turning into a sharp bone blade, but it can still be seen that it was a tall and dangerous creature before birth.

The last step of this undead is ‘Bone Devil’, challenge level 12, the quasi-sagaing undead of creature level 20.

No pastor.

There was no way to dispel the undead. Sauron glanced at Vivienne, and after he nodded, he flew out.

It seems that he really needs to find a pastor partner in the future.

After all, whether it is treatment blessing or dispelling the undead, the role of the pastor is very important and belongs to the core members of the Iron Triangle. The problem is that where Sauron went to find the third-level priest, the priest’s status is not low. See how the Naga priest plays a pivotal role in the coastal zone, knowing how high the high-ranking priest is. .


The scimitar in the hands of Sauron made a burst of metal-like fragility on the bones of the undead. The undead is not a simple frame at this level. They are very dangerous supernatural breeds.

"Ghouls touch!"

When Sauron slashed into the body of the sacral body, a scent of odor appeared suddenly around him, and a dark red gleam appeared in the eyelids of the undead, which made Sauron nervously receding. A step, but still let the other party rub a little bit.

Spell-like attacks!

High-level undead talent-like spell ability.

Soren was almost too late to react, and a series of data appeared in front of him:

“Affected by the effect of the spell ‘Ghoul Touch’.”

"Trigger mandatory exemption decision!... The Fortitude Exemption is passed!... You are immune to the paralysis effect attached to this spell attack!..."

Controlling the spell ~www.readwn.com~ Sorenton was scared to come up with a cold sweat, and then a backhand smashed on the enemy's leg bones. Fortunately, his physical high-strength exemption is also high, directly immune to this two-ring type of spell attack, otherwise it will be directly paralyzed by it, it is quite dangerous. Fortitude exemptions, will saves, spell exemptions, etc., all aspects of exemption are very important, rogues because they are not as muscular as the warriors, there are inherent disadvantages in the exemption judgment.

"Be careful!"

Vivienne's reaction speed was also very fast. At the same time that Sauron was smashed by the sacral undead, he began to cast spells quickly. However, the talent of the little girl is really amazing. While she can still pay attention to the nearby environment, when she sees a twisted shadow around her, she immediately yells out: "Brother is careful! There are many near you. Distort the shadow!"

..................(To be continued...)



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