Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 91: Distorted shadow

Distort the shadows.

This half-energy shadow life does not require eating like other monsters, nor a fixed nest, or even a trace of movement. So many times you have no way to determine their position. Only when these monsters come out can you know which shadow they are hiding in. Fortunately, these monsters basically have no intelligence, they rely on instinct to act, and are full of destruction and aggression, otherwise they are quite difficult to deal with the stalker.

The shadow of a group emerged.

One characteristic of these distorted shadows is that in the grotesquely distorted body, there is a fuzzy human figure hidden in the shadow. It is said that this is their soul, and the twisted shadow legend is the transformation of many biological souls that die in the shadow plane. These shadow-like monsters are found everywhere in the shadow plane, especially in cities with shadow planes. These shadow-like creatures are often seen.

"Flame Arrow!"

"Strong acid arrow!"

"Flying storm!"

Because Sauron is in the range, Vivienne does not dare to use a wide range of attack spells, only one point to kill the distortion of the shadow. At the same time, she applied a strong acid arrow to the bones of the dead, the acid is very corrosive to the bones, although the strong acid arrow is only a third-order spell, but it is very lethal to many creatures.

"Guard body stone skin!"


Sauron did not dare to face this situation, directly activated the element spar, and activated a piece of equipment seized in the legendary naval battle, which can temporarily stimulate the acceleration effect, but can only be used twice, and the duration is also compared. short. High-end extraordinary items are too rare, and there is not much on the entire South Coast. The best equipment in Sauron is the two items that Allendale’s long princess gave him. It seems that after dealing with the overseas islands, he has to take time to go to the desert area.

Sauron remembers there are three legendary gears there. There is also a 'anti-detection cloak' that is very important to the rogue.


The scimitar turned into a residual light on the body of the undead, and Sauron leaped more than ten meters in one leg, and at the same time smashed the shadow.

The blade seems to cut into a tough rubber.

Sauron frowned and scribbled, and pulled back, but this time the twisted shadows had already rushed over, obviously just rubbing his arm to Sauron, but letting him not shake the moment.

A row of data tips emerges:

"You are attacked by twisted shadows!..."

"Twisted shadows cause 1 bruise on you!... You are affected by Shadow Erosion!... Extra 14 Shadow damage!..."

"Shadow kills!"

At the same time that Sauron was attacked, he also smashed his backhand. The erosive attack that distort the shadows was like the shadow attack. Both used the shadow energy to erode each other. The vitality of twisting shadows is not strong. After being hit several times by Sauron, one of them was finally killed. Soren got a 3250 killing experience.

Shadow monsters have a 20% killing experience bonus.

"Ice storm!"

As soon as Sauron opened the distance, Vivian was able to grasp the opportunity to cast spells. He only saw the little girl's quick spelling, and then there was a whistling wind and sharp hail in the nearby 40-foot range. This is a four-ring spell, not a very common spell, but it is used right now, just to calculate Sauron outside the spell. Relative to the impact of fireball explosion. Ice storms have slightly affected their activities while killing the enemy.

"Swords: Swing Dance!"

"Sword: Dagger!"

Sauron seized the opportunity to get rid of the two twisted shadows around him. After hardly resisting a shadow energy erosion, he finally solved the troubles around him.

The next battle has become much simpler.

Vivienne's ice storm caused no cold damage. The spells of the plastic energy system are all explosive. Sauron turned back and began to harvest the head, and he got nearly 20,000 points of killing experience in one breath. However, the undead bones finally died in the hands of Vivian, and the bones were directly melted by the strong acid arrows. Otherwise, the killing experience it gives should be around 5,000 points.

Simply clean the battlefield.

The sacral undead did not give anything, but instead twisted the shadow and dropped three pieces of gray-black crystal fragments.

This is the material for alchemy.

A crystal containing the energy of the soul and the energy of the element, only a small part of the special creature will appear. This can be changed directly in the hands of high-level wizards.

Sauron took it very carefully.

He was too busy to learn alchemy recently. Vivienne focused on spell learning and basically did not go to alchemy. The alchemy of the two brothers and sisters is estimated to be less than 50 points.

The two took a little rest and then moved on again.

However, at this time they have to be careful a lot, Vivian does not dare to run again, because this is obviously more dangerous than the material plane.

There are almost no monsters.

Sauron took Vivian for about 300 meters, and there was a broken building in front of it. It was already close to the outer part of the Witch Tower. There were many broken buildings nearby. It seemed that there was a group of people living around the Witch Tower.

"Be careful."

Sauron turned and glanced at the little girl, and immediately said: "Let's see what's here. It seems that no one has been here for a long time. Don't walk close to the wizard tower, lest it touch its defense mechanism."

Vivian gently nodded, and then the little face was quite serious: "Brother! There seems to be a legendary [locked] in front! This may be the wizarding tower of an arcane master!"

A gray front.

The space below the Witch Tower seems to be a bit distorted. It seems to be not very real. [The lock] is the technology of the Arcane Empire. It can be understood as a very powerful array.师师~www.readwn.com~ During the Arcane Empire, not all wizards are arcans. This is an advanced career that requires a lot of talent. It can be understood as a master who must now be a legendary wizard. The two are advanced professions with certain origins.

Sauron nodded lightly and then pushed open the door on the left.

It is all dust inside.

There didn't seem to be a monster, but there didn't seem to be anything. When Sauron was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to find something, then he slammed it down and knocked on the wall, then pulled out the scimitar and slid it in, directly A hole was dug in the wall. It was empty inside, and there was a rather delicate box in the hole about thirty centimeters.

"Fortunately, my search ability is good!"

Sauron reached out and knocked on the box, then gestured to Vivian, and he pulled out a shackle tool from the pocket to prepare to open the box.

..................(To be continued...)



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