Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 158: Hard choice

I finally got it.

When there was a data prompt for mastery in front of his eyes, there was an illusion of feelings in his heart.

The caster's expertise is much more difficult to master than other feats. Many of the basic expertise of the melee system can be mastered for a year and a half, but even the simplest of the spellcasting skills takes a lot of time. From the moment of the Sauron part-time wizard, the skill of [skilled spelling] accumulated proficiency, but he has only mastered it until now. And there are also the specialties of [Bo Wenqiang Ji] and [Bo Scholar], but it still takes so long.

"Skilled Spelling [Spell Expertise]: With the spells that are applied again and again, your ability to master spells is gradually improved, which gives you an increased ability to master any spell. You can cast a spell of 1 if you cast any spell. You're casting a spell that takes only a second of cast time, and you'll be able to turn it into an instant spell. This cast time reduces the effect and can be superimposed with the additional spell acceleration effects of other equipment."


"Arcane Missile!"

Sauron gently lifted his finger, without any spells, as if he was already very familiar, and completed the spelling in a natural way, and then a series of arcane missiles spurt out, completely piercing the target in front of him. Skillful spelling is the core specialty of the wizard, and many of the super-magic feats mastered in the future are accumulated from here.

Hey, ww□w.

Now that you have mastered [skilled spelling], Sauron does not need to continue to have a killing experience.

A row of data comes to the forefront:

“The wizard profession has been upgraded to level 10.”

"Get 27 points (intellectual value 21 + (intelligence 2110) * 0.5) point skill points, health value increased by 10 points (professional life 4 points + (physique 2210) * 0.5)."

"Get a free attribute point."

"Get a specialty."

The skill point was assigned to the knowledge and concentration by Sauron. He could not quickly master the [combat spelling] because the concentration skills were not enough, and it was easy to be interrupted in the battle. The wizard's ability to focus is extensive. Whether it's learning spells or fighting spells, you must pass a focused judgment. The level of concentration of pure professional wizards is relatively high. The most tested focus is the specialty [mobile cast]. There is always a focus on self-determination when moving the cast.

The free attribute point is assigned to the intelligence by Soren. In the future, it is natural to grasp the legendary spell. The higher the intelligence, the better.

Then there is a very important specialty.

"Falt Extreme Effect [Super Magical Demonstration]: This super magic feat can maximize the power of the spell, increasing the spell power of a spell by 100% at the cost of the two spells. For example, a one-ring spell arcane The missile will become a three-ring spell after using the magical super magic feat memory, and the damage caused by the Arcane Missile will increase by 100%." ​​(Remark: Spell Powerful Front Expertise.)

"Sorcerer's Enemy [Super Magical feat]: This super-magic feat can sneak spells at the cost of raising a spell level, so that a spell does not require any spellcasting and spellcasting spells. The spell is silent and ignores any silent spells. It is also difficult for the enemy to discover that the wizard is casting spells. The spell's murder can be disguised under any action. It is not until the moment the spell is completed that it is likely to be detected by the enemy." (Remarks: Epic feats Send a front-end expertise.)

"Spell Instant [Super Magic feat]: This super magic feat can cast spells at the cost of increasing the level of the three spells, making a spell become an instant spell. Instant spells can't be interrupted by any conventional means. , immunizes any silent spells and counter-manufacturing spells." (Remarks: Epic feats, instant instant preposition expertise.)


Sauron looked at the three choices that appeared in front of him, and could not help but fall into meditation.

The spell's extreme effect is the output class's expertise, which can greatly increase the power of the spell. If you want to go to the black on the arcane missile, then this feat is quite useful. Then the spell is silent. This is a very effective feat ability when sneak attacking the enemy. The Battle of the Stars, the eye of the Northland, used the magic of the spell. No one in the whole process noticed that she was preparing for the legendary spell. When the legendary spell was completed, other talents were discovered. This feat ability was very popular with the sorcerers in the past, because it can be used to count the enemy.

The last is a spell instant that everyone is familiar with. You can cast a spell directly into an instant spell at the cost of increasing the three cast spell levels.

A very useful but costly super magic feat!

Whether it's a spell or a spell, it's a pre-condition for future epic feats, after mastering this super-magic feat. Advanced Legendary Wizards can continue to master the epic feats of spell instant (silent) level 0, spell instant (silent) level 1, spell instant (silent) level 2 and so on.

As long as you master this epic feat, the level of spells will not increase the spell level.

For example, a ring of spells. If you master the epic feat of the instant of the first level, then all the spells of the one of them are automatically converted into instant spells without the additional four-ring spells to remember. This epic feat can be upgraded to the Nine Rings. When you master an epic feat for a level of 9 in the instant, any of the nine-ring spells becomes instant, and you don't need to use a higher spell slot to remember.

So there were a lot of wizards who mastered the spell's instant expertise in advance.

In order to save the expertise, after hitting the legendary field, it will hit all the epic instants of the spell!


Sauron has not seen anyone who has succeeded.

It can be said that he has seen the most powerful caster, that is, the long princess of Arundel, I am afraid that she did not master the epic feat of the instant 9, the most is the instant 6 ring magic.

This is a choice!

Decided whether a caster wants to be the most powerful one, or give up the pursuit of the strongest path to master other easy and practical expertise, such as spelling, spells, spell delays, and so on.

The choice of the North is the magic of the spell.

This means that it is almost impossible for her to get the most powerful wizard road, and she can only go further and further on the road of magical silence. (Music legendary spell!)

And Allendale's long princess ~www.readwn.com~ and now Vivian, are the strongest wizards.

Sauron can be sure.

That's exactly what Vivienne has mastered is the spell's instant ability. Otherwise, her casting speed will not be so fast. Many low-level spells don't even need spells.


Now it is his turn to choose, but Sauron is a little confused about which path he should choose.

Choosing the magic of the spell, he will become the most powerful spell killing power, and the future with the epic spell penetration can burst out with amazing destructive power.

However, if you choose a spell instant, he will be able to touch the field of the strongest wizard in the future!

This is a tough choice.




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