Abyss Domination

Vol 3 Chapter 159: Spell molding

Sauron was lost in thought.

Unconsciously, he returned to the room again. When he saw the scroll of the three-ring spell [Ma Youfu micro-Meteor] placed on the table, he seemed to think about what was generally done. Spell Instant Forming is basically after the legendary level. His most important thing is the current combat power. It’s too difficult to make a legendary spell. It’s too hard at that time. If you can seal God, the future is not the ability to replace the legendary spell instant.

The field of the gods is full of mystery!

So Sauron quickly made a decision and silently said: "Choose the super magic feat [the magic effect]!"

Expertise once selected.

Sauron's thoughts have also been completely opened. He has a new idea for the total amount of spells he has mastered at this stage, the combat applications of various spells, and the types of memory spells.

The first is a ring spell!

Protective spells don't do much for Sauron, which has amazing agility and a strong physique. It can be said that most of the spells are not as good as two. Therefore, all the ring spells are used to memorize [Arcane Missiles]. Sauron currently has six one-ring spells. If you remember all the Arcane Missiles, you can rely on the skill of [Skilled Cast] for 30 missile attacks. A six-ring spell [flying storm].

(Remarks: Arcane missile limit 5, secondary missile storm limit 15, cast time 2 seconds, advanced missile storm limit 30, cast time 3 seconds.)

In addition to being transformed into a combat wizard, the wizard's spellcasting system also includes a cold wizard, a death wizard, a missile wizard, and a five-handed wizard. The most powerful ones should be the transformation of the wizard and the five-handed wizard of the Bigger. These two wizarding systems were born before the Arcane Empire. The people who can master these two sets of combat spells are quite rare.

(Remarks: Bigby, one of the most famous battle wizards in history, Bigby's bodyguard [five rings], Bigger hits the palm of the hand [six rings], and Bigby takes the palm [seven rings], Gebie King Kong [eight rings], Bigger smashed the inventor of the [Nine Rings]. These five spells are the legendary Bigeby five, a set of combat spells that are capable of killing the legendary warriors.

There are two sets of wizards in the wizard that can challenge the gods more and more. The first is the ‘Ma Youfu micro-meteor’ discovered by Sauron, and the second is ‘Bigby’s five palms’.

Among them, Ma Youfu's micro-meteor has lower requirements for casting!


Once the idea is opened, the ideas behind it are much simpler.

Sauron is not lacking in survivability, so there is no need to memorize a lot of protective spells like other wizards, so his spells are still used to assist and explode. The second ring spell remembers a brute force, a cat's grace, and the remaining three spells are all used to remember the arcane missiles [magic potions].

The three-ring spell is a watershed.

Sauron chose to abandon most of the spells, but kept the flight, and then all the other spells were used to remember the Arcane Missiles.

So come.

His Arcane Missile Storm has been formed, from a ring of spells to a three-ring spell, a total of 12 Arcane Missiles.

Such a missile storm attack, it is not difficult to flood the enemy in an instant!

From the beginning of the four-ring spell, Sauron's spell memory is much more cautious, because this is the key to combat, but also an important ability to bless.

He chose the brute force technique [the magic effect], the cat's elegance [the magic effect], and the high-level stealth technique.

As a professional level 10 wizard, Sauron has the last two five-ring spells, but he has no idea to remember other spells, because he is ready to remember his killer.

That is, 'Ma Youfu micro-meteor'!

This is a three-ring spell. In the case of the super magic feat [the spell's extreme effect], it requires a five-ring spell position to remember.

Since it is the pursuit of maximizing lethality, naturally it is impossible to use the three-ring spell position to remember.


For the choice of spell memory, Sauron had a fairly clear positioning for the first time.

As a top rogue, he is still a newcomer in the field of wizards. His ideas and expertise have gradually formed, and his ideas have gradually become clear. Although there are 22 points of intelligence, and a level 10 wizard professional level, but the number of spells that Sauron can add up to only about 20. The lack of ample spells makes him unable to cast spells like other wizards. He can only turn the core of the battle into an instant burst, as much as possible with the way the rogues fight.

Spell molding.

Sauron is becoming more and more clear about his position. He looks at his remaining more than 80,000 killing experiences and chooses to remember most of his core spells in his mind.

In this way, he is relieved of the need to re-remember the spell book!

Occupational level 10 is a watershed, and the killing experience required to improve the professional level from here has risen to more than 100,000, especially for the caster class, which will increase by more than 20 other warfare departments.

Short time.

Sauron probably doesn't have much killing experience to assign to the wizard's professional level, but is prepared to attack the rogue's legendary skills [shadow field].

The morning time passed quickly.

After Solon cleared his own ideas, he opened the property page. Now he is not a thief who is not in the streets of Amber City. Even in the past, he has advantages in many aspects.

For example, expertise.

The attributes he has now have become:

"Name: Sauron.

Race: half-elves [children of killing].

Attributes: Strength 19 (+7, Frost Giant's Power +6), Agility 26 (+2), Constitution 22 (+1), Intelligence 22 (+2), Perception 16 (+1), Charisma 19 (+3, Mohe's grief +2).

Faction: lawful evil.

Occupation: 10 civilians / 7 thieves (0/126500) / 5 level Shadow Warrior (0/18500) / 10 level wizard (0/148500) [fourth order].

Health: 292/292 [strong].

Experience: 72075 (killing experience), 1545 (professional experience) [unallocated].

Skill points: None.

Property point: None.

Legend: 27.

Divine value: 12 [fat divinity]. (Upgrading [weakness and other divinity] takes 30 points.)

Status: Normal.

Basic skills - sneak 225, knowledge 275, theft 75, unlock 80, trap 75, focus 65, negotiation 75, valuation 45, fraud 40, threatening 75, taunting 20, performance 25, listening to 45, avoiding 120, parry 55, Block 30, Medical 65, Search 45, Scout 50, Transcript Reel 45, Spell Identification 35, Field Survival 45, Magic Device 35, Cooking 35, Alchemy 25.

Legendary skills - versatile, epic agile.

Special feats - the blessing of the goddess of doom, the blessing of the goddess of the sea, the baptism of the dragon's blood, the heart of the killing, the slaughter, the ascetic, the scholar.

Personal expertise - dexterous left hand, unforgettable, perseverance, fascinating, skillful spelling, reflection dodge, intuition dodge, rollover avoidance, flexible movement, avoiding sight, dark vision, spell control, spell power, spell Effects, weak spell resistance, weak cold resistance, weak flame resistance, weak toxin resistance, weak electric shock resistance, high double weapon battle, strong, regenerative [intermediate], telepathy 10 feet.

Professional expertise - shadow weaving, military weapons [master], machete [legend].

Combat skills - summon shadows, shadow jumps, shadow attacks, shadow shuttles, fearful eyes (divine), fear (divine), vampire touch (divine), spell counter, sword potential [heavy] , Jian potential [Yang 斩], sword potential [dagger], sword potential [revolving dance]. ”


Attributes, skills, expertise.

A strong professional is piled up by these three elements.

Now Sauron basically surpasses other similar players in these three factors. The only obvious shortcoming is that his taunting skill is only 20 points.

This is no way!

Sauron’s way of fighting has always been to solve the enemy simply, and basically has no chance to ridicule the enemy, so his taunting skills are the slowest growth.

It may be because he has more contact with women, and his performance ability has improved. Only ridicule has not been increased.

Time is like this day.

Sauron devoted most of his energy to the process of analyzing Ma Youfu's micro-meteor, but his layout of the camp was still in full swing, and some of the outside information was sent from the port of Tyrol.

The war broke out.

Local conflicts occurred between the northern orcs and the southern kingdom, and small-scale wars made the situation even more confusing.

The South Coast rebels counterattacked a city, and the decaying kingdom declared that they were tempted by the evil devil, and urgently called on the nobility in the kingdom to clear the rebels.

Unfortunately, there are very few respondents. It seems that during this period of chaos, many people have felt the harbinger of the turmoil. The old aristocratic forces are thinking about preserving their strength. Not many people are willing to consume too much power at this time. In particular, the main force of the rebels has not received heavy losses. The devil hidden behind the scenes has only a variety of rumors, but no one can determine his identity.


Camp South Gate.

A sneaky figure wraps around from the side and then climbs into the room from the window.

"His priest."

The thin figure took off the cloak and immediately leaned over: "Nothing was found. The guards on the side of the warehouse were too strict, and the witch traps were arranged by the witch. I dare not rush to alarm them."

There are many rogues in the believers of Ms. Fortune.

He is the one who pretends to be in the entourage, and has been secretly trying to spy on it since he came to the camp.


Kim wore a priest's robes inlaid with pearl jewels. He heard a slight nod. "Be careful, it's always true. Although he is friendly to us, it is best not to irritate him."

"Is there a message from the temple?"

Standing behind her is a middle-aged man who looks like an ordinary follower, but in fact he is a third-order wizard.

Ms. Fortune’s followers are very broad, and there are naturally many wizards who give their faith to money. He immediately replied: “There is no clear news to pass through, but the church is secretly sending people to negotiate with the Ocean Temple.”

Five-ring spell ‘transmissions’.

After listening to his words, Kim meditated for a moment, then said: "Let them speed up, the weakness of the city of wealth may make the goddess dissatisfied with us. If you can open the route here, the prosperous trade can enhance the goddess' power and influence. ""

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded.

at this time.

Sitting in the corner, a woman who seems to be a woman, but not like a professional, is more like a businessman. The woman said: "Gold. Is it necessary to be so anxious?"

"I don't think there is much business mind in this cut throat!"

"I often go out and move around these days and find that he has put most of his manpower and resources into the broken land. These newly cultivated arable land is basically not of much value, even if it is a year of good weather, it will not earn a few. Money. It is not as good as the wealth of a ship to and from trade. If you invest all of this time in building a port terminal, I am afraid that the wealth earned in one year will be comparable to the income he has earned in the cultivated land for 20 years! ”

"In the end, he is also a short-sighted country rich man, only knowing to guard the land."

Kim turned and looked at her. It seems that the young woman’s identity is quite high, so her attitude is softer and she slowly shook her head: “Maybe it’s not that simple. A pirate king who can rise in such a short time will definitely not It's a simple character."

"Maybe he is trying to be bigger!"

Is the plot bigger?

Others could not help but feel contemplative.

What is the bigger plot? Will the land be more important than the wealth at hand?

The young woman heard the words thoughtfully, and the light could not help but light up a bit.


The Temple of the Sea.

With the sound of jingling smashing something, and then from the hall, the angry whisper of the Naga priest came: "There is no reason! This is not enough white-eyed wolf! I don't know when he joined the Fortune Church." relationship!"

Naga priests took an angry look and took a breath to calm down.

There was a strange sound coming from the side, which seemed to be coming from the sea below the temple. It was faintly saying: "Lord priest! What now?"

The Naga priest closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then opened his eyes and said: "This guy is getting harder and harder to control!"


"There must be a manpower to build a temple in the past. He has developed a small scale in the overseas islands. It is time to establish the belief of the ocean goddess there."

Under the sea water, there was a strange voice: "What about the Fortune Church? This group of guys can't handle it!"

"Agree with their request." Naga priests showed a sneer in their mouths and slowly said: "But they must pay the price! Since they want to intervene their faith in overseas islands, they must give up some of their own interests. Tell them that we must allow us to spread our faith in fishermen in coastal areas, and we will agree to expand trade in overseas islands."

Exchange of beliefs.

This is the plan of the Naga priest!

It has been difficult for the ocean church to find a breakthrough in the inland areas, and it has been trapped near the port of Terao for nearly a hundred years.

Now the requirements of the Wealth Church are also an opportunity for her. An opportunity to spread the faith to the coastal areas, she dare not raise too much conditions, but only targets those fishermen who may become believers in the ocean goddess. . As for the foundation and influence of the sea goddess after they set the foundation along the coast, that is what will be said in the future.

Rich catches can easily open a breakthrough for them.

As long as the Fortune Church has a little authority, they can lay the foundations of humanity.

As for who will gain more and influence more in the end, it is necessary to look at the strength of each other's spiritual church. For this point, the Naga priest is very confident, because as long as the ocean route is cut off, the situation of the Fortune Church is quite passive.

Thinking of this, her mouth could not help but reveal a cold smile!


Inside the dark valley.

The rich **** smell almost enveloped this land, and there were dead vampire bats everywhere, as well as those vampire servants.

The center is the body of a dark guard.

As a powerful and advanced professional, they finally died under the siege of a dense bloodsucking bat.

"how is this possible!……"

The black priest 祭 都是 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭 祭Mumbling: "How can I fail!..."

There are only five followers left in his neighborhood.

All that survived were pastors, high-level priests who were able to wear full body armor with shields and without affecting their ability to cast spells.

In this fierce strangling battle, the pastor can always be strong to the last person!


The figure of the vampire **** descended from the air, and there was a very serious burning mark on his chest, but the flesh and blood there was rapidly regenerating. At the moment, he did not have the expression of being so elegant and calm, because his half of his head seemed to be severely burned. A lot of high-level Diablo guards have fallen nearby, and there are few surviving vampire servants. The cost of relying on a group of cannon fodder to deal with the Dark Guards formed by the Legion is naturally very heavy.


The vampire **** showed a smug smile on his face, slowly saying: "The fear of the church is completely ruined here by you, even if you live back, the high priest can not let you go."

"Have you thought about it?"

"I choose to serve me! Or choose to die?"

"Now you no longer have the ability to stop me. Why do you have to be obsessed with a **** that is about to fall? You are loyal to me! You are the next chief priest, He can give you, I can also give you!"


The sound of the weapon landing.

The black priest in front of him seems to have given up the resistance ~www.readwn.com~ slowly crouching on the ground.

"Ha ha ha!"

The vampire **** smiled and smiled, and could not help but make a big laugh.

Defeating the elite of the fear church, they no longer have the ability to prevent themselves from stealing the power of fear. When the fear power is accumulated to a certain extent, then he is qualified to fear the fear!

In the dark corner of the valley.

The **** poet took back the magic flute of his palm. He was surrounded by a corpse with a deadly law, but the same thing was that they were very peaceful when they died.

He stared silently at the vampire **** in front, and his eyes seemed to be shining with strange light.




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