Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Ghost battleship

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "Abyss Dominance", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input), and tell me quietly!

Angry Sand Island.

It is the largest island within a radius of 500 kilometers, with golden beaches on all sides and a dense forest in the center. The city built by the pirate king Asrod is here. Originally there were also a lot of Aboriginal people, some similar to the Ryukyu country, but after Asrod took control of the unification of the Eastern route, it became a pirate's base camp. Compared to the rule under Sauron's cruel law, the management of the pirate king Asrod is much more chaotic, and he rarely asks if he is not rebellious.

As a result, the number of Aboriginal people near Nusha Island has become less and less, and eventually the entire city has only pirates left.

A city with only pirates is not energetic.

Here is the biggest selling place for the Eastern route. Only if you can make money, Asrode will dare to accept anything. It is rumored that even some areas of taboos dare to be involved, and there have been black and black cases. Unlike the overseas islands, the overseas archipelago route is the fastest one-month round trip. No news can be blocked for too long. However, the Eastern route takes a long time and the possibility of encountering a storm sea monster is also high. If there are not too many missing people, there will be no doubt about Asrod’s head.

The fleet of Solon assembled close to the overseas city.

He stood on the observatory and held a monocular, watching the port and the battleship ahead. He saw the pirate ship flying the flag and saw the naval warship from the Principality of Rosad.

What made him a little uneasy was that Soren found some strange warships.

Eastern warship!

Most of the Eastern pirate warships are Clippers, and Sauron has seen such warships in the past, near the port near the Death Desert. It is the site of the Eastern pirates, who are holding the land and land trade with the sand thieves. These bandits have aristocratic support behind them, and even a very powerful monastery stands behind the eastern pirates.

Eastern monk.

The monk is not a professional like a samurai. There is no shortage of lawful evil in them.

"It's an Eastern pirate!"

Sauron fell from the observatory and glanced at the fallen witch next to him. Shen Sheng said: "Astrode has been operating the Eastern route for many years. It is not surprising that I can win the Eastern Pirates! No wonder he suddenly dares to follow. I went to war. It turned out that there was another group of help besides the Rosary Principality."

The most powerful of the Rosary Principality is the heavy infantry.

The navy is their weak point. In fact, because of the existence of the ocean church, there are not many powerful navies on the entire south coast.

"Oriental pirates?"

The fallen witch Corinna glanced at the distance and whispered: "Those martial arts can't handle it."

Sauron nodded lightly: "I know."

When Sauron appeared in the face of the angry sand island, the warships opposite him also found them. As a black lacquered large warship with a Naga squad on the bow of the ship appeared, other warships also gathered toward it. The warships that Astrode summoned were actually more than Sauron. The Navy of the Principality of Rosade sent dozens of warships, as well as his pirate warships and pirate ships from the east. The number is probably close to that of Sauron, but Sauron brought in medium-sized warships, and there were some small Clippers on the opposite side.

"The Duchess of the Red Dragon was not found."

The fallen witch's palm emerged with the magic of a spell, and then it was turned into a pair of white eyes. This is the wizard's ‘thousand eyes, an observational spell.

"Brother. Let Vivienne solve them!"

The little girl looked very excited today, her face eagerly watching the front. Crisp channel: "It's just a bunch of big pieces of wood. Vivienne can kill a large piece."

Sauron reached down and held her shoulder and said: "Don't underestimate the enemy."

"There must be a caster on the opposite side. The Duchess of Red Dragon was born into an ancient warlock family. He dared to declare war with us must be somewhat certain."

Hundreds of warships are in the open sea.

The pirates screamed and gathered together. Many people felt a little nervous when the war came. It can be said that there has rarely been such a large-scale naval battle in the past 100 years.

Sauron does not understand the naval battle.

However, as the top rogue, he has a very keen observation.

Just a glance, he can find that the opposite fleet is divided into three parts. The first is the Luosad Principal Navy, which is listed as a battle formation. They are regular naval fleets and must have had corresponding training. Then there is the fleet of pirate king Asrod. These warships, like Sauron’s men, can only barely gather together to protect the two wings, and they can’t list any formations. It is estimated that the pirate king Asrod himself usually commanded a dozen warships at most, and now hundreds of scales have no way to command.

He is also a mixed race.

In the end, they are the ships of the Eastern Pirates. Their number is about ten ships, all of which are medium-sized ships. The position is not very high. It seems that there is no plan to fight for Asrod.

Soren’s fleet has only 16 warships.

The dragon battleship, the half-elf mate, the red-haired female pirate Adele-Isabella, the one-eyed dragon, the knife face, the giant, the housekeeper, the jazz, etc., these pirate leaders each led their own battleship array, surrounded by The pirate leader they left behind. Without militarized training, Sauron could only let his men distract and direct them, otherwise there would be no way to dispatch after the battle broke out. The naval battles are not marching on land. These pirates can easily fight each other after they fight.


The strange conch sound suddenly came from afar.

Sorenton's face changed slightly and shouted: "Be careful! There is movement under the sea!"

A black shadow appeared from the bottom of the sea.

A medium-sized ship flanking the Sauron Fleet trembled and suddenly fell to the bottom of the sea.

For a moment!

Others finally saw the outline of the black shadow. It was a huge sea snake with three heads. A medium-sized warship was like a toy in front of it. In the blink of an eye, it collapsed into the sea.

"Let me deal with it!"

Fallen Witch - Corinna frowned, seemingly aware that her morale was a bit low in a moment, Shen Sheng: "It is a marine behemoth! I am afraid it is a three-headed snake of Yalong!..."

Sauron reached out and stopped her, frowning and looking at the front, Shen Sheng: "No!"

Damn Naga priest.

Doesn't she say that the Naga Hais will not be involved in this battle?

The entire ocean area. In addition to the Naga Haizu, who can control the marine monsters of the Yalong species! This stupid girl is getting more and more untrustworthy!



When the three-headed sea snake smashed a warship in Sauron, the opposing pirate fleet also launched an offensive. The sailors began to fill the ammunition, and the burly pirate commandos were ready to approach the post. The frontal attack was the battleship of Asrod. The warships of the Rosary Principality and the Eastern Pirates surrounded the past from the side, and actually planned to eat the dumplings and eat Sauron.

"The greedy is not enough to swallow the elephant!"

Sauron snorted and opened his mouth with a silent roar. With his call, a huge black shadow appeared from the side of the enemy.

Mutant killer whale!

No, no.

It should now be the marine behemoth - Khakas.

The size of the killer whale that has been mutated again after receiving a little divine value from Sauron has surpassed the size of the blue whale and reached a length of nearly 50 meters. The weight exceeds 300 tons. On its back, it is a spur that is erected like a javelin. The scales that grow on it strengthen its defensive ability and allow it to withstand greater impact. It rushed into the enemy's right wing like a fierce monster, sinking a battleship in a flash, and the huge waves that picked up the nearby pirate ship.

In the face of the marine behemoth, these warships are really too small!

The cheers sounded.

The low morale has suddenly recovered, because the mutated killer whales are more oppressive than the three sea snakes lurking on the bottom of the sea.


A burst of gunfire sounded.

Sauron turned his gaze to the half-elf mate behind him. Shen said: "I will hand you here to command!"


His figure flew directly out and ran at high speed on the sea, just like running on the ground.

Step on the water!

With the effect of acceleration, Sauron can finally do this.


The center of the battlefield of the crossfire. The four sides of the sea suddenly separated to the left and right, followed by a black lacquered mast, and then [Ghost Ship] - the sorcerer broke open the sea and emerged, and the undead undead ones turned the guns. The sniper's cannon was aimed at the pirate warships on both sides. The next moment was the two ships that had sunk the enemy in an instant.

The dragon battleship sits in the middle of the town.

The one with the strongest lethality is this quasi-legendary ghost ship.

"Swinging heavy artillery!"

Sauron will point the knife. The marine grievances behind him turned the ship's cannon, and the two maneuvers were fired instantly, sinking an armed ship equipped with 36 cannons.

- "Activate life (dead features)!"

When Sauron slashed two warships in succession, the enemy also aimed the muzzle at the Ghost Ship, but did not need anyone to go to the helm. Under the will of Sauron, the Death Eater automatically changed the ghost sail. Then he summoned a mist on the sea and broke into the fog at an alarming rate. Behind them is a gunfire, and the screams of resentment after the killing is satisfied. This ship is alive and it can sail automatically according to the owner's will.

"Ready to pick up the string!"

Sauron looked at the undead undead of the team behind him. These undeaded faces bound to the ghost ship showed a sly smile, then waved heavy weapons~www.readwn.com~ ready in the fog Log in to the enemy ship. They are undead undead, and as long as the death slogans are not sunk, they will never really die, because their souls are one with the dead language.

- "Activate the cable!"

In the fog, the Deathstalker sneaked into a battleship. The cables that were all over the boat seemed to fly like snakes. They seemed to be life-like and entangled in the battleship next to them. A tough rope was swept like a snake. The enemy on the deck was strangled and then hung up.


Sauron took out the Elf Warrior, and for a moment the arrow hit the enemy who was hoisted by the activated cable. The next moment the cable was loosened and then entangled in another enemy.

The battle has just begun.

..................(Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input can), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize Now, pay attention to the WeChat public account now!) (To be continued.)


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