Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Baloyan Devil's Whip

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Naval battles are not easy.

Even for powerful casters, this kind of combat environment also makes them feel at ease.

When Sauron controlled the Ghost Ship - the Death Eater in the pirate group, the enemy's spell also locked his position, the fog slightly blocked their view, but for the powerful caster to find him is not How difficult it is. However, the next problem arises. They want to attack Soren. They must be close. The firepower of the 24 cannons is quite fierce. There is also a mutant killer whale **** nearby. Other warships are basically difficult to get close to. .

Most of the casters have flying spells, but coming over the flight means exposing the target and the support of flying spellcasting.


Vivian, who had already fallen on the Death Talker, smiled sweetly. The little girl wore a black princess dress, and she raised her hand and threw it out to remove the spell.


The sound of falling water is on the front.

With the caster level of the Vivian legendary warlock, the spells she throws out can crush these warlocks.

The flight was lifted, and the warlocks who were just about to get close to attacking Sauron all fell into the sea. Waiting for them was a big **** mouth. In the case of a high-speed fall, it was difficult for Sauron to cast spells. Show. Their feet are not flat, but the endless sea. No matter how noble the Fa, you can swim in the sea without blessing the spell. Vivienne will not give them the opportunity to cast spells. In fact, if the Duchess of Red Dragon has not yet appeared, the little girl who is eager to try has already been killed.

"A bunch of waste!"

Asrod stood on the Kraken battleship and thundered, roaring: "A ghost ship will hit you in a chaotic position! Gunfire aim! Give me all the aim! Give me to sink it!"

A piece of muzzle aimed at the location of the ghost ship.

Under the command of the pirate king Asrod, the enemy who was slightly panicked because of the ghost ship appeared. Then the nearby cannons of hundreds of doors were all aimed at the ghost ship. He actually wants to use the firepower to cover and directly sink Sauron's linguistic number, because under the attack of hundreds of cannons, even if the ghost ship can automatically change the direction of navigation, it is impossible to avoid such a dense fire network.




The dull gunfire sounded loud.

The cross-fired fire nets cover almost all the direction of the ghost ship's dodging. No matter how it changes its position, at least a dozen cannons will hit the hull.

- "Ghost snorkeling!"

Sauron’s expression was still quite calm. He looked at the front and calmly ordered: “Sneak into the sea!”

The black lacquered hull began to sink.

The Ghost Ship Talker gradually sank into the sea floor, and the sea waters on all sides surged. The undead who were killing on other pirate warships all jumped into the sea and then swam to the deck of the ghost ship.

The fog became a little thinner.

With the end of five minutes of intense firepower shooting, the pirate king Asrod had no space in front of him, only the sea covered by the fog, did not see the wreckage of any ship, and there were many bodies floating on the calm sea. All are his men. His face at this moment is quite iron, and the ghost ship in the sea itself is a rather terrible existence, and now this rather terrible existence is controlled by one person. Then the combat power it can play is even more amazing!

The battlefield opposite is also a lot quiet.

Sauron’s men were not sure about the situation. They only saw the cover guns aiming at the ghost ship, unable to determine whether the ghost ship was sunk, and whether Sauron died under such a dense fire attack.

After all, the legendary professional may not be able to withstand the intensive shooting of artillery.


The side of the sea suddenly separated.

The pirate king Asrod suddenly changed his face. Roaring: "Attack! Attack! Attack!"


Responding to them were two maneuvers, the black lacquered mast rising from the side of the sea, and the ghost ship singer once again appeared on the surface of the sea, and the fog around it became rich again. The ghost ship's figure broke into the fog. You can only see the vague imaginary shadow, and it is difficult to judge its specific position without getting close.


The pirate king Asrod's face was quite ugly, and the man dressed up next to an officer whispered: "What about the Duchess of Red Dragon? I want support? Hurry up and let them sink this ghost ship!"

The expressionless officer has been watching the changes in the battlefield.

He noticed that the pirates on the flanks of the Sauron camp had already shown signs of defeat. They are not opponents of the Nassau of the Rosary Principality. At the same time, because of the lurking three-headed sea snakes, the more dense formations have been loosened. In order to avoid the marine monsters, many warships have opened up the distance, so that the middle exposed is quite obvious. Defense hole. At this time, if a fleet is inserted like a sharp knife, it can completely cut the formation of Sauron.

"Let the Eastern pirates attack."

The expressionless burly officer glanced at Asrod and then walked towards a warlock wearing a cloak like a woman: "The ghost ship! Can you deal with it?"

A cold female voice rang and slowly said: "The legend activates life!..."

"The alchemy-reformed hull, sails, artillery, and the entire ship are all activated cables that bind the undead that died under it. This ghost ship can deal with dozens of warships!..."

"If the Duchess of the Red Dragon does not personally take the shot, we can't deal with this ghost ship!"


"There seems to be a very powerful caster on it."

The female sorcerer with a cold voice suddenly raised her brow, and then she appeared as an eagle, and said coldly: "It looks like a little girl! I will come to her!"


A pair of blood-red dragon wings are propped open.

The female warlock who has been hidden in the cloak reveals her true face. It is a young woman with good looks, at least looks quite young. She wore a silver silk robes with a lot of runes in it, and a strange scepter in her palm that looked more like a mace. From the back of her back is a pair of huge red dragon wings. The pair of dragon wings allowed her to fly easily and set off a gust of wind in the flight.

Dragon Vessel Warlock.

"Dragon wing awakening [talent ability]: The professional level 9 Dragon Warlock will further awaken the dragon's ability, at this time they will get a pair of dragon wings according to the inherited dragon blood. This pair of dragon wings can let them free in the air The ability to fly, this ability is a natural ability, activated in the transformation state, can not be removed with any spell."

The young woman fanned the dragon's wings and swelled up. Then the petite body swooped up under the action of the huge dragon wing. She raised her hand and threw a fireball, and instantly hit the deck of the Deathtalker. The Dragon Wing is her talent, so the Dragon Warlock with the Dragon Wing does not need the support of flying spells. Because they don't have to cast two spells at the same time.

"Brother is careful!"

Vivienne’s crisp children’s voice, the little girl squinted and locked in the air, her expression excited: “The Duchess of Red Dragon! You finally appeared!”

- "The power of God is now!"

The little girl's figure vacated, and as she stretched out her white hand, she had a fifteen-meter-long flame whip in her palm. This is a whip that is completely formed by flames. The high temperature burns the air, and as it appears, the temperature around it rises a lot, as if it is radiating a burning scent in all directions.

- "Ballow's whip! [French-like ability]"

Vivienne’s side face appeared like a tattoo like a tattoo. A pair of small devil wings emerged from her back, still not that she did not fully open, but it did not affect her flight ability.

"Yeah! Drink!"

The little girl sipped and raised a fifteen-meter-long flame whip. Raising his hand and pumping it to the Dragon Warlock in front, the air that the flame whip crossed was like burning. While pumping toward the enemy, there was still a trail of flame in the air.

The whistling wind hits.

The Dragon Warlock in midair empties. Then stayed at a position nearly 100 meters high, cold channel: "Dirty magician? You guys really have a relationship with the devil!..."


A sharp arrow was shot from the Death Talker and instantly hit the dragon sorcerer in front of him. However, when approaching her twenty centimeter range, an invisible energy field blocked the arrow, and the arrow was exhausted and fluttered down.

"Vivienne is careful!"

Sauron’s voice rang in the little girl’s heart, Shen Sheng said: “She is not the Duchess of Red Dragon!... The Duchess of Red Dragon has not appeared yet!...”

It’s just a nine-level dragon sorcerer.

Any Dragon Warlock can raise a professional level to level 9, you can wake up a pair of dragon wings, she is not the Duchess of Red Dragon that Sauron had seen.

The little girl who started to read the news was temporarily collected.

She waved the flame whip in the air, looked up and looked at the condescending Dragon Vessel, and licked her mouth and said coldly: "Wei Wei'an is not a evil magician!... The shameless woman who is not wearing anything is still closed. Mouth is better!..."

The whole body is stiff~www.readwn.com~ The young dragon sorcerer’s face showed an expression of anger and anger. She did not expect that this little girl actually had such a good eyesight, and even the ability of her wizard’s robes could be seen through.

"To shut up!"

The young Dragon Vessels screamed, like a real dragon, squirting a hot dragon.

Dragon Vessels vs God Warlock!

Vivian smiled and waved a roll of flames, and actually absorbed the hot dragon's breath directly. The flame burning on the bale of the Baloflame was getting hotter.

..................(Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input can), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize Now, pay attention to the WeChat public account now!) (To be continued.)


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