Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Fight against God

Sauron's figure marched in the shadows.

Behind him is a loneliness who is careful to lurk while holding a high-level stealth. Although it is very dangerous to know that such a move, Sauron still couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart and was ready to come and find out. This is his first special induction to become a demigod. Although he has just advanced to the realm of demigod, he has no special expertise to control the exemption of immunity, and has not advanced to the form of the saint, but Sauron has reached the demigod after all. field of.

Although there is not much change in the data display, the hidden immunity of the demigod is there.

In fact, his actual combat power has increased by at least 30%, because the chances of low-level spells coming into effect from now on are very low. In addition, it is almost an artifact for the rogue, and in the unlikely event of a special situation, Sauron can easily escape from the battle. This is tested by the magical goddess of powerful power. Even if the magic goddess does not use some special means, it is impossible to see the person wearing the equipment.

As for the Lolita that followed, Soren really had no way to take her.

In truth, she didn't come with the best, so that Sauron wanted to leave and wanted to stay, but couldn't stand the princess temper of Lolita. She had no choice but to come to Sauron.

Moreover, she is also a legendary combat power!

If the goal of sensing is really the **** of ‘half-elf and rogue,’ in Sauron’s memory, then she may really help Sauron’s favor.

As the two gradually progressed.

The field of vision in front gradually widened, and the underground passage turned into an open flat land with a stone pillar forest in front and could not be seen before.

Sauron is not too rashly too close!

When Sauron was ready to **** and look at the situation, a magnetically radiant female voice rang in his mind and slowly said: "It turned out to be your little one!"

"Standing in the field, don't move! This level of fighting is not something you can mix and match!"

"Be careful to lose your life."


Sauron’s figure was so stiff in the moment that there was no one around him, and basically no one could quietly approach him without his awareness. The other party sent the voice directly to his mind.

Psychic Warlock!

Suron’s mind suddenly remembered the spiritual ability field that was the first to sense. The intuition told him that this is a psionic warlock with a professional level of 30 or above.

This kind of existence is absolutely great that he can easily deal with!

Even the entire material plane has no such existence, and this level of psionic warlock can only be seen in the astral.


It seems that the whole space has shaken a bit.

Soren had just stepped back and took a step back and saw the stone pillars in front of him crashing down. Then in the dust of the sky, the straight line was about 300 meters away. A group of drows appeared in Sauron's sight.

not good!

Just a glance, Sauron, who is very familiar with the dark areas, knows that this is the standard guard of the drow's mother.

Drow Ranger, Zall Warrior, Spider Elf, Rose Priest.

"What is she going to do?"

There are many thoughts in Sauron’s mind. However, it is still impossible to guess, secretly saying: "Do you want to kill this drow mother?"

Thoughts have not been sorted out.

The next moment of change has exceeded Sauron's expectations!


A special figure appeared in midair.

No one knows when he appeared. All he could see was his arm with a silver-white metallic luster, and a life-like but metal-faced face. There was a clock-like device on his chest. When the strange metal man pressed his hand on his chest, the clock immediately stopped.

Time is frozen at this moment!

One thing that Sauron couldn't imagine happened, some unpredictable force spread, and everything in the vicinity was instantly still.

Including Sauron who is already a god!

A row of data emerges:

"Impacted by the effect!"

"The demigod field is ineffective!... It is in a state of static time!... Duration 1 second!..."


Watch nirvana!

The mechanical mirror of the watch Nirvana? !

This information made Soren feel a shock, as if it was something.


What happened next time. Already let him have no time to think so much.


"The watch nirvana has started!"

"The battle begins!...Taling 1 opens the half-faced ban!...The units are ready to fight!...There is not much time left for me!..."

The silver-white figure floated in midair.

As the clock on the chest stops, the radiance of the arcane that flows through him is dimming, as if losing some powerful magic.

The transmission of the mind has been built.

Synchronized mind communication has been communicated to the minds of all nearby combat units.

An icy mechanical sound started.

"Taling No. 1 takes over the control of the half-plane!! Open the half-face ban!! Synchronize the material plane space!... The space folds open!...Dimensional space synchronous resonance!..."

"Half-plane energy transfer!..."

"Lock the fifteen-meter range in the target space!...I found the spider god!...The half-plane space is forbidden!..."

"Alarm! Alert!"

"Unknown power field is open!...The goal is to open the field of magic!...The energy of the half-plane is consumed sharply!...The current energy consumption is 1%!...2%!......3%!..."

Time synchronization is less than one second.

The metal man’s voice almost sounded at the same time, slowly saying: “The half-face is forbidden! We have less than one hundred seconds left! Everyone is ready to enter the battle at any time!...”

Time synchronization is after one second.

It is 25 kilometers away from the battlefield. The figure of the monk stood up.

"Taling No. 2 takes over the transmission of different dimensions!..."

"Space track lock!...... Psionic node lock!... Extract the energy of the different dimension space!...Open the first-order alien transmission gate!...Coordinates x87y157!..."

An alien dimension transfer door opens.

Less than three meters away from the monk, his figure instantly leaped into the door of the Dimensional Portal, and immediately appeared in the view of Sauron, just above the drow guard. .

- "Moony style!"

The figure of the monk is turned into a shadow. Dive directly from the air.

- "Yangyan style!"

With the golden palms slamming together, the burning flames and the rushing heat waves raged out, and the huge impact swept through everything within 30 meters. The Zall Elf Guard was directly dispersed. However, among the figures that came up in the sky, there was a strange figure stiff in the place, and her body was surrounded by a distorted space, as if she had been locked in place.

- "No shadow!"

- "Cyclone!"

- "Blasting Palm!"

- "Difficult to see!"

Just like a storm-like blow, the target is not to be in the same place, but other drows nearby.

For a moment!

Centered on the shadow of the in-situ, there are no other people within 20 meters.


The figure of the monk is landing, as if standing in the same place, bursting out so many kills in just one or two seconds, even the Holy One who is the embodiment of the gods will be a huge burden.

"The monk completed the mission!"

"The target has been cleaned up!... The barbarian is ready to relay!..."


A cold voice rang again:

"Space track lock!...... Psionic node lock!... Extract the energy of the different dimension space!...Open the second dimension transfer gate!...Coordinates x57y127!..."

"The second portal is open!...delivery!..."

Unknown space.

In this huge half plane. There is a standing arcane tower. With the sound of the Taling II, two huge magic power armor disappeared on the fifth floor of the arcane tower, and then appeared on the battlefield, and quickly dispersed to the left and right positions. . However, it did not join the battle, but a posture that defended against other people.


"Space track lock!...... Psionic node lock!... Extract the energy of the different dimension space!... Open the third-order alien transfer gate!...Coordinates x37y107!..."

The straight line is 30 kilometers away.

A different dimension portal appeared in front of the barbarian, and the barbarian, already on standby, made a wild roar, followed by a burst of screams in his body, and the burly body suddenly became like a giant. . The muscles full of explosive power are so shocking!

- "Epic violent!"

The barbarian's figure passed through the alien transmission door, holding a huge battle axe in both hands, and then snarled and slammed toward the ground.

- "Cracking the ground!"

The terrible power broke out and the ground around it was completely broken. Centered on the shadow of the half-plane space, it collapsed completely within 20 meters.

The icy metal sounds: "The target goes into a floating state!"

"The target opens the power field!... Calculate the power loss of the power field!... The current attack damage is 3%!... It is expected that after thirty-three equal strength attacks, the target power field can be broken!... God's ability field shield is too powerful!..."

"Start an alternate combat plan!..."

"Taling No. 4 takes over the operational command!! Opens the tactical strike plan for the trans-plane space!..."


Unknown half plane.

At the top of the standing arcane tower ~www.readwn.com~ a half-thin and half-real figure appeared, icy road: "Taling No. 4 took over the command of the battle!..."

"Open the tactics!..."

"Synchronous calculation of the different element transfer node!...Open the space transfer gate!...Magic crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type starts charging!...The current charging progress is 10%, 20%, 30%..."

"Cross-plane spatial coordinate locking!..."

"The portal is solid!"

"Magic crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type charging is completed! ... lock the target space position! ... start cross-plane tactical blow!..."


(ps: stocks broke out. It hurts a lot. There is still a little heatstroke. I don't know how to write in this state. Today is two.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start the investment.) Recommended tickets, monthly passes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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