Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 83: Spider God - [Ross]

is her!

When other obstacles on the battlefield were cleaned up, Sauron finally saw the appearance of the imprisoned drow.

Almost for a moment, Sauron’s body could not help but tremble, and then there was a hint of fear that was not obvious. There is not much that can make him feel scared in the entire multiverse, and there seems to be only one existence in the dark area that can make Sauron feel scared!

That is - Rose!

The absolute master of the dark area, the ruler of the supreme ruler.

After the elves of the gods, today's spiders.


From the outside, the spider **** should be a very, very beautiful woman.

No matter how the outside world smeared her, she said that she looks like a big spider, but the point that can't be changed is that the spider **** used to be the **** of the elf gods. As the first wife of the main **** of the elves, she is almost more beautiful than most of the goddesses. Therefore, every person who sees the body of the spider **** at first sight will be shocked by her beautiful face. Even the form of the drow can not conceal the charm of her entry.

She is one of the two most beautiful women in the bottomless abyss!

"It is also one of the two most terrible women in the invincible abyss."

The other one is the succubus queen, which also makes Soren's terrible existence. Since the Spider God descended the Kingdom of God to the bottomless abyss, the struggle between the two terrible goddesses has not stopped. The spider **** is undoubtedly a goddess full of ambition. Her cruelty, insidiousness and viciousness are enough to make everyone feel jealous. Not to mention the succubus queen, from the peerless competing material of a demon monarch to the degraded demon **** of the bottomless abyss, she used the conspiracy to kill two generations of demon princes, which is definitely a nightmare in the hearts of many demon lords. .

Sauron’s jealousy for them is not only based on the strength of each other, but also because of their cruelty and insidiousness!

Spider God is the goddess who likes to woven conspiracy.

Do they actually want to kill the spider god? !

Sauron almost never thought about it in his mind. I am afraid that today’s battle must have failed. The spider **** cannot be killed, and her final defeat is simply because she is standing opposite the most gods. Moreover, the Holy Holocaust has not yet fully begun, even after the spider **** came to the material plane, the connection with her **** country remains. How can a **** who can mobilize the terrible power of God in China be easily killed by others? !


The effect of the watch's nirvana lasted only one second, and Soren pulled up the next Lolita in the next moment and frantically retreated toward the rear.

This assassination will only completely irritate the spider god!

Once the anger of the spider **** emerges, it is possible to stay in the pool and fish.


"Magic crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type is fully charged!"

"Lock the different dimension space doorway!... Launch countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Unknown half plane.

At the top of the Arcane Tower, a terrible energy gathers and finally turns into a purple light.

The magic energy crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type of trajectory directly cut through the air. In its trajectory range, it is an open space of the outer dimension space. The purple energy light passes through the space, and the next moment appears on the battlefield in the dark area. Then there is a real power field around the body behind the spider god. The energy light of the magical crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type collides with the power field of the spider god. The terrible force makes the whole space begin. Shake, everything around it seems to be twisted and folded.

"Taling No. 4 calculates the target god's ability field depletion!..."

"Magic crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type energy consumption progress is 90%, 80%, 70%!...... The target power field residual power is 70%, 60%, 50%!..."


"The target god's ability field drops to 30%!... It is expected to disappear after three seconds!...Juggernaut is ready to fight!..."

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

The power field of the gods opened by the spider **** gradually weakened, and the energy light of the magical crystal superconducting pulse gun iv type gradually dimmed. Just as the moment after the spider god, the power shield of the gods disappeared completely. Another portal was also opened in front of her.

"Taling No. 5 takes over the portal permission!..."

"Calculate the space track!...Open the portal!...Extract the element pool energy!...Start charging!...The charging progress is the first step of the artifact, the second order of the artifact, the third order of the artifact, the fourth order of the artifact, the artifact five Order!...The energy of the element pool is exhausted!...The charge is finished!..."


Time goes by minute.

The figure of the mixed orc sword samurai has long been waiting for dozens of kilometers. He has a strange handle in his hand, engraved with countless runes and a special silvery texture. There are no edges on this handle. But in a strange light, a powerful energy was transmitted to the gemstone in the center of the handle, and a straight-edged knife made entirely of energy emerged. The power of this strange energy blade is constantly increasing, and in the end, even the surrounding light is bent. It was like a strange streamer that trembled slightly.

"It can last for ten seconds!"

"Juggernaut!... This time the plan can be seen if you can succeed!..."

A tired metal sounds.

In the eyes of the mixed orcs, a compelling brilliance broke out, and then it turned into a streamer and rushed into the portal.


Among all the melee class professionals, there is one of the most powerful explosives.

No melee class can be stronger than Juggernaut. Only they can easily break the caster's energy protection field with a sword.

No one in the melee class is able to output the ability with the Juggernaut.

The legendary Juggernaut is one of the few who have the ability to directly kill the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, although they are still so fragile after entering the legendary field. (Note: Legendary Juggernaut still can't wear protective gear.)

A ray of light crossed the air!

- "Get angry!"

- "Weakness insight!"

The seemingly unpretentious attack contains the most deadly blow. The figure of the mixed orc Juggernaut passes through the air in an instant, and the next strange energy light blade has penetrated the body of the spider **** directly from her. The heart penetrated and left a huge hole in the body. But there is no blood in the wound, because the burning energy has evaporated everything.

Successful? !

On the battlefield, a battle was dead, and the offensive of Juggernaut was launched at the moment when the power of God was broken.

"Are we successful?"

A little with a hesitant voice sounded. The presence of legendary professional players, the target's body has no vitality can be felt in a flash.

The goal seems to have been killed by them!

But they can't believe that they have killed the legendary spider **** so easily.

Even if they planned for hundreds of years, in order to completely simulate the most smashing tactics of the Arcane Empire era, they even ventured into it!

But now, when it seems that the target is really killed, everyone present is still unbelievable.

at this time.

A cold and rushing voice suddenly sounded: "Unknown energy reaction! Unknown energy reaction!"

"The target has an unknown high energy response!..."

"The energy of the semi-plane energy is consumed sharply!... The current remaining energy is 30%, 20%, 10%!... The half-face is ineffective!...The unknown surface erosion energy appears!...The unknown variation occurs in the half-plane!... ...unknown dark energy is eroding the half plane!... The half plane is in a state of collapse!..."

"Alarm! Alert!"

"The battle plan failed!...the units are ready to retreat!..."


Time is fixed at this moment.

The spider who had lost her life suddenly opened her eyes. Her horrible divine light appeared in her shackles. It was only a moment that her broken body was quickly repaired, and eight horrible spider legs appeared behind her. . Unknown energy reflections slowly emerged, and behind the spider **** seems to open a space crack, which can see a black evil land. There are countless creatures on this land, but they are quite terrible for mortals.


A cold and cruel female voice rang, the spider **** slowly opened his eyes, and a hint of cruel smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. The wave of the hand was to twist the space around him. The figure of the orc sword saint was stiff in place, the next moment Turning into thousands of neat pieces of meat scattered, she looked down on everyone on the battlefield, smirked: "It turned out to be the embers of the Arcane Empire!"

"There are no floating cities!...Is I going to rely on these broken irons to kill me?... You are so naive!..."


The spider **** gently clenched his fist. The magic power armor of the two legendary challenge levels instantly turned into a large scrap iron.

The incomprehensible area envelopes the nearby space.

All the portals were closed in an instant, and the energy of the unknown field eroded the material world as if it were isolated into another space.

"A ridiculous space skill!"

After the spider god, there was a sneer smile on his face. He slowly said: "The only thing that is surprising is that... I thought it was all fallen!... I didn't expect there was a fish that slipped through the net!..."

"It's a tenacious vitality!..."

"The gods don't want to see your existence. But you can appear again and again!..."

After the spider **** raised his palm and gently everything, the martial art's stiff body immediately split into two pieces, a little dead and unsuccessful head landing, and then the headless body slowly fell to the ground. Rose’s face was full of sarcasm: “A mortal is a mortal after all, and can never understand the power of the gods!...”

"Time, space, matter, plane."

"As long as it is within the realm of the gods, the rules are entirely made by us!..."

Distorted space.

The barbarian suddenly made a scream of screaming. Then the next moment his burly body melted like a candle, it really melted like a candle, turning into a shocking flesh and blood.

The spider **** waved his hand in disappointment, as if it had wiped out the inconspicuous dust.

She cast her gaze to a position dozens of kilometers away. The next veiled psionic warlock was shocked, and then her face was gray, and the whole person's breath was extremely weak. Her vitality was accompanied by the power of a curse. Gradually faded. The masked woman's breathing is gradually declining, and the whole person's skin seems to have lost her vitality. Her gray face is desperately screaming and fleeing toward the rear, but she is so powerful that she is as weak as an ordinary person.

"Annoying little fly!"

The spider **** made a cold cry, and then the eyes seemed to penetrate the space, locking the existence of a certain position.

Her figure gradually blended into the distorted space, playing with the taste: "Found you!... humble little mice!...waiting for me to come!..."

The figure behind the spider **** disappeared in place.

But everything did not end, and even the entire bottomless abyss shook.

Bottomless abyss.

Magical Hell.

After the spider **** - the face of the gods.

Since the advancement of the post-Spider War, the spider **** Rose has lowered her country of God to a deeper field.

That is the bottomless abyss.

After the spider **** transferred the position of the kingdom of God to the bottomless abyss, it has become the most powerful evil spirit of the bottomless abyss, outsiders, slaughters, conspirators.

Her arrival made the whole bottomless abyss tremble!

Countless abyss demons feel jealous and uneasy, but there is no way.

Because the absolute power is enough to change the rules, no one wants to see the arrival of the spider god, but no one can expel her.

Because she is a spider **** -!


Bottomless abyss.

Along with a huge amount of divine power, this descending to the bottom of the abyss of the Godland plane ~www.readwn.com~ began a little bit of movement, the huge vibration transmitted by the plane of the plane directly transmitted the energy to the bottomless In any corner of the abyss, the sights of countless abyss demons cast their eyes on this space.

at the same time.

Inside a splendid palace.

The lazy figure of the succubus queen lies on the luxurious throne. Her eyes suddenly cast into a certain space. The look seems to have a slight change. He muttered: "What is the future of the spider after the spider god?"

"I actually moved my own kingdom position at this time!... Did she have any trouble?..."


"Maybe I should surprise her at this time!"


(ps: Two-in-one chapter. Finished this paragraph in one breath. Continue to work hard tomorrow.) (To be continued.)


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