Abyss Domination

: I haven't been jealous of you for a long time.

A lot of things lately.

I don’t have any time to take a good look at you. I don’t know if you miss the shards of the floating sect?

Very happy.

After this book, a large number of novels with similar themes appeared, which proved to be a good book in the game classification.

I hope that there will be other better similar novels.

But I don't want to see things like the Night Ranger again, because the reason why the ranking is higher than me in the recent period, some people intentionally or unintentionally ran to me to compare, many of them are also a little ridiculous comparison. I don’t know if it’s a natural face, and it’s a mocking aura. Haha.

So I asked for a monthly ticket some time ago, five days and five hundred votes, it is a kind of comeback.

I don't like anything more than anything.

Because of the breakthrough point of a creation some time ago, the story behind me really made me very cautious.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will collapse.

But I don't like being beaten by people, especially in the case of my recent bad injuries, there is always a feeling of being lifted and hitting my face. Oops.

I am very happy to see more outstanding novels on similar subjects.

I have been asked by an author to ask if I can use the framework I have conceived, the general structure, or something else. I have always said that it is possible to make more innovations. From the all-out war to the ultimate redemption, then the abyss dominates.

But I don't like being compared by people, especially in the period of my emotional downturn.

Very egg-breaking and woody.

The losses on the stocks were heavy, and the comics were also adapted because the funds were hanged, and there were many other trivial matters. I wanted to get some money from the stock, I didn't invest myself, and I ended up losing even the old one.

It seems that luck has been really bad recently...

Buddhism has been looking for breakthroughs in writing. Many plots are bolder attempts. Before you write it, you don't know if you like it or not, so sometimes the state will fluctuate.

Recently, I heard that there is software that can automatically compile the script outline outline.

It is not easy for me to feel that this kind of hand-disabled party feels mixed.


In fact, it is to say a few words to you.

There is no such thing as to know who is unhappy, and it will be much more comfortable to talk to you.

Good grades are bad.

When I wrote the final redemption, how stable are we in the science fiction station? However, a transformational float is not the same as the southeast and northwest.

The starting point has seen too many ups and downs in these years.

The road still depends on oneself, and the ups and downs of the moment are nothing. If some people really think that this can hit my face, I can only say that you are too naive.

The plot framework has been rolled out and the volume of updates will be magnified in July.

All the plans were soaked, and the old books were handed over to the country.

Whether you are willing or not, you have to be honest. This is a good thing, so I will fight for the monthly ticket in July.

Nothing else, just to prove that we are 'long guns'!

and so.

Please vote for the monthly ticket and the recommended ticket.

- Still love your buzzards. R1152

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