Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 87: God war

Dragon Covenant.

One of the most famous of the multiverse is the ability to take money!

Many people in history have acquired this ability, probably because the ability to summon top hitters is too cool, and many of them are ruined because of this. In fact, the most powerful and retaining of the highest power, that is, the Dragon City that Sauron mentioned, rarely uses this ability.

the reason is simple.

Most of the dragons are only unable to enter, and they will not spend money if they make money.

The result of this can be imagined. The more powerful the summoned dragon is, the more rewards it needs to pay. Many times the summoned dragons come from other worlds. They pat the **** and leave with remuneration. The money consumed since it was actually very amazing. This is equivalent to reducing the amount of gold reserves in the material plane. If you want to add it, you can only get it from other planes. How much has this lost in the Wizarding League's Dragon League Covenant? There is a detailed overview.

The departure of Lolillon made Sauron a little helpless, but the chaos of the camp was also famous.

Sometimes Sauron will envy them a little.

But it is just envy, Sauron can never be as arbitrary as they are, he is a person who is used to acting according to his own rules.

The psychic warlock seems to have not yet woken up.

The power of divinity does not immediately merge with her body, or the fusion requires a process, and even her innermost depth may be somewhat repulsive to be controlled by Sauron.

“The progress of divine integration is slow.”

When Sauron closes his eyes, he can feel that the divine nature he has given is transforming the woman in front of him. He can easily find out in the other person that ordinary creatures have almost no way to absorb divinity. Whether it is the mutated killer whale that was first given by the divine, or the woman in front of it, it seems that they need time for the fusion of divinity. At this time, Sauron discovered how amazing his ability to devour the divine nature in the blink of an eye. It seems that he can complete the fusion very quickly, regardless of divinity or deity. Others, even those who are gods, need a long time to integrate little by little.

This may be related to killing, or it may be other reasons.

"Since I haven't woken up yet."

Sauron looked at the psychic warlock in front of him. Gently took off the veil on her face, the pale face has gradually returned to ruddy, the face of the other face can not help but make him a little stunned.

It is not that the psychic warlock is very ugly, but she is very full of charm.

The key is not in beauty, but the face of the other side makes Soren think of the Gisyanki, and the psychic warrior in front of him has a little bit of Gisyanki character in his face. The Gisyanki people are astronomical races. Their appearance is very different from that of human beings. If you want to describe them specifically, it is that the Gisyanki people are a little 'snake face' and their ears are very sharp. And there are obvious bumps on the back spine and so on. There are many differences in the specific appearance, so Soren just took a look at her veil and can confirm that she has the blood of the Gisyanki.


Sauron's expression suddenly became dignified. He reached out and took off his woman's robes and observed the position of the other's collarbone.

There is a dark blue snake-like mark.

Sauron reached out and explored the other's chest, and then the finger touched the spine from the top of the psychic's buttocks a little bit, and it was obvious that her spine was slightly more than half a centimeter thicker than the average person. This means that she is a mixture of humans and Gisyanki, in which human descent is the majority, and only a small part of the Gisyanki lineage. Astral species are predatory. They have the potential to capture humans as slaves, so the reason for the emergence of mixed species for some reason is not ruled out.

At last.

Sauron picked up the sleeves of her wrist and saw three dark blue letters on the white wrist.

- "mss!"

The traces of the letters have been very light, or faded because of the spread of the skin. This represents a very early time for branding. Most likely during her childhood, and then gradually fade as the body grows. Sauron slowly pulled the sleeve down and looked at the psychic warrior's expression a bit complicated, muttering: "Slave?"

The brand of slaves.

It is hard for Soren to imagine such a powerful sorcerer. The identity of the past would actually be a despicable slave.

Such traces are only a blink of an eye for her, but she chose to leave the brand of slaves on her body. I am afraid there is a legendary story. Sauron basically has no good feelings for the Gisyanki. This race was once enslaved by the Demon Empire for a long time, but after they broke free from slavery, they did not become much better. Instead, they became the most dangerous predators and robbers in the astral world. The Gisyankis arrested other races as slaves and maintained brutal rule with militarized management.

It seems that all races that have been controlled by the demon will eventually be defeated by them.

And most of them played out with psionics.

This is the case for the Gisyanki, and so is the gray dwarf.


Sauron raised his hand and stroked the long hair of the psychic warlock, but suddenly he seemed to touch something, and the whole person could not help but be in the same place.


A wound on the brain.

Although not very obvious, Sauron can feel through the hair.

"Win the heart?!"

Sauron’s look was very surprised, and the expression on his face seemed a little unbelievable, muttering: “Don’t she ever be a slave to the Gisyankis!? It’s the devil who once controlled her and left the slave brand? !"

Such a wound.

This wound, which feels a little shocking even after healing, has only one kind of monster left in Sauron's knowledge, and that is only.

Because they will **** the brains of other creatures!

She was attacked by the demon.

Sauron reached into the other side of the psychic's cheek and he touched the second identical wound. Now Sauron can basically be sure that he is a devote, but he can hardly imagine a slave who has been controlled and attacked by the sorcerer. He has not become an idiot or a neuropathy. Instead, he has become a professional level. More than thirty legendary psychic warlocks.

This is really amazing!

I am afraid that the woman in front of me has a legend that does not lose to Sauron.


Sauron’s eyes were a bit complicated and a little pity.

He rarely sympathizes with others, but the woman in front of him actually makes him a little sympathetic, and there is a trace of respect in his sympathy. Be aware that adventurers challenged the Devil's Nest in those days. Because of the defeat of the battle, they were captured and captured. At that time, they were willing to commit suicide collectively and were not willing to be tempted by the brain.

Can survive in that environment, and can also go all the way to the legendary field of the peak.

Such a woman deserves Sauron to express respect!

"Leave here first."

Sauron seemed to feel some kind of energy fluctuations. After the advanced demigod field, his ability to sense energy was greatly enhanced, so he thought about it a bit and decided to leave the mind warlock first. Sauron raised her hand to help her put on the robes that had been removed, and then fastened the button on the chest, and then he took the psychic of the psychic warrior, and the whole person turned into a shadow to leave the dark area. The passage goes forward.

Elemental spar has arrived.

The devil fragments were also taken.

Sauron felt that he did not have to stay here for the time being, and the risks and benefits he suffered were completely different.


Unknown place. Half plane.

The space here is slightly vibrating, and the edge of the half-plane has collapsed. It is like the field of the Netherstorm. The earth that forms the half-plane gradually collapses and falls, and the violent energy is destroying the structure of this half-planet world. Outside the half-plane is a deep darkness, as if there is a terrible force that crosses the space to lock it.

A small world, a big world.

The collision of energy caused a crack in the space, and finally a crack was suddenly opened in the sky of the half plane, and the figure behind the spider **** slowly appeared.

"It turned out to be the nibble of the clock nirvana!"

The spider **** looked down at the world in front of him. On her back there are eight twisted spider legs that open like a wing-like skeleton. Her expression seemed a bit interesting, a little surprised, and then she smiled and said: "I thought that all of the half planes have disappeared. I can't think of one more being hidden!"

Half plane.

One of the signs of the Arcanists.

Everyone knows that Floating City has a powerful fighting power. But many people do not know that another important structure of Floating City is the half-plane.

The half-plane and the floating city are one!

The Arcanists created their own floating city, and then re-opened their own half-plane under the condition of floating city.

If this is not the case, they are not qualified to challenge the gods who are on the high!

"Let me come to an end!"

The spider **** laughed and raised his hand to the sky, followed by a half-faced sky that cracked a black lacquered crack. In the next moment, a large number of monsters emerged in the sky, and they rushed to the half-face like a torrent of torrents.

Spider-evil, demon spider. Wax melting demon, magical drow elves, abyss prayers...

Endless monsters appear in the cracks of the dark ~www.readwn.com~ At the moment they appeared, they launched a ruthless killing, frantically flocking to the arcane tower of the semi-position.

The servant of the spider god.

A scary monster from the kingdom of God!

When the kingdom of the gods locks this half-plane, a transmission channel that spans the plane of the plane is also composed of powerful power.

This is not a material plane.

The boundaries of the material plane cannot influence this, and the gods can open the portal connecting the kingdom of God directly in outer space.

This is not an ordinary battle.

When the transmission channel connecting the Abyss is opened, it has become a game!


(ps: Today's three more. This month's update will be all enlarged.) (To be continued.)


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