Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Spiritual kingdom

"Alarm! Alert!"

"Discover intruders!... discover intruders!..."

With the cold metal sound, the surface of the arcane tower immediately emerged with a translucent light curtain, followed by the figure of Taling appeared at the top of the arcane tower, the cold road: "trigger a level of combat readiness!... ...activate the Arcane Tower defense field!...Open the defensive battle plan!...The Golem Legion activates!..."


The walls on the four sides of the arcade tower suddenly sagged into it, followed by a huge footstep, and a statue of the statue of the gods came out of the interior of the arcane tower. These golems are not at all the technical level of the material plane, and the lowest level is the steel magic of the special craft. As for other diamond golems, magic power units, magic power guards, etc. are countless. The civilization of the Arcane Empire not only gives them strong melee capabilities, but also allows many Golems to possess air-to-air capabilities and various remote energy attacks.

But the final result has not changed!

The defense field of the Arcane Tower is as easy to break as an egg shell. The Golem Legion is surrounded by monsters from the cracks in the space, and then it is completely broken into broken iron.

God country.

A country that belongs to the gods. ◆

Believers will be reborn in God after their death, and most of the devout believers will become and become the aborigines of God. A small number of fanatics will become powerful spirits, and some will even be reinvented by the gods with powerful power in a similar form. Since the birth of the angels, many gods have tried to transform their mad believers into angel forms, but because the good and evil of the camp are sometimes divided into harmony.

These two are extremely similar to the shape of the angel!

Believers have near-infinite life after the birth of God. This kind of price close to eternal life makes them part of the kingdom of God, and their own life and death are completely integrated with the **** itself. Can not leave the kingdom of the gods, only in the case, they can participate in the war as the backbone of one of the gods. For any god, if he put all the peacemakers into battle. Then it means that he is ready for life and death.

a month of Sundays.

The kingdom of God is like an energy storage pool. The church develops believers in other planes. The gods screen out the good believers among them and then lead them to the kingdom of the gods. Many of these believers will become prayers and the Holy Spirit, and some will exist as ordinary reincarnations. The quality of the soul and the piety of faith determine the identity of the believer after entering the Kingdom of God. This is like a soul that has fallen to the bottomless abyss. Some people can be converted directly into higher demons, while others can only become abyss worms ( creature level 1 monsters).

Is the difference very different?

But this is the rule of the multiverse. When the power on the soul level is lost, it will be magnified by the rules of other spaces.

For example, Sauron.

If he accidentally dies, he uses his own soul purity and his own willpower. As long as the soul does not die for some reason, then turning to a higher demon is a breeze for him. Only at that time, he has forgotten too much. Any reincarnation will have lost a lot of memories. Even the believers of the gods are the same. After entering the Kingdom of God, they will only retain the faithful memory of faith, while other memories will gradually Lighten, until it disappears completely. (Remarks: Analysis of Partial Data on the Kingdom of God, vol. III.)

How many believers are there after the spider god?

She ruled the drow for quite a long time, in the tens of thousands of years of time. Every day after the spider god, new believers enter her kingdom. Perhaps these believers will consume a part of the struggle with other gods, but this total is still increasing, or it will not become a plane-like size. (Remarks: The Unknown Relationship between the Size of the Prayers and the Kingdom of God, vol. I.)

The kingdom of the gods rarely enters outsiders.

No one can really figure out what is inside. But from the perspective of the front, the power of the spiders after a long time of accumulation is quite terrible. There are not many figures of the prayers, and the heads of the demon are the black depressing demon spiders and the various monsters that have been converted by the spider god.

They are like guns that drown everything. For those creatures who consume spiders, they don’t care much.


More and more demon spiders appear, and there are other unspeakable monsters.

The line of sight passes through the cracked dimension of the sky, and a faint forest can be seen from the darkness. This forest looks like a huge spider web, with a palace like a spider.

This is the godland of Rose!

Or, this is only part of the territory of God.



"These nasty guys are really ghosts!"

The vampire **** looked at the front with a sullen look, in front of him a team of heavily armed samurai, but this is not the key to everything. The key is that one of the samurai holds in his hands a weapon that he is afraid of. Although the weapon has not been unsheathed, the sensory ability of the gods has made him feel dangerous, very dangerous!

A team of legendary samurai.

Even the weakest one is a high-ranking samurai, among whom there are high-ranking pastors of the **** of justice and certain professions that he cannot be sure.

It may be the advancement of the priesthood.

"What are they going to do? A group of people ran to the dark areas? Are you planning to purify evil here?"

The vampire **** is ready to fight at any time. There is a single hand-held hammer in the samurai in front of him, and a heavy black code in the other hand. This burly man actually gave him a lot of pressure. This is something that he rarely encountered since he was a vampire god. He can threaten his holy warrior. I am afraid it is not a simple legend.

"The Guardian of the Code, the judge, the arbiter!..."

The **** poet’s expression is also very serious. He seems to have a very serious injury and he does not know who left it. I saw him communicate directly with the soul: "It looks like a special legendary organization!... That sword is quite dangerous! I am worried that it is that thing!..."

"Not good!"

"The **** of the rogue and the half-elf has been solved by us! Our purpose has been reached! I need a little time to absorb his power!"

"We just think of ways to get rid of these annoying guys!..."


The other side.

The holy warriors looked seriously at the two people in front of them, and even if they didn't use any detective spells, they could feel the evil of the other side.

Coming to the dark area is a very risky move.

But they have reasons for not coming, so this time the lineup is quite luxurious.

Even a legendary weapon. They were brought here by them.

"Purify evil?"

Standing on the side of the team is a priesthood. His chest has the emblem of the Glorious Lord. In the past he has been active in the front line against the devil. He came here only for some special personal reasons.

At this moment, he looked at the vampire god, who seemed to know his identity. He turned his eyes slightly to the side of the holy warrior: "Vampire - Reinhardt. One of the fearful sons. In the southern part of the mainland, **** killings will be many. The innocent person became a vampire servant. He eventually became a false **** as a vampire. He has been secretly active since he founded the church, but he never stopped the evil plan. His followers have been evil everywhere. The spread of vampires has appeared in many places. It’s absolutely inseparable from him."

"Because of his existence, at least tens of thousands of people have been brutally killed!..."


The atmosphere gradually dignified.

The space around has long been locked, and the headed samurai glanced at the two enemies in front of him, then slowly pressed the palm of the hand on the black code, and said: "Evil must be judged!"

This battle is almost inevitable.

If they leave the two evil and horrible enemies like this, then their future roads will leave a loophole forever.

This is like seeing a demon raging in the mortal world, but it is indifferent to itself.


They are not without the slightest chance of winning, because this time they even brought it out.

Fifth-order artifact.

Although it has not fully repaired its power, let it reinforce it into artifact 6. But as long as the Holy Avenger is in hand, they will have a low chance of winning even against the powerful evil spirits.


"Type of Item: Holy Avengers - Kassom

Item Level:

Item Description: The Holy Avengers are the ultimate weapon of the holy warriors against evil forces! There is hardly any evil in the low plane that can counter its power. Kasumier is a legendary weapon ~www.readwn.com~ Perhaps one of the most powerful weapons of the material plane, but its source and history have been completely forgotten. This sword has the power to tremble the evil fears. Even the powerful evil spirits and demons have heard of its name. But this is not its real power, and the artifact is missing its most important part.

Equipment requirements: 14 points above the power, can only be used by the holy warriors.

Equipment effect: artifact features, magic resistance 50%. Unleash magic (three times), 15 sharp, 10 penetration. 15 toughness, 10 armor, 10 holy damage.

Artifact effect: In the case of holding this artifact, it increases the magic resistance by 50%, and any spell has a half chance of failure for the owner of the Holy Avengers.

Weapon effects: This weapon will cast a legendary intensive magical effect on the target in the event of hitting any enemy.

Weapon characteristics: This weapon can deal an additional 10 Holy damage to the target when hitting any evil enemy. ”

..................(To be continued.)


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