Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 72: Demon officer! 2nd more

A flame crossed the air. Qianlong waved the flame whip to the injured Flo devil in front of him. The other party was very agile to avoid the attack, but it was still touched by the flame whip. In a flash, the large skin burned black and then made a sound. Screaming screaming. Although the flame whip is only regarded as a magic weapon of 1, but its real combat effect can be compared with the legendary weapon, because as long as it is not completely immune to fire damage, or has amazing resistance, it is easy to be a little bit by it. Killed. The advantage of Long is the attack distance. He did not pursue it and killed the enemy because it was too chaotic on the battlefield. His biggest goal is to get to the enemy from time to time, and then always be careful behind him, not only the enemies that may appear, but also the friendly forces who have stunned their heads. No way. This is the nature of the devil, sometimes playing crazy and seeing everything cut. The devil's injury became more and more serious. When Sauron slammed its brain, the Fro demon in front of him finally screamed a commandment. A row of data comes to the forefront: kill the mid-level Flo demon! ... extract the target demon blood! ...you got 21 powers of demons! ... The current flesh can't absorb the soul energy! ... soul energy transformation! ... feedback body point killing experience! ……power enhanced! ... the creature level is upgraded to level 14! ... Devil blood is activated! ... self-advanced variation! ... shape acquisition ability! ... dominate the demon] ability to gain! ...Fireball] Increased cast level! ... burning hand] cast level upgrade! ........................ I have to say that it is too fast to upgrade in the bottomless abyss, especially on the battlefield of **** battles. Here, a demon can be pulled out as a presence, but here is just cannon fodder. . Bloody battles are the easiest place to cultivate legends, but **** battles are also the most vulnerable places to die. On the battlefield of the Abyss **** battle, the upgrade is also fast and fast, and a large number of creatures join the **** battle every day. But there are not many who can leave alive! The entire multiverse, and only the most insane mercenaries will join the **** battle. There are other demons in the advanced side of the dragon. For example, after a violent demon succeeded in killing a wounded mad war, his demon blood immediately accumulated to the limit and became a new one in the dramatic morphological mutation. Mad war. Unfortunately, it soon died under a hunting spider, just because it blocked the way forward. The mutation of ordinary demons is far more than that of Sauron, probably because they are not efficient in integrating the blood of the devil. A demon may need to kill a large number of enemies in order to get promoted, and Sauron only needs about half of them! This is the power of the soul level. The power of killing can continue to work in Sauron, or it may be due to the original soul of the gods. Specifically, it can't be clearly stated, but the degree of Solon's advancement is indeed much faster than the ordinary demons. Inside the bottomless abyss. The highly advanced demons represent pure enough souls. It seems that the soul power is more likely to evolve here. The purer the soul, the easier it is to turn into a powerful demon and devil. At some point, the Devil Lord and the Devil's Grand Council directly shape the pure soul into a high-level demon and devil. but. If you are a poor quality soul, you will not be able to destroy them instantly! .................. Long care to avoid the figure of the high-level demon. With his current strength, it is still very difficult to deal with high-end demons. I am afraid that the odds are less than 50%. He does not like to do things that are not sure. The Abyss and the Abyss Ghoul are not considered. Although these creatures also have the power of demons, they are far more than the real demons. Sauron has now made an obvious thing, that is, if he kills the devil, the power of the demon is higher. But if he kills other creatures in the bottomless abyss, there will be more killing experience on the ontology. this. He added back and forth to the body to kill one or two thousand killing experience! Although each demon is about a hundred thousand points, but the number of enemies can not be huge, it is as if Sauron has killed five or six demons. The enemy has been defeated! Long is chasing time to chase the enemy. However, he can't catch up too much. It is easy to get caught in an accident. He only kills the backward enemies on the side of the battlefield. The demon blood has accumulated to the present level. Long has felt that the breakthrough is in sight. If he succeeds in continuing to break through, he may become an elite form of progress. Because his biological level is going to be 15th. As for the more advanced leader ss, I am afraid to suppress my own morphological mutations and become legendary creatures in order to advance. This is not worthwhile! Although the fire is burning, the collar has the same ability as the legend, but there is a lot of difference in form and talent. Advanced is to change to a new starting point. While retaining the form until the leader of the ss level, it is to continue to strengthen at the original starting point. In the end, which advantage is more obvious, Sauron’s goal is not only to become a leader ss-class demons, but to become The bottomless abyss divides the demon lord of one side. In this case, the starting point of course is the higher the better! .................. The enemy eventually ran away. The Succubus Legion did not fully pursue, because their casualties were also great, and they lost so many demons. They didn’t come back for ten days and a half. The Tauren who had risen and collided with the succubus army. Both sides have a little loss, but the loss has not expanded. Under the roar of the Tauren Chieftain, many of the horrified Taurens have retired and then greeted without slamming and ran away. The relationship between the king of the Tauren - Buffy Gate and the succubus queen - Mickey is not good, it is just a question of mutual cooperation. Moreover, the relationship between the king of the Tauren and the night is unclear. This mysterious and ancient Orbis magic has always made the succubus queen jealous! King of the Werewolf - Yenogu, the succubus queen - the United States Kansett, the king of the Tauren - Buffy Gate. Among the three demon lords, the succubus queen is the strongest, but her army is not enough. The succubus is a demon from it, and it is an important asset in the bottomless abyss. The sacred queen’s army mainly relies on other Devil ~www.readwn.com~ The King of Werewolf - Yenogu's strength is not very strong, but there is an ancient Orbis demon body behind him, and he does not know what He got from it. And because he conquered the king of ghouls, he has the largest number of people in the army. After all, the undead is much easier to make! The scorpion, the ghoul, and the demon army, the king of the gnoll, Jeno, is the most repressive. After that is the king of the Tauren - Buffy Ment, its Tauren has a good fighting power, but the Tauren is never a high-yielding race. For most of these years, it was the king of the Gnolls - Yenogu. Hanging! Today is also a counterattack. This is the distribution of forces in the nearby area. I don’t know if coincidence or other demon lords are happy to see it. Let them get together, and if they have nothing to do, they will fight and fight. As for the other demon lords, the forces participating in the **** battle are in other places. .................. You did a good job! The succubus officer once again appeared in front of Sauron. The other party looked at Sauron’s chest, engraved with mysterious demon tattoos, as if with a strange charm, the succubus army’s legs were staggered, and the tongue was smashed. The corner of the mouth, in a tempting tone: "I appreciate you very much! From now on you are responsible for this piece of military camp!... If you are interested, you can come to my camp tonight, I don't mind bringing you some wonderful things. The joy!! Giggle!... The succubus officer smirked and left, and Sauron was promoted again. The nearby demons are still hostile to him, but this time it seems to be a lot less, just because of Sauron. More powerful...................(To be continued...)

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