Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 73: Devil Legion! Third

The war of the bottomless abyss is so endless.

When Sauron hadn't remembered to count the demonic army under his command the next day and added the lost force request, he heard the news of the **** explosion, but he did not have a little accident, as if he was subconscious. I feel that this is what I should be.

This attitude is really speechless!

War, war, war.

From the beginning of Sauron's arrival to the bottomless abyss, the battle he experienced has not stopped. The war of a strange attack on the king of the wolf, Yenuogu, has just ended. In the twinkling of an eye, the army of revenge has arrived. Finally defeated the army of the gnoll king - Jenogu, temporarily gaining a breath of time, in the blink of an eye, the order to let the succubus army in the entire steel fortress participate in the **** battle of the abyss. This order can't be violated at all, because the Abyss **** battle is the most important battle, and they must all participate as long as they receive the order.

No matter how many troops there are in the hand, if you dare not participate, wait for the terrible punishment!

Before dawn.

The succubus corps began to pull the cannon ash on a large scale. At this time, no matter what the quality is, even the sorcerer who just advanced is needed. In the **** battle of the bottomless abyss, it is hundreds of thousands of millions. Demon army. They have just experienced a battle, and it is impossible for them to play the main battlefield, and bring a little more cannon to make up the number of people.

This **** battle order was personally released by the Succubus Queen-McCant!

On the first floor of the Abyss, the two daughters of the Succubus Queen will personally participate in the war, and the Sisters of the Glory will lead a large demonic army to attack the **** fortress of the devil.

It is said that the devil is brewing any plots. Their task is to destroy their power before the devil's plot is completed.

The war followed one after another.

This never-ending battle doesn't know when it will end, and no one can guarantee that he can laugh all the way to the end. Whoever has the luck to use that day.

Therefore, the demon lord will not participate in the **** battle in person, because it is really dead in the **** battle!

There is no way to resurrect.

Whether it is the demon lord or the devil's duke, they rarely participate in **** battles in person, and death in **** battles is a permanent death. Any powerful existence is not willing to try this risk easily.


The huge and bloated army took two days to reach the battlefield.

There were a lot of low-level demons on the road, but soon new cannon fodder was forcibly recruited. The low-level demon under Sauron sneaked a third, but soon added a part. Even the cruel criminal law can't stop these low-level demons from escaping the idea of ​​a **** battle in the abyss. Fear makes them want to escape if they find a little chance. Not only is the demon army under Sauron's majesty, even the army of other high-level demon commanders.

Even the mid-level mad warfare is a bit languid, and it seems that there is no excitement at the beginning of the war with the king of the gnoll.

Even these comics that like to be rampant on the battlefield are not optimistic, but I can imagine how terrible the **** battle is.

The Succubus Legion arrived.

The vast army of demons gathered on a plain. In front is a majestic blood battle fortress.

The succubus queen, the king of the gnoll, the king of the Tauren, the faceless master, the undead monarch...

The army of the demon lords began to gather, and the number of demons suddenly reached a terrible scale of nearly one million, but Sauron seemed to notice a little, and this now makes him feel chilling!

The demons did not bring much supplies.

The supply of all the demon army adds up to the fact that even 200,000 people cannot guarantee it, that is to say in the next battle. The demonic army gathered here may have to die more than half!

Simply ruthless.

Even the ration of logistics supplies tells Sarow how terrible the casualties will be in the next battle.

The first day, very quiet.

But when the second came, the war broke.

The huge demon army gradually approached the **** battle fortress in front of it, and in the field of vision was a war device with a cold light. The devils are well equipped and have a large number of arsenals in Barto Hell.

The cannon fodder of the first front is a low-order undead.

The cannon fodder of the second front is a low-level demon.

The cannon fodder of the third front is the middle and low-order demons and undead.

The demon army directly put out the posture of cannonash consumption war. It is simply giving the other person a head, relying on a huge number to first consume the opponent's combat power.

Because of the two battles that have just happened, the sacred army of Sauron’s squad has suffered a serious downsizing.

So they did not participate in the first battle, and Sauron also had the opportunity to observe the enemy. After all, this time they have to deal with the insidious devil.

Many demon lords have temporarily put down hatred.

On the other side of the front, the squadrons had to cooperate with other demon lords because of the **** explosion.

Sauron thought it would be a tough siege war!

But he was wrong.

When the demon army gathered outside the **** battle fort, the scene in front of the scene was almost to subvert his past knowledge. The thick steel gate of the **** battle fortress actually opened, and then saw the devil of a team go straight out of the fortress. They are disciplined and act swiftly, waiting for the devils to think outside the **** battle fortress.

Over ten times the number difference!

The Devil's Regiment faced a dozen times more demon army, and the choices made were actually a plain field battle with the other side outside the fort!

Take one hit ten.

In the end, it gave the devils such a strong self-confidence. In the face of more than ten times the enemy, they dared to give up the strong fortress front battle! ?

It is no wonder that the demons in the **** battles are losing ground.

From Barto's hell, everyone was hit by their own territory. Just from the morale they saw, the two sides are not at all a level.

The devils have always been against the multipliers dozens of times the demon army ~www.readwn.com~ As long as they are not overwhelmed by the huge demon army, I am afraid their morale will climb up little by little!


Ten times the number of enemies can't scare them, and they're an egg. In this case, they dare to face the city, and Sauron is really worried about the next battle.

Do you want to find an opportunity to run?

With Sauron’s understanding of the devils, there is no victory in the seven or eighty percent, they will never do this.

The battle is at the touch!

However, Sauron is already looking for his own retreat. He can't affect much of this level of battle. It is not worth losing his life in the **** battle.

I am afraid that there are still a few devils who have such an idea!

.................. (To be continued.)


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