Abyss Domination

Chapter 56: Sorcerer's Ring

Sauron waited a long time beside.

It wasn't until the sorcerer's true departure that it was going to the gray dwarf's body, and they should have something worthwhile. Although the high-ranking Master did not look up, but he was a small thief and a younger sister to support, naturally the more money the better. In the future, the little girl spends a lot of money, so I have to prepare some deposits. Moreover, if you really want to let go of your money, a set of the lowest level of extraordinary equipment, you need more than 3,000 Kindler.

There are blood everywhere on the ground, and it seems that the traces are also sudden battles.

"Inner bars?"

Sauron looked at the footprints nearby and frowned and said to himself: "It seems that they are starting to be peers. I don't know why I suddenly started playing."

The footprints left by the periphery are very neat, as if a group of people are holding forward.

The footprints on the back began to change. When people ran hard and sprinted, they naturally had different footprints from walking. Soren tried to restore the original picture in the brain, and only vaguely judged that the gray dwarf suddenly launched an attack. Because there are traces of second-order warriors on the ground, they stimulate their potential in a short period of time, and sprints at an alarming rate. The speed of ordinary fighters can also reach the level of the Olympic champion.

"this is?"

Sauron reached for a piece of debris, then opened three bodies and found a gray dwarf with a chest pierced and a trace of corrosion on the wound.

"Strong acid arrow?"

Sauron carefully picked up the ring on the finger of the corpse, and showed a hint of surprise on his face. He whispered: "They also brought the prince, but they were killed in the first place!"

There is a wizard in the gray dwarf team.

However, the strength is only second-order. It is about five levels of wizards. It may be that the first thing happened suddenly. Before it came to the reaction, it was killed by the high-ranking wizard with a strong acid arrow. Sauron picked up the ring and stroked it. There was a faint spell radiance on it. The smile on his face became more and more obvious, because it was a low-order wizard's ring, which could store extra 1-2 levels of memory.

"The minimum value is 1200 Kindler!"

Sauron put away the ring and continued to rummage through the body of the Grey Dwarf Sorcerer. He secretly said: "There is no touch with the body of the line, or else he is very rich and does not care, or else there is something important. delay."

"What's the big deal happening during this time?"


"Why didn't you pay much attention to the changes at the time."

Soren quickly turned out a pocket, also a low-level pocket, although the second-level wizard is not low, but has not yet entered the ranks of local tyrants. The things inside are very mixed, and it doesn't seem to be worth much, but there is something that Sauron wants.

That is - the spell book!

The Grey Dwarf Sorcerer's Spell Book is a black, heavy book with a mysterious rune engraved on it. It won't be damaged for natural reasons and can last a long time. Sauron opened a page with a lot of symbols on it. Many of them knew each other. Because there is no basic expertise in ‘secret word recognition, he can only judge the spells copied on the basis of experience.

The first spell is ‘big tricks’.

It can double the size of a creature and increase its power by 2 points, but it will reduce the agility of 2 points.

If you have super magical expertise, this spell can also be used in local positions to make something bigger. Of course, this effect is not the result of the plot of the aborigines, but a guy who is not well-thought-out spends a lot of time, through the ability to create some super-magic expertise, but also can be used in conjunction with 'reduction'.

The second spell is the 'Arcane Missile'.

This is not necessary to explain, it is one of the most commonly used spells of the wizard, because its casting time is only one second.

The spells recorded later, one or two Sauron do not know, but most still remember, are the charm of humans, burning hands, colorful jets, mage armor, shield shield, spider web, brute force and flame arrows.

Each spell records more than a dozen sheets of paper, and of course it is not a spell to write so long.

There are a lot of patterns on it, some even three-dimensional patterns.

This is the legendary spell model. After the wizards copy the spells into the spellbooks, they will construct them through a period of time, not to say that they will be used for simple transcription. According to their talents and intelligence, the wizards need a short period of time to understand them, and then construct a spell model in their brains, and finally connect to the magic net to form a spell record. The memory of this spell model is stored in the brain, and after casting, it consumes the power that can be gathered through the magic net, and then they need to re-remember the spell model.

A simple metaphor.

The spell model made up of a wizard is like a bullet, which needs to be loaded into the spell space generated by the magic net.

This bullet was knocked out.

Then this spell model disappears, you need to re-remember it through the spellbook, unless your talent is excellent enough to not rely on notes, recall a complicated circuit board. This process of re-constructing the spell model can't be a mistake. If something goes wrong, it will lead to spell reversal. The more advanced the spell is, the more serious it will be, and it may explode your head in an instant.

In Sauron's memory, it seems that in addition to advanced arcans, not many people can re-remember spells without relying on spell books.

The Arcane Master has a lot of intelligence of 25 points, which is equivalent to a biological computer.

Ordinary people's memories, even the best wizards, are hard to reach that level, so they must carry a spell book with them.

The ability to master spells is very slow. A wizard with an intelligence of around 18 points will take half a month to learn the first one. However, after learning, the memory is much simpler. They only need to spend some time to meditate after casting, and then they can reconstruct a spell model. Therefore, the number of spells that the wizard himself learns is also limited. Generally, the high-level wizards have a lot of spells, and the low-level wizards have few spells.

Only the wizards in the legendary field have enough time and energy to collect more spells.

"this is?"

Solon touched out a special piece of paper, and when he opened it, he glanced at it and it quickly took it.

There are three tentacle signs on it.

If he remembers correctly, it should be a 'shadow black tentacle', a four-ring spell that can summon three energy tentacles to bind the enemy. The Grey Dwarf Wizard did not transcribe it into the spell book, representing that he might be only a wizard below level seven.

The value of Faye is really high!

Soren counted the things he found in the body, and the value actually reached more than 2,000 Kindlers.


Just as Sauron happily rummaged through other bodies and found out the valuable things, there was a sudden wandering in the distance. He quickly speeded up, stuffed the stuff into the newly discovered pocket, and then came to the body of the gray dwarf with the original gun.

"It turned out to be a musket of stone bullets."

He picked up an alchemy weapon and measured it. He then stuffed it into the pocket. The gun was as thick as an adult arm. www.readwn.com~ It was a polished stone bullet. It was a relatively low-level alchemy gun. Some dwarves will equip it. Because the original process, whether it is the range or the head is relatively general, the speed of launch is not fast, sometimes the power is not as strong as the tough and longbow, especially the longbow of certain human races, the effective range reaches more than 300 meters, It can penetrate a half-cm thick steel plate, just like a sniper rifle.

The craft level of this original musket is similar to that of the 18th century.

There is a better musket in the hands of Todd's gnome. Because of the physical disadvantage, this group of small creatures is very persistent in the study of alchemy.

Unfortunately, this weapon does not deal with a black dragon with a biological level of 24, and finally the entire city is destroyed under the dragon's breath.

Things are estimated to happen after one year.

The roar of the wolves is getting closer and closer, and Sauron has swept the battlefield in a hurry, approaching the road.

He doesn't want to be on a bunch of wild wolves now.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and many wild animals are starting to move. The **** smell here does not know how many carnivorous creatures will be attracted.

When Sauron left, he saw a pair of green pupils in the woods.

That is the scout of the gnoll!

They can smell the **** smell within one kilometer, and they will disperse their actions during hunting. After discovering the prey, they will summon their companions through special sounds. If they do not, they will have to deal with the wolves.

There will definitely be a carnival here tonight, or it is better to stay away from them.


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