Abyss Domination

Chapter 57: Whip girl

Awkward grassland.

Under the night, the wolves began to move, and other night creatures also emerged. In the distance, there was a faint fire, which was a ghost awakened by the energy of the dead. Around a valley, more than a dozen wildfires were suspended in the air. There have been fierce battles here, and the weathered skeleton and broken sword can still be seen today. The wildfire wanders around the unconscious wandering here. This is the restricted area for the living, even the fierce ogre will stay away from the land.

The wizards in black cloaks are getting closer, and the two poisonous spiders have turned into carrion.

This kind of usage urges spiders to exist for only half a day, and they age very quickly. When the power of the spells is exhausted, it is when they die. The wizard leaned over and took the spider's poison sac, poured some powder on it, and quickly turned into a **** water. He took out a dark red stone and walked into the valley surrounded by the wildfire. The wandering undead ignored his existence and allowed him to enter.

The valley is full of weeds, and there are many broken buildings that have been weathered very seriously.

However, it is still rare to see the magnificent magnificence. The marble columns with a diameter of one meter can be seen everywhere. These broken marble columns support a palace and eventually become ruins in battle. A group of shadows emerged, and they turned into a figure without a body, surrounded by a wizard who dared to enter the place.


The singer's mouth sings a weird syllable, not a language of any race, but more like a special secret language.

Some powerful and knowledgeable existences will create only their own language and words. If he does not teach others, others will have to work hard to understand the meaning of these words. The shadow life of a group gradually receded, and they retreated under a stone pillar, gradually disappearing on it, and vaguely visible vague cracks, as if some kind of humanoid creature was tied to a stone pillar to burn, and then the remaining ashes trace.

In the center of the valley is an altar of tens of meters in diameter.

The circular interior has been cracked, and some strange plants have grown tenaciously from the cracks. There are six rings of staggered marks on the altar. The nearby marble columns have broken and there are many traces left after the violent explosion. The only thing on the altar that is still well preserved is that there is only one statue that is very weathered and whose face is blurred. The faint image can be seen as a woman, one arm has broken, but the body still retains the characteristics of women, such as the long hair reaching the buttocks, the broken but clear Ru room, slender legs, and some kind of snake Traces of entanglement.

The wizard gently removed the cloak, revealing the pointed ears, dark skin, and the slender figure standing in front of the altar and slowly falling down.

Without the cover of the cloak, the wizard was exposed to the original.

It is a female dark elf.

She made a weird prayer in her mouth, her hands staggered across her chest, and a strange echo came from her prayers, and a little bit of light also appeared in midair.

The scarlet pupil shimmered and the wizard slowly stood up.

She gently lifted her hand and shed her robes, revealing the exquisite and delicate body wearing thin clothes. She could see that she had nothing to wear in her, and her chest was faintly raised slightly. But this is only the beginning. She pulled out a dark red snake's first whip out of thin air. She slammed out in her hand and smashed out. With the crisp sound of '啪', the snake's first whip crossed an arc. I smoked directly on her back!

The repressed screams sounded.

The clothes on the sorcerer burst instantly, and the blood marks were clearly visible on the back. The sharp thorns of the snake slashed her skin, and a trace of blood flowed down the back, and quickly penetrated the clothes. The back drops on the altar.


The sorcerer’s body trembled in place, and the pain made her face have a twist. Only the creatures in the underground world knew how painful the snake’s first whip would be in the bones!

Take a breather.

The sorcerer wheezed on the ground for a long time, and this was a little recovered.


The clear whip flapping sounded again, and the wizard slammed the snake's first whip and slammed it on his back.

Another **** mark emerged.

The **** snake's first whip fell to the ground, and the whole sorcerer shivered. The two **** whip marks on the back were staggered, and the position that was drawn was already bloody. As the pain became more and more infiltrated into the bone marrow, the witch's distorted face showed a hint of incomparable comfort. Her expression appeared a little joy. When the strength of the body gradually recovered, she did not hesitate to pick up the snake's first whip and beat again. On his back.


After a series of whistling sounds, her back was completely **** and she could not see a perfect skin.

However, her expression was more and more strange. In the end, it seemed to be like a joyful shudder. With a drop of blood falling on the altar, the faint pink light began to emerge, and the blood flowed along the nick to the altar. The broken statue of the center, the pink light shrouded here, and finally gathered into a sly figure.

It was a girl with a snake's first whip, with a delicate and delicate body. The skin of the whole body was grayish white with dark red tattoos on it, and the black hair of the hips fell from the position of the ankle to the root of the thigh. The phantoms of the two snakes entangled and eventually entangled in a slender waist to form a belt.

A little divine light emerges!

The figure of the **** the idol suddenly raised the snake's first whip and instantly fell on the wizard's body.


The sorcerer's fleshy back began to heal quickly, the torn flesh regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she made a sound of joy, deeply crouching on the ground.

"Go to the North!"

The voice full of divine echoes on the altar, and the girl holds the snake's first whip, and many pictures emerge from the air. "The land of the goddess of ice and snow. I can feel that she has been awake, and the cold winter is covering the earth."

"Her strength is getting out of control."

"Find her."

"Bring her to me, I will give you the reward you deserve!"

With a little divine light, the figure of the former girl of the **** gradually dissipated, and the wizard slowly stood up. She reached for her robes and put on her cloak. Her faint radiance in the scarlet pupils, the snake's first whip on the ground, and then turned and walked out of the valley, the shadow of the cricket still lingered here, the faint outline in the moonlight.


There was a sound of turbulent water flowing in front.

Sauron took the knives and knives and took them back to a stream.

He washed his face first and then wiped off the blood on his body, not only because love is clean, but more importantly, many creatures in the wild are very sensitive to **** smell.


He seems to have picked up the cold hair of the whole body. He rolled the scimitar in his hand~www.readwn.com~ and looked at the stone above the stream.

A dark figure stared, and the light brown pupil was very striking in the dark.

Black panther?

Sauron saw the creature that suddenly gave him a dangerous feeling. It was a cheetah-like cat, standing gracefully on a stone, and his eyes were like looking at him with humanity.

"No!" Sauron clenched the scimitar and looked around with vigilance. He secretly said: "The Bobcat?"

That is not a black panther.

It is a dark-skinned lynx, a very dangerous creature in the wild, and an adult lynx can even kill wild boars.

However, the normal Bobcats will not grow to the size of the Panthers. This is obviously not an ordinary beast. It may not even be a beast at all.

A strong figure fell on the opposite side of the creek. She wore strange costumes and painted oil on her face. She couldn't see the look under the night. She could only see the slightly pointed ears. It seemed to be a half-elf. The sudden appearance of the half-elf female reached out and took a few mouthfuls of water, then frowned and glanced at Sauron. She reached out and waved at the Bobcat above the stream, followed by a leap and more than a dozen. On the big tree far away.

The Bobcats’ light and sturdy figure followed, and looked at Sauron again before leaving.

"High-order Druid?!"

Sauron has been watching the two leave, the two sides have no exchange, can only judge the direction of the other party is just the direction he came.


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