Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 89: [Modo threat theory] 1st more

Shipwreck Bay.

In just a few days, the news about the military parade in Modo City spread.

People spoke on the spectacular scene of the day, but as the news spread, it became more and more outrageous. Some people said that they saw a super battleship with hundreds of cannons. Some people said that they saw a terrible sea monster guard on the seabed. Some people say that Modo City has raised a large group of flying dragons. All sorts of messy news is everywhere, and there are signs of getting outrageous. For example, the appearance of the drow is to let a lot of unscrupulous guys vow to claim that Sauron has a huge harem.

All of them are feminine female drow elves. He has to sleep ten nights before he can sleep.

of course.

These are actually an insignificant thing.

What really makes people feel trouble is that they don’t know what is starting to spread a concealed statement on the South Coast and surrounding areas. The full name should be called the “Modo Threat Theory”.

There are a lot of big forces behind them, even some of the Principalities in the South.

The saying has spread to many places, which has led many lords to be hostile to Sauron, and believe that the rise of Moto City may threaten their rule.

There seems to be a new round of struggle in the dark.

However, such a small matter, Sauron, will not waste too much energy. He is currently personally dealing with an important matter.

An important thing related to the gods.


He is personally welcoming the arrival of a god.


this day.

The entire city of Modo is strictly guarded, although there is nothing on the surface, but the secret guards have increased more than three times. Not only did the Modo City Guard receive the mission, but even the Half Elf Church had secret arrangements.

Because this day, Modo City is coming to a big man!


A **** came on this day.

In fact, when Sauron saw the young woman with a smile in front of him, he was incredibly full of faces. But in the end, I leaned over and expressed my respect, and slowly said: "Made in Agriculture! Modo City welcomes you!"

The incarnation of the goddess of agriculture is a young woman with a ugly appearance. The incarnation of the gods can change the appearance at will. What is really amazing is the smell of her body. It is a kind of warm, peaceful and peaceful like a spring breeze. breath. Just like the mother of the earth, even Sauron felt an unprecedented relaxation and peace in her side. This is the power left by the Mother Earth. Since the ancient **** of this powerful power has returned, the goddess of agriculture has taken over part of the priesthood.

"Don't be so nervous."

The goddess of agriculture smiled slightly, and the smile seemed to warm everything. The appearance of his ugly face was also like a pour of the country, with a purest maternal brilliance.

The power of the earth!

She combines the power of the earth with the most vitality, even the gods can not resist her vitality.

As a very young new god, the goddess of agriculture was born less than two thousand years. She spent a long time at the beginning to learn how to control her own strength, and then began to expand her field to receive her own god. It was only after the original church of the Mother Earth that developed its own agricultural church. The agricultural church has a wide range of influence throughout the plane, and is loved by the Druids. Most of the ordinary people believe in the goddess.

The annual harvest festival is for her!

Many Druids believe that the key to the balance between man and nature lies in food, as long as people can easily fill their stomachs. Then they will not arbitrarily destroy the natural environment and destroy the ecological balance near the gathering place.

Therefore, the agricultural church has the Druid power behind the Druids!

There are at least two legendary priests in the entourage behind the goddess of agriculture. A legendary level of druid. This is the foundation of the old **** church, they are responsible for protecting the incarnation of the goddess of agriculture. Because the goddess is powerful, but not good at fighting. She is more willing to promote some of the better things. Although she has mastered the priesthood, the goddess belongs to the gods.

"My mother also blessed the half-elf."

The goddess of agriculture sat down gracefully. I looked around at random and slowly said: "I feel the power of order here, and there is a new balance."

"This is a great achievement!"

The half-elves once believed in the core camp of the goddess of agriculture. Whether it is neutral or absolutely neutral, the goddess of agriculture understands that only by maintaining a neutral attitude can agricultural development be promoted in many races.

This goddess is quite good.

Because her core doctrine has only one in the past millennium, that is, 'allow everyone to fill the stomach', she hopes to reduce the world's war, disputes and killing, and maintain the balance of nature.

There have been many adventurers who follow this goddess.

Mainly because of her high affinity and good temper, unlike other gods, the mind of the goddess is as broad as the earth.

Ok. Her mind is really big!

Sauron glanced quietly and found that it was no wonder that many people were willing to follow her.

As a goddess, her chest is very broad. Even if the evil race encounters a famine, she can get the princess's pity because she always thinks that many disputes in the world are mostly because there is no way to fill her stomach. It happened. As long as everyone can eat enough, the world's disputes will be reduced, natural conflicts will be reduced, and new balances will be maintained.

She does not have much ambition, but her ideals are more noble than any god!

Only this goddess is not good at fighting, and there is no way to intervene in the struggles within many races, the alternation of power, the rules of rule!

So her core is to vigorously develop agricultural technology.

This should be the only **** in the entire multiverse that wants to climb the agricultural science tree and rely on improving productivity to change the whole world.

Sauron’s sense of the goddess is very good.

Because she is willing to personally venture into the city of Modo, it represents her attention to Sauron, and the only thing that Modo City attracts her attention is the same.

That is the fertilizer!

Agricultural production has always been limited by land. The pattern of the whole world determines that high-end agricultural technology is difficult to promote and the cost is too expensive. Just as the **** of knowledge once wanted to popularize knowledge, but soon it was hindered by all sides, churches, nobles, royals, etc. Even ordinary people refused to learn knowledge, because in a poor family, Seven or eight-year-old children are a usable workforce, and it is very unreliable to give up labor to support them.


The large-scale publication of the Enlightenment Book failed, and the energy of the God of Knowledge returned to the preservation of knowledge.

He understands that there is not enough civilization and knowledge is hard to promote.

"I foreboded a disaster."

The avatar of the goddess of agriculture looked up at Sauron, followed by a serious expression: "As a new god, you should also be aware of it! This disaster may affect the entire multiverse, and chaos and disaster often bring famine. It is conceivable that famine will make the whole world more chaotic and turbulent, and everything will be madly killed."

"The little things you found gave me a little light."

"If you can promote it, ~www.readwn.com~ may be able to slightly reduce the extent of this disaster, at the very least to ensure that many innocent people can live."

The goddess of agriculture did not say to stop the disaster, because she also felt that the ravages of the saints were irreversible!

She expects to develop agriculture in order to ensure that the famine will not spread and ultimately reduce the destruction of the world by the ravages of the saints.

This is also an important reason why she came to Modo City as a goddess.

However, if we really want to promote fertilizers, we must drastically reduce costs, and may not even have much profit. After all, the civilians responsible for heavier burdens do not have much savings.

Transported from Modo City and then spread to civilians, which involves a fairly complex network of relationships.

Sauron heard a moment of contemplation, then got up and said: "Ms. Please come with me!"

.................. (To be continued.)


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