Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 90: Visit of the goddess of agriculture! 2nd more

Holy Holocaust. ````

All that Sauron has done all the time has been to deal with it. Although the Holocaust is full of great opportunities, if possible, he hopes to reduce the disaster it brings. The arrival of the goddess of agriculture made him realize that he might be able to change a little bit of the trajectory of the world. If the output of food can really improve, then when the robbers of the saints broke out, there would not be so many people who were hungry because of famine. dead.

Even if it is just a few surviving populations, that is also very meaningful!

Therefore, Sauron came to the third largest laboratory in the city of Modo with the goddess of agriculture, which is the territory of the wizard Saruman.

As a wizard hired by Modo City, he has now officially become a member of Modo City. After witnessing the rise of Modo and Sauron, after Gloria’s advanced legendary witch, he still has no choice but to join the brain. A bit idiotic. Because of the source of wealth provided by Treasure Island, the grey robe wizard Saruman has had a very good time recently.

He has a new alchemy lab.

He had spare money to buy materials and assembled a clay golem as an assistant himself, and he also expanded the size of the apprenticeship, and some of the lower-level wizard apprentices returned from the northern zone some time ago. Nowadays he can have his own research work most of the time. If it is not that Sauron’s demand for fertilizer is getting bigger and bigger, forcing him to improve the alchemy method of manufacturing, he is expected to brew a high-level wizard. field of.

Saruman's spell talent is not high, natural intelligence is far less than the genius of Gloria, but he is very talented in alchemy.

And he seems to have obtained some interesting research results.

Saruman's laboratory is the only small alchemy factory in Modo City that is open to the public and is not so strict. In addition to the core labs where he conducts research, many spell traps are placed. Other places have daily officials from Modo City. once.

Modo City needs a caster.

Any talented person will be selected and do not need how powerful they are. As long as you can become a wizard in advance.

Alchemy labs require a large number of wizard apprentices to work.

After three expansions, Saruman’s laboratory covers nearly five acres, including incubation rooms, alchemy rooms, apprentice districts, libraries, and more.

Saruman is also perfecting his private collection!

He goes to Gloria's library every month to borrow. Then transcribe and fill your own library, and if necessary, educate the apprentices below.

When Sauron arrived. Saruman immediately got the news to meet.

When he saw Sauron accompanying him, his expression on his face was quite shocking, because with his knowledge, he couldn’t think of anyone who could let Sauron, who is a god, personally accompany him.

Then he saw the sign of the agricultural church and a woman walking in front of the team to observe it.

A lady who looks very ordinary.

But her body has some mysterious atmosphere, and Saruman seems to think of something, involuntarily stunned. There was a hint of panic on his face, and he lowered his head deeply to express humility and respect.

The Lord of the City is really getting worse!

Even the goddess of agriculture has come in person, is it for those who are troublesome?

Saruman has always thought that he is a little overkill. He is a good alchemist after all. The daily task is to make improved fertilizer, expand the scale of production, and occasionally enchant to earn extra money.

This job is relatively easy, but he always believes that he has not fully developed his talents.

But when I saw the arrival of the goddess of agriculture today, he suddenly found himself wrong, and it was a big mistake. The mistake is quite outrageous.

The incarnation of the gods came in person.

And when I came to the Moto City, I wanted to take a look at the gadgets he was responsible for. The hidden meaning is too great.

"Ms. Please!"

Sauron made an invitation, followed by a glance at the nearby Saruman.

There won't be anything unclean inside?

He always knew that Saruman was doing some special research, including the variegated plants in the rainforest. Some workers who had been transported in the past accidentally bumped into the piranha, and were directly bitten by a sharp tooth. Do not ask the pastor to display the magic of 'de-regeneration'.

There is nothing to study and study the mutated plants. Soren is afraid that Saruman will study the dark taboos and accidentally anger the goddess.

Saruman shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not touch the dark areas.

This is relieved.

As long as there is nothing dark and taboo. Then there is no problem, after all, the goddess of agriculture has been very neutral.


The goddess of agriculture slowly entered the cultivation room. Her expression looked at the mutated plant planted in amazement, and touched it with a long, slender finger.

These dangerous and dangerous plants were all honest after she appeared.

Some even sway slightly. It seems to be pleased with the goddess. She is the owner of the plant. Although she has agriculture, the goddess of agriculture can control any plant.

"Ha ha!"

The goddess of agriculture chuckled, as if it was a spring breeze, whispered: "Funny little things. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

Gently wave your hand.

The seeds fell into her palm, and the goddess of agriculture took it up, then smiled. "It's very interesting research. Maybe you will have a common topic with Karadag."

In the entourage team, a legendary druid was also surprised, and he slid slightly and bowed his head.

Many of the Druids are masters of botany!

Saruman has been studying these mutated plants all the time. They are also very dangerous and have great vitality. If they can't move by themselves, they have many levels of challenge above 5th level.

These plants can be used for defense, but they cannot be used on offense.

Sauron has been letting Saruman conduct research, and he has no intention of using his research results. Today, I don’t think that the goddess of agriculture will be interested in these plants.

The lab is very busy.

More and more farmland is being opened in Modo City, and the demand for fertilizer is increasing. The South Coast has opened up sales. Currently, fertilizer is an economic source of Moto City.

"There seems to be a little less man."

The goddess of agriculture only glanced at her eyes, and she couldn’t help but raise her brows. This man’s hand could not satisfy her request to promote new agricultural farming.

Fine farming, using fertilizer to expand production.

The agricultural temple has a good influence on the entire material plane, and the scale of promotion is obviously very large.


Sauron nodded slightly and replied: "Because the production requires a little base of the caster, so you can only use apprentices. If you want to expand the scale, you may need more people."

Speaking of this, Sauron could not help but look at the agricultural goddess in front of him.


Modo City has a natural high-quality fertilizer reserve, even if it is fully developed, it can be used for more than ten years. At that time, it is sure to be able to research alternatives, but now it is only possible to rely on manpower to accumulate production.

Since the agricultural goddess has the idea of ​​promoting new farming, it naturally needs support.

With the power of the current agricultural church, it is obviously easy to pull out a group of casters, and Sauron needs her to provide enough manpower.

"It's a very simple principle."

The legendary Druid, who has been standing in the entourage team, came out. He glanced at the alchemy device in front of him. He figured out all the principles at a glance with the legendary level of knowledge. He went to the goddess of agriculture and whispered: "Just. Need a little spellcasting ability, even if there is raw material, even Druid apprentices can complete."

Druid is also the caster ~www.readwn.com~ There are many Druid apprentices inside the agricultural temple, they can be used to replace the wizard apprentice.

"is it?"

The goddess of agriculture stood in the ground for a moment, as if thinking of the right way, smiling: "Lord Sauron. I think we should go out and talk alone, maybe there is a way to make you and me achieve a win-win situation."

Sauron nodded with a smile.

In fact, he has already guessed something, nothing more than selling fertilizer to selling raw materials.

As long as he can make money, even if he can't make money, it can be good to have a relationship with the goddess of agriculture. After all, she is behind two golden thighs, one is retired and the other is powerful.

The background of this goddess is not easy!

..................(To be continued)


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