Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Flame whip!

After two days, I started writing "What you don't know" and the monthly summary in August -



Still not valid.

The fear of the devil used nearly half of his talent-like spell ability, but without exception, all were ignored by Sauron.

Now all of its abilities are left with only natural attacks and unique to the tail stinger. The former can trigger a mandatory tough decision when hitting an enemy. The latter can cause a lasting damage and prevent the enemy from Treat yourself by conventional means. But what makes the fear of the devil feel helpless is that the other party seems to be very clear about his ability and the way he fights, and he has always been careful to keep the distance from entering the tail.


The power attribute of Sauron was completely suppressed by the other party, how could it be an idiot to fight close to distance.

In terms of strength, the high-order devil suppresses his attributes very obviously, but in addition to the power gap, the difference between the two sides in other attributes is not great. After all, Sauron is now burning.

As long as the advanced becomes an illusion, he is also among the ranks of high-level demons!


Since the property does not take advantage, then Sauron can only fight.

Fear of the magical immune fire damage, it is abolished Sauron a killer, but he also has his own advantages, then control the demonic incarnation is the level of the will of the gods, the combat power burst out of 100% or more is not difficult. More importantly, Sauron has inherited the power of fear at the level of the ontological gods, and is not sure whether it will work for the horns in front of him, but the success rate is still about half. If you can successfully influence each other, the result of the battle is hard to say.

- "Strong attack!"

In the face of Sauron's annoying harassment tactics, the fear of the devil is finally a little impatient.

It began a brave and active attack, and wanted to rely on the strength of body and strength to push Sauron into the dead end. The other person seems to be too slippery, completely different from the demons in his memory. The demons that have been encountered in the past are all rushing in. Even a powerful demon may be shackled by it, but the demon in front of him is simply playing himself, always maintaining a safe boundary. The chaos did not control his mind, and the demon in front of him was more calm than the devil in battle.


The roar of anger rang, and the horror suddenly rushed over.

Power suppression and violent attack, it has enough to grasp the attack and hit the enemy!


The ground was pierced by a chain, and Sauron flicked away in a fluttering manner, then slammed the dagger sword and slammed it over.


Sauron’s figure flew out. The corner of the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood, but the expression of the fear of the devil was also ugly, leaving an amazing wound on its shoulder, which is now slowly healing.

Regeneration ability!

As a high-end devil, it has a more powerful regenerative power than Sasolon.

It is not worthwhile to change injuries.

Soron quickly realized this, the other's ability to regenerate is higher than himself, and it is himself who can't hold back the injury.

The distance is again opened.

The demons around the Columba Arena are not holding their breath, because even the idiots can see that the Horned Owl has a distinct advantage, and its power is stronger than Soron, so that the same as the 'large creature' - Sauron I dare not touch the enemy hard. Deal with the devil. The devils are still the same enemy, only the evil spirits of the evil spirits hang a treacherous smile.

It seems that it has already guessed the final ending!

Sauron began to retreat, although occasionally able to rely on powerful techniques to counterattack, but the balance of victory seems to be leaning to the side of the devil.

The injury gradually worsened.

Even a lot of high-end demons marvel at Sauron's limits on his own strength. But it is increasingly found that Sauron can't support it for long.

Obviously, the high-level devil in front of him is aware of this.


The horns made a scream of strange screams, and once again swooped and rushed over, slamming out the chain. Shen said: "Go to hell!"


Sauron’s figure flew out.

It seems that the injury has quickly become the last straw to crush him, and he is willing to fight the enemy in one fell swoop.

But it is at this time!

Sauron suddenly stood up and turned to the high-level devil in front of him.

- "Wrap!"

The flame whip in his hand smashed out in an instant. It is easy to hit the target and entangle the other person's body. However, with the powerful power of the fear of the devil, the flame whip can not trap it, it can easily break the flame whip.


The devils of the entire Columba arena were not standing up. They looked nervously at the center of the battlefield and wanted to know - this time the counterattack of Sauron was a dying struggle or a turnaround card.

As demons, they still hope that Sauron will win!

Less than half a second.

The entanglement of the flame whip is simply unable to trap the fear of the devil.

But this half-second time is enough for Sauron. He has always shown that the enemy is weak, waiting for an appropriate counterattack time, while relying on skill to consume part of the enemy's power.

- "Fear of gaze!"

- "Fear Aura!"

Unbelievable fear power broke out, and a sudden collision occurred around the body of two people.

The devil's fear aura.

Sauron’s fear aura.

One is the talent of the middle and high-level devils, and the other is the power from fear of divinity.

The result is in the blink of an eye!

The body of the fearful demon suddenly stiffened at that moment. The Sauron in front of him seemed to suddenly become a terrible demon, letting it feel the depressive feeling of the devil, and its body involuntarily occurred in an instant. Even it can't understand for itself, why the enemy in front of it suddenly makes it have a fear of facing the devil.


Terrible eyes!

For a moment, it is even suspecting that it is facing a certain god!


The scorching sword light emerged ~www.readwn.com~ Sauron launched the dagger attack directly in the moment of the intertwining of the two figures, almost squeezing his last potential, using all the power to launch a hit without a return .

Twelve points of force.

Without leaving the slightest retreat, this attack can not kill the fear of the devil in front of him, and he is absolutely death.


A headless body fell to the ground, and the flame on Sauron suddenly exploded like an explosion. The flame whip that had been broken by the fear of the devil suddenly reconverges. It is covered with a strange burning fire, and the length directly exceeds the length. Ten meters.

- "Flame of the Flame!"

Barlow's signature ability, Sauron's ability is advanced!

..................(To be continued...)


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